Jay Smith Propaganda Destroyed by Muslim Woman Clip – Abolition Movements Speakers Corner

Fundamentalist missionary Jay Smith embarrassing himself again at Speakers Corner. The video proves beyond doubt the intellectual bankruptcy of Smith and his acolytes. They willingly lie and slander Islam to promote their religion. Particularly disgusting is the ridiculing of a poor man for not knowing a term when English is clearly not his first language. I know that all decent Christians will dissociate themselves from this cheap propaganda. Credit to Yahya Snow for exposing this wickedness.

I assume Jay Smith would endorse the New Testament teaching about slaves:

‘You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you–not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel.’

1 Peter 2:18

Categories: Christian extremism, Christianity, Islam, Islamophobia, Missionaries, Silly, Speakers Corner, Utterly idiotic

22 replies

  1. Man, what a loser!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jay Smith’s scriptures teach this:

    You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you–not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel.

    1 Peter 2:18


  3. The historic muslim slave traders also misunderstood and or flagrantly breached the teachings of their religion instead of resolutely setting about to free all their unwanted slaves.

    How would freeing a slave add anything to the paradise that believing repentance already gives to the Muslim?

    Why should this be an incentive to free a slave? No wonder they were not freed in any significant numbers.

    Who are all these nameless Muslim abolitionists anyway that the woman professor was referring to?


  4. So can any of you name one Islamic abolition movement in any of the various caliphates of Islamic history?

    Funny thing is I actually goggled it and the only ones that came up are MODERN 21st century Muslim abolition movements.

    Whats even funnier is that one of them claims that Islam did away with slavery, and yet here we are in the 21st century. Over 150 years after the kuffar actually did outlaw slavery, and Muslims are still trying to get rid of something they claim they got rid of 1000 years ago lol.


  5. Yahya Snow is becoming the boy who cried wolf – his videos show only a great eye for spin doctoring and sneaky editing, but little that can be taken seriously unless you are one of his fan boys.

    Slavery is still a hugs problem throughout the Arabian peninsula – even other muslims from bangladesh and Pakistan are being horribly enslaved.


    • Smith lied in the video and has been properly exposed by Snow.


    • No Paul the only one who lied is Yahya in his video.

      Sayyid Ahmad Khan livine in LONDON “was shocked by the strength of popular opposition to Arab Slaving”
      So a Muslim living in LONDON when it still had a NON muslim mayor was influenced by the local population opposition to ARAB Slaving.

      Next Quote is from the BBC LOL really the BBC

      Mongul Emperor Akbar forbid slavery in India. THIS IS JUST FALSE

      “The Mughals continued the slave trade.”Secondary Source Wiki, Primary source Khwajah Ni‘mat Allah, Tārīkh-i-Khān Jahānī wa makhzan-i-Afghānī, ed. S. M. Imam al-Din (Dacca: Asiatic Society of Pakistan Publication No. 4, 1960), 1: 411.

      From the 1870’s “rationlists, moderate Literalists and progressives Umah” From the 1870’s thats 5 YEARS after the US abolished slavery, and over 30 years after Europe for the most part ended Slavery.

      Another quote from the BBC “Islam forbidding slave raids” This is just FALSE

      Some facts about slavery in the last Caliphate of the Last Century.

      “Later, slave trafficking was expressly forbidden by utilizing clever technical loopholes in the application of sharia, or Islamic law, although sharia permitted slavery. For example, by the terms of the new application of sharia, those taken as slaves could not be kept a slave if they had been Muslim prior to their capture. They could also not be captured legitimately without a formal declaration of war, which could be issued only by the Sultan. As late Ottoman Sultans wished to halt slavery, they did not authorize raids for the purpose of capturing slaves, and thus making it effectively illegal to procure new slaves, although those already in slavery would remain slaves.”


  6. Evangelists looking for abolition movements on slavery in islamic history are forgetting the largest one done by the prophet Muhammad himself. He Forbade people kidnapping a free man and putting him into slavery as well as debt slavery and forced marriage

    i challenge evangelists on pauls blog to show me anything as close to this from their bible:

    I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing be upon him, say: Whoever strikes his slave without limit or slaps him, then the expiation for the sin is to emancipate him.” Muslim (sahih)

    The prophet is saying anyone who so much as slaps his slave should emancipate him.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Christians have to ignore the anti Abolitionist in the Bible:

    ‘You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you–not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel.’

    1 Peter 2:18


  8. Yah Right

    Did we not show him the two paths? He should choose the difficult path. Which one is the difficult path? The freeing of slaves. Feeding, during the time of hardship… [90:10-14]

    Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in God, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveller, the beggars, and to free the slaves… [2:177]

    The charities are to go to the poor, and the needy, and those who work to collect them, and those whose hearts have been united, and to free the slaves, and those in debt, and in the cause of God, and the traveller. A duty from God, and God is Knowledgeable, Wise. [9:60]

    OK. Show me a verse in Islamic literature that says “Buy slaves and keep them” or “Buy slaves and sell them”

    If you are unable to provide it, it means freeing is abolition in gradual phase.



  9. Intellect wrote…

    “Did we not show him the two paths? He should choose the difficult path. Which one is the difficult path? The freeing of slaves. Feeding, during the time of hardship… [90:10-14]”

    Can I get some clarification on this verse? It seems to be saying to choose the more difficult path. Is that correct?


    • Yah Right

      In Islam, God does things gradual and with strategy and not to cause any panic. When Islam was started there where a lot of slaves in the world. Slave trade was like the stock in wall street today. Any abrupt stoppage of stock in wall street can cause a serious problem to the world.

