63 replies

  1. lo so much for a so called radicalized Muslim infected by Isis nonsense..lol… the story became more sour as it unfolded where media became a little dumbfounded to know not only was he gay but a drug alcohol drinking party goer that visited the club freqently…furthermore no evidence linked to isis or even influenced by their poison ideology . just shows further this event had nothing to with islam in any sense as falsely conjectured by few here and elsewhere…

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    • Omar

      “so much for a so called radicalized Muslim infected by Isis nonsense”

      These are not mutually exclusive possibilities. Mateen could well have been completely gay, then come under the influence of radical thinking and then thought that he could cleanse his “sin” by performing jihad and becoming a martyr…..and BOOM! Straight to heaven.

      Besides, he did pledge allegiance to ISIS.


    • No evidence of that. The IS thing was just window dressing.


    • Paul Wrote…”No evidence of that. The IS thing was just window dressing. ”

      My response: Yah no evidence except his call to 911 oh and his FB post that Saturday morning….

      “I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me,” Mateen wrote in one post early Sunday morning. “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west” …“You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes..now taste the Islamic state vengeance.”


  2. His presence inside the venue doesn’t automatically mean he was gay (though via religious indoctrination gays often experience self-loathing, which can manifest itself in tragic ways).


  3. D might be completely gay, then then come under the influence of radical evangelical thinking (Ken Temple mastermind?) and then turn his self-hate against Muslims. and BOOM! straight to “Blogging Theology”…

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  4. If he was indeed gay then my earlier point stands. Religion tells people who are gay that they are sinful. He may well have grown to resent himself and lashed out. His being gay is not the problem.


    • Christianity may tell them that as it is obsessed with sin. But Muslims who are gay (like me) do not go around killing people

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    • Abu Dawud 4448, Quaran 7:80:84, to name but two positions within Islam that suggest homosexuality should be punished. Verse 7:80:81 can be interpreted to support this.

      The man who carried out this attack is unlikely to have killed so many people, least of all people he might have identified with, without some other influence beyond being gay.


    • He was a very angry mentally ill person who had easy access to guns. Happens in the US all the time though not on this scale.
      The IS thing is probably irrelevant. Obama and FBI labelled it a terrorist attack way too soon before all facts were known.
      Turns out the killer was a regular member of the club drank alcohol all the time and went to pick up men there.

      Watch this interview with the club owner:



    • The IS thing should be irrelevant, but then again his actions didn’t happen in a vacuum. There are of course other aspects (US gun laws are a joke, why they don’t realise this by now is beyond me), but it is dangerous to turn a blind eye to indoctrination. The shooter’s father may have had a role to play in his son’s actions http://www.cbsnews.com/news/orlando-shooting-omar-mateen-father-seddique-mateen-taliban-god-punish-gays/

      Whether a terror attack or a hate crime, as I said, this didn’t happen in a vacuum.


    • I refer you back to mine.


    • Nobody said it was besides why do you keep saying ‘religion’ as if that is some monolithic term? Diversity like in all walks of life is a reality same for ‘religion’.

      Remember my previous comment to you about this issue on how religion generally can be described as simply what one believes and does? Naturally this means that it can be understood in inumerable ways and also reflect ones environment. However the point is that this mans actions were not the result of a devout Muslim. We need to remember.

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    • I believe I’ve pointed out more than once myself that there are multiple interpretations of multiple religious beliefs – but whilst it is understandable those of faith want to distance themselves from the actions like those of the other day, it is dangerously dishonest to cast aside the religiously-motivated aspects. To the shooter (and anyone else who has carried out acts of violence in the name of their beliefs) they ARE devout (and would argue you are not).


    • The shooter was devout l?! LOL

      According to testimony from customers at the club which I have seen on the BBC news website, he was an alcohol drinking promiscuous homosexual who tried to pick up men in the club. I have not seen any evidence whatsoever that he even practiced Islam.

      The attackers in Paris were also drug takers and petty criminals, hardly conservative Muslim types.


    • Like I said, to them, they are devout. To the ones who ran the Taliban, to those who are in IS, they are the true faithful. I never said they WERE devout, but to them they are.


    • No that is your fantasy. You have zero evidence he was devout. His actions indicate otherwise.


    • That’s what he and anyone else who kills in God’s name believes. You may not like it, but that is the truth. Those who are righteous are after all, never wrong.


    • Do you think there are no gay secular atheist mass murderers? What’s their problem then? Being secular atheist?


    • How many such mass murders are committed in the name of atheism compared to the name of religion (or political agendas, or cultural values)?


    • Stalin massacred thousands of priests and nuns


    • And as I mentioned to you in a previous post, Islam has a history of violence, and you yourself mentioned Christian-on-Christian violence throughout Europe.


    • How many such mass murders are committed in the name of “theism”?

