Inshallah, I will be giving a talk at Regent’s Park Mosque next Saturday on giving dawah to Christians.

Inshallah, I will be giving a talk at Regent’s Park Mosque next Saturday on giving dawah to Christians. Everyone (Muslim and non-Muslim) is welcome to attend. For details see below.


Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 23.21.08


Categories: Christianity, Islam, London

56 replies

  1. 1. Find liberal arguments (even better if they are from Christians)
    2. Push liberal arguments as nauseum
    3. Ignore the inconsistency of applying said arguments to Islam.
    4. Dodge any questions regarding Islamic problems.
    5. Repeat 1-4 every three to six months as needed.

    How’s that for a talk summary?

    Obviously I’m just being silly. All the best with your talk.


    • Lassie’s response:

      1. Blindly accept any arguments from “conservatives” who confirm Christianity due to their preconceived notions and reject any argument that questions Christianity as “liberal”.

      2. Push conservative arguments ad nauseum.

      3. When #1 and #2 don’t work, deflect to Islam to save yourself the embarrassment.

      4. Dodge any questions about Christianity by continuously deflecting to Islam.

      5. When all else fails, bark like a dog and then run away with your tail between your legs.

      How’s that for a summary?

      Obviously, I’m being serious. This is how it is with missionaries! 😉

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Faiz.

      Good to see that you’re still running around looking for table scraps to feed on.

      I’m glad I could pass you some scraps to keep your hunger for attention active.

      Please just be careful- rat poison can be very dangerous for rodents like yourself. I suggest you stick to the gutters and sewerage systems where you are most at home.

      Now, I wouldn’t want to ‘deflect’ to Islam in case you need to be consistent. It’s a bit like cheese, right? Draws you in and then decapitates your life blood. Perhaps if you were consistent these types of tragedies would be avoidable?

      Anyway, take care and pass my regards onto your fellow sewer rats and now go ahead and have the last word like all good rats like to do.

      BTW you never answered whether your obsession with canines come from the sunnah of your prophet slaughtering my fellow canines in Mecca? Maybe he was secretly attracted to animals?


    • Paulus you forgot. When all else fails scream like a banshee at the top of your lungs the following…

      “Why does your God kill babies” over and over and over again for at least 30 min.

      Liked by 1 person

    • This is a good idea! Christians in my experience never give a satisfactory answer to the question why Jesus commanded the killing of children and babies in 1 Samuel 15.


    • Yah Paul you run with that lol

      Liked by 1 person

    • Naa it really doesn’t. But hey you should also bring that video of you screaming away at Dr Wood to show them just how it works.


    • lol yes it does. Wood couldn’t answer it either!


    • Funny you equate “not answering a fool by his folly” to be the same as not having an answer. LOL

      BTW what you fail to answer what every Muslim fails to answer is the following.

      1. You say you are a submitter to God but yet you would not submit to God ordering you to kill babies?
      2. Why can’t God the creator of life and death itself order his creatures to take those lives he so rightly owns?


    • Paul Williams

      “This is a good idea! Christians in my experience never give a satisfactory answer to the question why Jesus commanded the killing of children and babies in 1 Samuel 15.”

      Only charlatan’s claim to know or understand all of the reasons behind god’s commands or his thinking.

      the key here is that christians are not called to kill, neither is the command open-ended. We are not called to fight unbelievers, force our religion on others or conquer in the name of our religion. 1 Samuel 15 is for a people who lived at a different time.


    • but it is the same God no?


    • Paul why won’t you answer?
      Why wouldn’t you kill babies if God ordered you too?

      Why can’t God in order to demonstrate his wrath, order his people to kill the babies of those who are brought under his wrath?


    • If I thought God was telling me to kill babies I would doubt my sanity and refuse to do it.

      What crime or sin had the babies in 1 Samuel 15 committed to deserve death?


    • So you would refuse GOD? So much for you being a “SUBMITTER”.
      I guess you only submit to God when he conforms to you.

      You asked what Sin did the babies commit? Why would they have to commit a sin for God to order them to be killed? He is the owner of LIFE and DEATH. Well my God is your god evidently not so much.


    • But 1 Samuel 15 says the children were being punished no? What for?


    • Paul the very chapter you sight gives you the answer…

      Yes they were punished, for the reason it states.

      “‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt.”

