Bart Ehrman at Fresno City College

Published on 20 Apr 2016
Bart Ehrman, UNC-Chapel Hill Professor of Religious Studies, discusses his work with Fresno City College philosophy instructor, Wendell Stephenson on February 18, 2016. About an hour of discussion, mainly concerning Ehrman’s book, How Jesus Became God. Then the floor is opened to Q&A from the audience. This discussion was the second Ehrman event held by the FCC Campus Community Colloquium and the FCC Speakers Forum.

Categories: Bible, Biblical scholarship, Christianity, God, History

3 replies

  1. What Bart has proven is how little most know about the New Testament and how complicit so many are in promoting his work without offering a balanced, opposing point of view. I suppose exposing flaws in his reasoning and logic and revealing his ignorance in sound systematic theology isn’t pleasing to his fan base. However, if indeed it is truth above all that he wants to learn and to pursue, as he has stated many times, he will be grateful for every correction.


  2. “…over 90% of the NT is rather well established in regard to its original text, and none of the remaining 10% provides us with data that could lead to any shocking revisions of the Christian credo or doctrine. It is at the very least disingenuous to suggest it does, if not deliberately provocative to say otherwise”.

    Bruce Manning Metzger
    American biblical scholar
    and textual critic,
    professor at Princeton Theological Seminary

    “Metzger was my teacher, and I agree with his statement.” Ehrman


  3. Contradictions fill the statements of honored scholars


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