      There are no terrorist mass murderers rooted in secular atheist ideology? Seriously?
      Is that the world you live in? Atheism is that sinless pristine philosophical concept of the “good guys”? You probably watched too many hollywood movies.


  5. “The IS thing was just window dressing.” Lol lol 😅


  6. Burhan, never claimed Innocence for anyone and everyone who is not religious. Making that argument rather ignores what I said.


    • You seem to claim that being “religious” makes someone more likely a mass murderer than being an atheist.

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    • Not at all. However, look at history. What has caused more bloodshed?


    • In the time they are around, secular ideologies have done a pretty good job at slaughtering people, don’t you think?

      Not sure what you are saying. What about this childish “you spilt more blood than I did” – thing?

      It’s not the about the quantity.
      The Quran is crystal clear in condemning murder: If you murder only one human being, it is as bad as if you murder all of mankind.

      In cases of mass murder being “Muslim” cannot be the problem.

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    • I’m no more turning this into a contest than you are.

      However, to deny a problem is to refuse to address it. Organised religions have historically been violent. Violence is still committed in their name even now.

      However, I wish to clarify something here. I don’t regard religion as being fundamentally bad. Some religions have aspects that can be interpreted as condoning some heinous behaviour. Some aspects applaud ignorance (Young Earth Creationism). However these same religions will often preach the importance of loving others, of finding peace and showing respect for life.

      It is this aspect that needs to ‘win’ (for lack of a better expression).


  7. Atheism this century alone has caused more bloodshed than all other centuries combined. Try to see how many here you can blame on “religion”


    And those historic wars you are referencing; almost all of them have been wars over power and wealth. Its just modern revisionism to blame everything on “religion.”

    Those wars happened in spite of religion; just like this dude would go to gay bars at 2 o’clock at night during Ramadan. He would do that in spite of his religion.

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    • Could it not be said it was a desire for power, rather than atheism, that was responsible for wars in ‘atheism’s’ name? Will you apply that same standard of thinking evenly?


  8. If i just could offer some of my own reflections here: As more details have emerged about the perpertrator, i think that personal and mental inbalance in his life clearly played a role in his decision. From neighbour, to classmates and other individuals who at some point meet him he was described as confused, akward in social contexts and abusive towards his wife.

    If that also points to someone who suffers from inferiority complex, then naturally he finds in ultra-conservative salafism an aggressive worldview to give him a sense of personal empowerment. According to an FBI sources, a couple of years ago he was sitting with a group of co-workers bragging about family connections to Al-qaeda and strangely Hezbollah (a shia militant group), and how he hoped those connections could provoke an FBI raid on his family to make him a martyr.

    Here someone then who makes up fictive family connections to terrorist groups just for the sake of authorities to come and get him to make him a martyr.

    I think this was clearly a case of a mental person.

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    • ‘If that also points to someone who suffers from inferiority complex, then naturally he finds in ultra-conservative salafism an aggressive worldview to give him a sense of personal empowerment.’



  9. Why, after every so-called “terrorist attack”, mainstream media outlets bring on non-Muslims to discuss issues (allegedly) related to Islam?

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  10. Damn! For a gay muslim, he had two wives! And Y’all can’t can’t get one!


  11. I am sorry to hear that 😦


  12. I think this news may end up making Owen Jones look a bit premature but I found Owen Jones’ walking off Sky News, because they were minimising the possibility it was a hate crime against homosexuals, quite alarming.

    Alarming in that Muslim speakers in the media haven’t been as daring as him for the Muslim cause. Where are the Muslim speakers bold enough to do that – and do that – when somebody is being linked to Islamic extremism with tenuous links at best (as in the case of the Orlando shooter). Really, sometimes a good walk off will do more than you trying to get a word in edge-ways (it will certainly do more than rattling off platitudes whilst cowering in the defensive position hoping nobody in the studio says something difficult for you)

    Here’s the clip featuring Owen ( a left wing journalist who does a lot to stand up against Islamophobia)

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  13. I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, who is in a celebratory mood at the possibility that the latest Muslim Jihadi was a homosexual. But a gay Muslim is still a Muslim.

    Isn’t that right Paul?

    The only difference between this gay Muslim and Paul Williams is that he (the gay Muslim) repented of his sins and obeyed his Caliph.

    Which begs the question, when are you going to repent Paul?


  14. I get the feeling he is a satanist.

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    • No I’m not a Muslim Paul I’m a Christian.
      I just find it funny that you all are doing your little happy dance with the possibility the murderer was gay when all that does is demonstrate he was doubly depraved. First for being a Muslim and second for being a homosexual.


    • Thank you Robert Wells aka Radical Moderate


  15. If he is gay this now begs the question about the virgins? What kind of virgins does this shaheed get? Any idea’s?


  16. Paul you talking to me or to Burhanuddin1 and his potty mouth? Or both?


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