      You do realize that the adult Amalikites where not the same Amalekites who “waylaid them as they came up from Egypt.”

      Again Paul, I ask you why would the creator and owner of life itself need a reason other than what he gave to order those who’s lives he posses from taking the lives of those who’s lives he posses?


    • so you believe that God punished people for the crimes and sins of their ancestors 300 years before?

      As to your question, in Christian belief God is Love. How is the targeted execution of babies loving? Explain.


    • Paul are you ever going to answer the simple questions I have asked you?


    • This is great. Paul has almost exactly stuck to the program I have him. He has brought back 1 Sam 15 again for the hundredth time and is now refuses to be consistent with Islam and trying to dodge any questions posed to him.

      Paul, I think I summarised your motif exceptionally.


    • you have done a wonderful job – as aways Paulus


    • Paul I will clue you in since you seem to be clueless.
      Your argument against God doing anything is that YOU “oh man” judge God. So ultimately what right do you have “oh man” to judge God?

      If you can judge God based on what you think is right or wrong then what does that say about your view of God?

      So I ask you what right and on what basis do you Judge God? Why is it wrong or immoral for God to order his creatures who’s lives he posses to kill his creatures who’s lives he posses, whether infant, toddler, teenager, or adult male or female?


    • Dude you just don’t get it. Christians believe in a god of love and compassion yet he is believed to have ordered the slaughter of an untold number of babies. If this verse was in the Quran you would accuse Islam of being barbaric and evil. But because it is in your Bible you try to justify genocide. SICK!


    • Paul wrote…

      “If this verse was in the Quran you would accuse Islam of being barbaric and evil. But because it is in your Bible you try to justify genocide. SICK! ”

      So now I think I get it. It’s what Christians may or may not say that is your source of what is Moral and Immoral, or right and wrong.

      Paul this is an amazing admission, not only do you hold Christians to a higher standard than you do Muslims, but it seems that Christians are your standard by which you judge allah.

      So Paul why do you need allah then?


    • Robert

      try and focus. I have exposed your hypocrisy and double standards. That is why you are such a poor Christian apologist.

      You believe in a god of “love” and compassion yet you believe he ordered the slaughter of an untold number of babies.

      As I said, If this verse was in the Quran you would accuse Islam of being barbaric and evil. But because it is in your Bible you try to justify genocide. SICK! There is no such command in the Quran only in the Bible.



    • Paul so far the only thing you have done is judge god based on the following standards.

      1. Your own perception of reality.
      2. What Christians may or may not say about allah.

      And this is why you are such a poor “Dawah Carrier”.

      So again I ask you if you your own perception of reality and what Christians may or may not say bout allah, the quran, or Islam is your basis for what is Moral and Immoral, for what is right and wrong, for what is good and evil. Then WHY do you need allah?


    • I’m not surprised you run away from the challenge. It is a fact which even you cannot deny that Christians believe that God is Love. Now please explain what is living about deliberately targeting children for killing.


    • Paul what challenge have I run away from? The only one who is running is you. running away from this question.

      If you your own perception of reality and what Christians may or may not say bout allah, the quran, or Islam is your basis for what is Moral and Immoral, for what is right and wrong, for what is good and evil. Then WHY do you need allah?


    • Lol run run run away……from Jesus killing babies


    • LOL well looks like I hit the impenetrable wall of Paul Williams stiff neck.
      Well it was fun chasing you around your blog. LOL

      Until next time Paul


    • Lol if there is a next time. You always run away…


  2. Thanks for the tips Paulus. I’ll use them all in my talk.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would wish you luck Brother Paul, but you don’t need it. I’ve seen you get down at Speakers corner;just take it easy on my Christian

      Liked by 3 people

  3. *;)


  4. I’ll help you a bit 😉 You can mention somewhere the speech of Ja’far, it would be very relevant to this topic I think

    The Speech of Ja’far

    When persecution of the Muslims at the hands of the Quraysh intensified in Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad advised a number of his companions to seek refuge in Abyssinia. While there, the Quraysh sent an envoy to the ruling Negus of Abyssinia, demanding the return of these “renegades”. The Negus summoned the Muslim refugees and asked them to explain their way of life. The Muslim spokesperson was none other than Ja’far ibn Abi Talib, the cousin of the Prophet and his esteemed companion. Given the opportunity to summarize the entire religion of Islam into a few short sentences, Ja’far said:

    “O Noble King! Verily, we were a backward people in a state of ignorance, engaged in idolatry, consuming carrion, committing acts of sexual indecency, severing the ties of kinship, and mistreating our neighbours, while the powerful amongst us would subjugate the weak. And we remained in that state until God sent to us a messenger from amongst us, whose nobility, honesty, sincerity and dignity were well known to us. So he called upon us to build our relationship with God, to worship Him alone and to abandon the worship of stones and idols. And he enjoined upon us honesty in speech, fulfilling our agreements and trusts, building family ties, treating our neighbours and community with excellence, and refraining from any form of sin or bloodshed. And he forbade us from sexual immorality, false testimony, exploiting the wealth of orphans, slandering chaste women, and he instructed us to worship God alone without associating any partners with Him. And he enjoined upon us prayer, fasting, and charity to the poor.“

    After enumerating the teachings of Islam he continued, “So our people transgressed against us, punished us, and persecuted us for our religion in order to coerce us back to idolatry and engaging in the sinful practices we had abandoned. So when they subjugated and oppressed us, and prevented us from practicing our faith, we left our homeland and chose you over others, seeking to become your neighbours, and hopeful that we would not be oppressed in your land, O Noble King” (Musnad Ahmad).

    In one of the most succinct and concise expressions of the Islamic faith we find a heavy emphasis on values. When asked to explain his faith, Ja’far did not attempt to present the Negus with philosophical argumentation, nor details of jurisprudence, nor the historical and political situation in Makkah. He emphasized the moral values which are the very essence of faith. He focused on the values which are the necessary consequences of a conviction that there is a way in which the world ought to be, that this world is the creation of a Just and Merciful Lord who filled it with opportunities for us to accomplish good and know Him through our good deeds.


    taken from


  5. Will this be recorded and put online?


  6. Ooooh, Lassie is pissed off!

    What’s a matter boy, did I embarrass you too much? Aww….

    To answer your questions about canines, the reason is actually due to your Bible. You see, in the NT, Jesus referred to non-Jews as “dogs”, so I simply applied that to you, a Gentile (I assumed you were a Gentile) dog.That’s the way your Bible refers to you. Get it? 😉

    By the way, you silly Gentile dog, killing dogs for public safety (the reason the Prophet made the temporary order to kill of dogs) is common even in modern times, although nowadays, there are other options. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand, given your Gentile dog brain and its inability to process complex matters. LOL!!


    • Oh, I see your logic now, so I guess you also go around calling black people “raisin heads” like your fanboy Muhammad. Do you also wipe your backside with stones and drink urine?

      By the way, you’re pathetic excuses only highlight your taqiyya tendencies. You see, you try to say it wasforpublic safety, but you are a modern western Muslim and much more noble and less superstitious than your role model. The Hadith say differently- Muhammad killed the black dogs because they were apparently ‘more mischevious’ and ‘the devil’. He was also so petty that Gabriel didn’t visit him one night and drew the conclusion that it must have been the puppy under the cot that was to blame. The next morning he ordered all dogs killed. Go check for yourself.

      I’m glad you modify your religion to make it more palatable, but it only shows that most Muslims are more humane than their prophet.

      And ironically, Lassie could reasonably be called a more moral animal than Muhammad!!! Ha!!! Go figure…


  7. are Faiz and Paulus by any chance married (to each other)?

    They sound just like a married couple.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lassie barked:

    “Oh, I see your logic now, so I guess you also go around calling black people “raisin heads” like your fanboy Muhammad. Do you also wipe your backside with stones and drink urine?

    By the way, you’re pathetic excuses only highlight your taqiyya tendencies. You see, you try to say it wasforpublic safety, but you are a modern western Muslim and much more noble and less superstitious than your role model. The Hadith say differently- Muhammad killed the black dogs because they were apparently ‘more mischevious’ and ‘the devil’. He was also so petty that Gabriel didn’t visit him one night and drew the conclusion that it must have been the puppy under the cot that was to blame. The next morning he ordered all dogs killed. Go check for yourself.

    I’m glad you modify your religion to make it more palatable, but it only shows that most Muslims are more humane than their prophet.

    And ironically, Lassie could reasonably be called a more moral animal than Muhammad!!! Ha!!! Go figure…”

    LOL!! Poor Lassie keeps exposing his ignorance and poor research on Islam.