      God our creator knows abrupt stoppage of slave can cause problems to the slaves themselves because they will have no where to go, no one to take care of them, no food etc.

      And there were rival tribes fighting each other the world over and a slave can be captured by a rival who is not a Muslim and sold as slave etc.

      So, Islam initiated the abolition of slavery so that it stresses on freeing of slaves in a way that the slave cannot be captured by anyone and it is gradual process.

      So, in a nutshell, there is abolition of slavery in the Quran and Hadith by stressing on freeing slaves. It does not want to free the slave for the slave to suffer another slavery but arrangement must be made so that the slave will not be a slave again.



    • Intellect can you please clarify the verse

      Did we not show him the two paths? He should choose the difficult path. Which one is the difficult path? The freeing of slaves. Feeding, during the time of hardship… [90:10-14]”

      It seems to be saying to choose the more difficult path. Is that correct?


  10. Intellect you wrote…
    “OK. Show me a verse in Islamic literature that says “Buy slaves and keep them” or “Buy slaves and sell them”
    If you are unable to provide it, it means freeing is abolition in gradual phase.”

    My response:

    No sir that is incorrect. You need to supply verses that make BUYING AND SELLING slaves HARAM, but instead you provided verses that not only make slavery hallal but call for its continued perpetual existence.

    Freeing slaves is emancipation it is not the abolition of slavery. Since you can continue to buy or enslave more to replace the ones you free.

    But its worse than that. Since there is no prohibition on the buying, selling or procuring of slaves (through war booty) and freeing slaves becomes a means by which a Muslim earns good deeds. Then the owning slaves becomes a religious duty, if not to free some in order in order to earn said good deeds. Since three is no prohibition against selling, buying and capturing more slaves, once a pious Muslim frees said slaves he can always go out and buy or capture more.

    I’m sure this is one of the many reasons why slavery was never outlawed during the last Caliph, and persisted in Muslim countries after its demise and is now thriving under the New Caliph.


  11. “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action” (Musnad Ahmed) Prophet Muhammad’s Final sermon

    “your slaves are your brothers. Allah has put them in your care, so feed them with what you eat, clothe them with what you wear. and do not burden them beyond their capacities; but if you burden them (with an unbearable burden), then help them (by sharing their extra burden” Muslim No.4092

    Missionaries are really desperate to show that Muhammad (pBuh) was a slaver and a racist who enslaved black people and didn’t like them. As bro Ali Ataie puts it ” the typical christian critique of the prophet of Islam is superficial, surface level and one-dimensional, things are purely look at at face value and the worst possible motives are then ascribed to him”

    Islam primarily began around slaves and poor people, Zayid ibn Harith, Bilal ibn Rabah, Amr ibn Yasir and his mother were formerly slaves. so in reality if there was people who would be against slavery that was conducted by muhammad it would have been them and they didn’t nor did anyone, the captured people then eventually accepted islam out of the conduct the prophet had for slaves. This was taboo to the pagans and slaves were treated like dirt let alone property.

    Just take a look at Zayd ibn Harith, the former slave of the prophet, he was kidnapped from his family and sold into slavery and the prophet bought him took him into his house. His family several years later found where he was and went to get him. The prophet freed him and told him to reunite with his family but zayd refused and decided to live with the prophet. The prophet muhammad took him in as his adopted son.


    • Mohamed wrote…

      “Missionaries are really desperate to show that Muhammad (pBuh) was a slaver and a racist who enslaved black people and didn’t like them.”

      My response: No not desperate at all to show that. The qran and Sunna does all the work for us. lol


  12. @ Yah Right (I assume you’re Robert?)

    Look, this is really about how one does history and apologetics. Folk like Jay set Christians up to stumble in dialogues with Atheists and the like. These folk effectively teach a revisionism of history with evangelical tinted glasses.

    It’s not helpful to send a young Christian out in the real world believing Christians abolished slavery – I am alluding to the overstated claims about Wilberforce and his backers.

    What happens when that young Christian is told that the major reason for abolition was economic – due to the changes in the trade dynamics, industrial revolution and slave revolts on the colonies. They had no need for slavery – the Slavery Project teaches these basic facts of history.

    And what happens when that young Christian finds out folk like William Pitt weren’t believed to be Christian yet seeemed vehemently sympathetic to slaves and other non-Christians were influential such as Thomas Paine (in his case, in America). What happens when they are told, in all likelihood, Wilberforce was anti-slavery before he converted to Christianity in 1784.

    And what about the pro-slavery lobby; what happens when they are shown pamphlets from the 1790s clearly using the BIBLE to support slavery?

    Evangelicals are setting these people to stumble. Perhpas these people will stumble so much so that they lose their faith in God? Trust me, a graceless Atheist who knows these things will literally tear that person down.

    It’s better to do history honestly and maturely.

    As the Mughal Emperor being mentioned on the BBC website- the BBC is well reputed still when it cmes to basic education however that fact is even mentioned by SOAS’ William G Clarence Smith.

    Incidentally he does away with this narrative that Muslims abolished slavery due to Western pressure – the narrative certain evnagelical groups put out there.

    Look, both Dr Mattson and Clarence-Smith have mentioned abolition movements- Clarence-Smith talks about kovements in the 1870s, how about you look into their names and what have you? He does mention other names – you can look into these. Having said that, I doubt there has been many studies on these matters – studies which would require expertise in Eastern languages – I guess that’s one of the reasons why many aren’t named but just alluded to.



  13. Islam is nonsense. The Koran is a totally boring, illogical, cruel text


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