    “Raisin heads”, “wipe your backside with stones”, “drink urine”, “taqiyya”…all the same buzzwords and phrases you would hear from a Gentile dog with a Master’s degree in Google Islamic Studies!

    Silly Gentile dog, what you don’t realize is that Muslims from the time of the Prophet until the present have always interpreted the ahadith to kill dogs as a temporary order that was meant to improve public safety as it says in another hadith:

    “”Five kinds of animals are vicious and harmful, and they may be killed outside or inside the sacred area of Ihram (Sanctuary). These are: the scorpion, the kite, the crow, the mouse, and the rabid dog.””

    So as you can see Lassie, killing harmful or dangerous animals was allowed, but Muslims are not allowed to kill an animal for no reason.

    Moreover, several ahadith highlight the importance of kindness to all animals, including dogs:

    “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “While a man was walking on his way he became extremely thirsty. He found a well, he went down into it to drink water. Upon leaving it, he saw a dog which was panting out of thirst. His tongue was lolling out and he was eating moist earth from extreme thirst. The man thought to himself: ‘This dog is extremely thirsty as I was.’ So he descended into the well, filled up his leather sock with water, and holding it in his teeth, climbed up and quenched the thirst of the dog. Allah appreciated his action and forgave his sins”. The Companions asked: “Shall we be rewarded for showing kindness to the animals also?” He (ﷺ) said, “A reward is given in connection with every living creature”.”

    Killing animals was also not allowed during wartime, in contrast to your Bible, which claims that God ordered the wanton death of humans and animals. That’s your Bible (although, there are other places in the Bible which command kindness t/o animals, so go figure that there is yet another contradiction here!).

    And again, let’s not forget that your Bible refers to Gentiles as “dogs”! Poor, poor Lassie…labeled by his own Bible as a Gentile dog! LOL!!!


    • ‘Raisin head’ is a modern American slang, like the term ‘towel head’. Only an absolute moron like Paulus would think that Muhammad(saw) was using a modern, American racial epithet to describe black people.


    • Do you realise how silly you sound? Because you blindly accept this nonsense you are forced to appeal to another Hadith that discusses rabid dogs to support your conclusion and defend Muhammad. But think about what this means:

      1. It contradicts the Hadith where Muhammad ordered the slaughter of dogs because a puppy under a cot prevented Gabriel entering. Was this puppy that was inside his home a rabid dog? Was this puppy a danger to society?

      “Maimuna reported that one morning Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) was silent with grief. Maimuna said: Allah’s Messenger, I find a change in your mood today. Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Gabriel had promised me that he would meet me tonight, but he did not meet me. By Allah, he never broke his promises, and Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) spent the day in this sad (mood). Then it occurred to him that there had been a puppy under their cot. He commanded and it was turned out. He then took some water in his hand and sprinkled it at that place. When it was evening Gabriel met him and he said to him: you promised me that you would meet me the previous night. He said: Yes, but we do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture. Then on that very morning he commanded the killing of the dogs until he announced that the dog kept for the orchards should also be killed, but he spared the dog meant for the protection of extensive fields (or big gardens)”

      This had nothing to do with rabid dogs and you know it. Your argument holds absolutely no water. He chucked a tantrum and started murdering dogs.

      2. We know that Muhammad would have killed all dogs had he had the choice.

      “Narrated Abdullah ibn Mughaffal: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Were dogs not a species of creature I should command that they all be killed; but kill every pure black one.”

      Again, nothing to do with rabid dogs and everything to do with Muhmmads hatred of canines.

      3. Why did Muhammad particularly dislike black dogs? Are only black dogs rabid? Is that the nonsensical conclusion you are forced to accept? We both know that Muhammad thought black dogs were satan so that is why he slaughtered them- they weren’t rabid or a danger to society

      So as you can see trying to defend Muhammad by appeal to rabid dogs and societal protection is precisely the type of taqiyya I expect from you. It’s typical of western Muslims embarrassed by the immoral actions of an Arab dictator. Thankfully, I do believe that you are more moral than your master- keep that up!!

      Now we could talk about your prayers being annulled by dogs and women, but that might send you squirming through the sewers all night yhinking up all sorts of excuses. Maybe 6th century Arab women were rabid and a threat to society? Makes sense, given the majority of hell’s occupants are women according to your dictator.


  9. Hi Paul. Why is there a ‘Brer’ (Br.) preceding your name on the roster?


  10. LOL, once AGAIN, Lassie exposes his poor excuse of a degree in Google Islamic Studies!

    Lassie, you poor excuse of an apologist, you are so lost in your ignorance, you don’t even realize the meaning of the ahadith you quoted.

    Let’s start with the first one. In that hadith, the angel Gabriel did not visit the Prophet because there was a dog in his house. The Prophet was not even aware that there was a dog in his house. What does that tell us? What if you found a strange dog in your house that just wandered in from the street? What if it was a stray dog or if it was rabid? What this hadith shows us is that the dogs had become so overpopulated that a person could find a strange dog in his house. Thus, it was understandable that the population had to be brought under control, which is why the order was TEMPORARY.

    As far as Gabriel not entering the house, that is not a huge deal. Dog saliva is considered impure in Islam. So, angels don’t enter a house where there are impure things. Contrast this with your Bible which claims that Gabriel was unable to visit Daniel because he was held back by the “prince of Persia”! Imagine that!

    Second, there is no indication that the puppy was also killed. In fact, another hadith from Tirmidhi indicates that the puppy belonged to his grandsons:

    “Narrated Abu Hurairah: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Jibra’il came to me and said: “Indeed I had come to you last night, and nothing prevented me from entering upon you at the house you were in, except that there were images of men at the door of the house, and there was a curtain screen with imagines on it, and there was a dog in the house. So go and sever the head of the image that is at the door so that it will become like a tree stump, and go and cut the screen and make two throw-cushions to be sat upon, and go and expel the dog.” So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) did so, and the dog was a puppy belonging to Al-Husain or Al-Hasan which was under his belongings, so he ordered him to expel it.”

    So, as we can see, when we look at the different ahadith together, we get a clearer picture of that incident.

    Regarding the black dogs, again your poor research betrays you. We actually know from another hadith that the Prophet was referring to black dogs with a SPECIFIC trait:

    ” Abu Zubair heard Jabir b. ‘Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) saying:
    Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) ordered us to kill dogs, and we carried out this order so much so that we also kill the dog coming with a woman from the desert. Then Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) forbade their killing. He (the Prophet further) said: It is your duty the jet-black (dog) having two spots (on the eyes), for it is a devil.”

    So, the order was to kill any black dog that had two spots on its eyes. Some scholars have explained this to mean that these particular dogs were more ferocious than others. But they all agreed that indiscriminately killing dogs, regardless of their color, was not allowed:

    “Regarding the command to kill dogs, the As-hab opined that it is permissible to kill a rabid dog; yet, a harmless dog, irrespective of its color, may not be killed. Imam al-Haramayn stated that the command to kill dogs was abrogated. It was related that the Prophet Muhammad ordered the killing of dogs. Then, that was abrogated, except for pure black dogs. And thereafter, killing any harmless dog was prohibited. Thus, it is only permissible to kill a dog that may cause harm, like one with rabies” (

    So you see, my poor dumb canine friend, REAL scholars of Islam agree that killing any living thing, even dogs, is not allowed. Your Google degree in Islamic Studies renders your opinions null and void.

    By the way, I find it laughable that you find the idea that demons can take the form of black dogs, whereas you blindly accept the story of the talking serpent in Genesis (whom you believe was actually Satan) or Balaam’s talking donkey in Numbers or demons possessing pigs and then drowning in the sea!

    As for the women being the majority in hell, I guess they didn’t realize that childbirth was the key to salvation for them, as the false apostle and anti-Christ Paul said! LOL!!

    No, but seriously, the hadith saying that the majority in hell will be women is again actually referring to a TEMPORARY state. These women will be in hell for being ungrateful to their husbands and to others. But once they have been punished for their sins, they will actually form a majority in Paradise as another hadith explains:

    “Muhammad reported that some (persons) stated with a sense of pride and some discussed whether there would be more men in Paradise or more women. It was upon this that Abu Huraira reported that Abul Qasim (the Holy Prophet) (may peace be upon him) said: The (members) of the first group to get into Paradise would have their faces as bright as full moon during the night, and the next to this group would have their faces as bright as the shining stars in the sky, and every person would have two wives and the marrow of their shanks would glimmer beneath the flesh and there would be none without a wife in Paradise.”

    Explaining this hadith, Ibn Hajr explained:

    “Abu Huraira used this Hadith as a proof to maintain that women will outnumber men in Jannah (paradise) … and this is much clear” (

    In contrast, according to your false apostle Paul, women will be saved through raising children. I wonder what happens to women who are naturally infertile and cannot have children? And if they are saved through childbearing, then they don’t need Jesus to atone for their sins, do they? WOW!!!

    “And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[a] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety” (2 Timothy 2:14-15).


    • Faiz said,

      “We actually know from another hadith that the Prophet was referring to black dogs with a SPECIFIC trait:”

      I’m not sure if you are delibaerately deceitful, or that your incessant reliance upon web polemics just lets you down. You see, the Hadith actually tells us why Muhammad killed black dogs opposed to dogs of other colours.

      “When one of you stands in prayer, what definitely constitutes a barrier for him is an object placed in front of him of the same height as the back of a camel-saddle. If it is not in front of him and of the same height as the back of a camel-saddle, then some [stray] donkey, or some woman passing, or some black dog will cut off his prayer.” I said: “O Abu Dharr! What is it that makes a black dog different from a red or yellow dog?” He replied: “O dear cousin! I asked Allah’s Messenger — Allah bless and salute him! — the exact same question. He said that the black dog is a devil.”

      So what is the difference Faiz? Why not a red or yellow dog? Well, we know the answer. From your prophets own lips. So stop changing your religion to practice taqiyya alright?


  11. Lassie barked:

    “This is great. Paul has almost exactly stuck to the program I have him. He has brought back 1 Sam 15 again for the hundredth time and is now refuses to be consistent with Islam and trying to dodge any questions posed to him.

    Paul, I think I summarised your motif exceptionally.”

    LOL!!! Can anyone define “irony” for me? Here we have Lassie barking about the Prophet’s temporary order to kill dogs, and yet this same specimen seems to have no problem with Biblical genocide! Is that irony?

    Lassie, how many people, babies and yes animals as well were killed by the command of your god? Of the animals, how many do you think were dogs? You seem to really like dogs, so why did your god command that an entire city populated with people and animals be completely wiped out? And why do you have no problem with that but foam at the mouth because the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ordered some dogs to be killed?

    And by the way Lassie, your canine fried was the one who brought up the issue of Biblical genocide, not brother Paul. I think Bobbie boy deserves a pet name as well. Bobby, I christen thee…Kujo. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. LOL, Lassie barked:

    ““We actually know from another hadith that the Prophet was referring to black dogs with a SPECIFIC trait:”

    I’m not sure if you are delibaerately deceitful, or that your incessant reliance upon web polemics just lets you down. You see, the Hadith actually tells us why Muhammad killed black dogs opposed to dogs of other colours.

    “When one of you stands in prayer, what definitely constitutes a barrier for him is an object placed in front of him of the same height as the back of a camel-saddle. If it is not in front of him and of the same height as the back of a camel-saddle, then some [stray] donkey, or some woman passing, or some black dog will cut off his prayer.” I said: “O Abu Dharr! What is it that makes a black dog different from a red or yellow dog?” He replied: “O dear cousin! I asked Allah’s Messenger — Allah bless and salute him! — the exact same question. He said that the black dog is a devil.”

    So what is the difference Faiz? Why not a red or yellow dog? Well, we know the answer. From your prophets own lips. So stop changing your religion to practice taqiyya alright?”

    ROTFL, what a moron you are Lassie!

    We are talking about the command to kill black dogs, not which dogs cut of one’s prayer! I refuted your idiotic Google-based opinions by showing:

    1. The command to kill dogs was temporary.

    2. The command to kill black dogs was temporary and only applied to dogs with a specific trait (i.e. two spots on their eyes).

    3. The scholars of Islam, and not just “western Muslims”, all agree that killing an animal for any reason other than danger is not allowed.

    Thus, your Google degree in Islamic Studies is a failure, just like you are a failure at your missionary tactics and Christian taqiyya.

    And of course, the most important point to make here is that whatever reasons the Prophet had for ordering the temporary killing of dogs, the fact that you foam at the mouth like the rabid Islam-hating dog you are while defending the senseless killing of men, women, children, babies and animals as commanded by your god, shows your hypocrisy. I wonder why you ignored this? You are a laughable missionary mutt! LOL!!


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