Shalom! Salam! Hello!

Where do I even begin? I guess I’ll begin with the beginning. And that is the Source of Life, the Almighty King, blessed be the Great Name of HaShem/God/Allah (BTW that’s my Holy Trinity ;)).

Let me tell you a joke: a Muslim, a Christian and a Jew walked into a bar.. wait! that isn’t a joke. That is, in essence the story of “Blogging Theology.” I stumbled upon this blog a few months ago while surfing the web for interesting stuff to read. I found lots of garbage and then by miracle, even more garbage. And then I bumped into a post on Blogging Theology.

Oh sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. Awkward. My name is Mozer. I’m a Hasidic Jew born in Lakewood NJ, and now live with my family in Jerusalem, the city of David and Solomon. I study Jewish philosophy and Law and am currently enrolled in a program that will ordain me [God Willing] as a rabbi and Judge in Rabbinical Courts. (More on my outlooks and opinions, poetry and bi-polar writings can be found on my blog)

Back to Blogging Theology, the more I read, the more I wanted to read. I found thoughts regarding the Trinity that I’ve been thinking about, and was educated on many Muslim teachings I’ve never heard. I bumped into the silent majority of Muslims who aren’t terrorists, and yet suffer as if it was them who committed the horrendous crimes. Eventually, I came to the realization that the majority isn’t so silent at all, they’re pretty outspoken. But to that no one wants to listen.

I came to appreciate Paul, as a man who values and respects opinions different than his, and in that sense I’ve learned a lot from this website. It encouraged me to think out of my box, and respect a genuine seeker regardless of his doctrine. I know Paul and I have different feelings regarding Israel and Zionism, but it doesn’t matter. Why? Well, that’s a good question, partly answered by the previous sentence, and for the other part I’ll get back to in a later post.

Thank you Paul for inviting me to write whatever I want, you’ll probably regret it… Just kidding! [not really, though]

I look forward sharing some time and insight with the Blogging Theology community!


Categories: Judaism, Miscellaneous

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65 replies

  1. Shalom Mozer and welcome to Blogging Theology!

    I look forward to reading your articles in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am excited to hear more from you Mr. Mozer. Welcome.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Shalom Mozer , welcome aboard 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shalom Mozer,

    I am a Muslim and I am happy to have a Jewish brother participate.

    May we all learn from each other to better servant of God Almighty and to be kind and just and fair to all people and all of life.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. “I bumped into the silent majority of Muslims who aren’t terrorists, and yet suffer as if it was them who committed the horrendous crimes.”

    If you live in Jerusalem, you don’t have to go internet for that experience. Just “bump” into your real Muslim neighbour.

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s complicated. In ideal you are right. In practical terms, when there’s a fight where everyone looks at the other as the worst enemy, and everyone is a threat… then there’s a barrier created automatically, it’s a barrier that carries a lot of pain and anguish, and sadly hatred…
      maybe i’ll write a post about that one day. you get what i’m saying?


    • Did you have to move to Jerusalem from your birthplace US, were you forced or was your own personal decision?

      (Fully aware of the “complications”, fighting, threats, pain and anguish, hatred etc. and thus pouring oil into the fire?) you get what i’m saying?


    • do you really want to get into this? if yes we will have to put the anguish aside and have a discussion in the most objective manner we can possibly have. yes, i did move here voluntarily.


    • action speaks louder than words.


    • and by action you mean?


    • I could think of one. If you really love your Muslim neighbors move back to US, I suppose you still have the comfort of US citizenship?


    • okay, you asked for this. you do know that Israel has been considered the Jewish homeland for 3000 years. Jews mention Jerusalem about 50 times a day in their prayer since about 700 years before Muhammad was born. since I’m three I’ve been facing Jerusalem in my prayer. I believe Muslims can live here, but why can’t I live in My ancient homeland? The normal Arabs don’t care that we live here, they want a solution and peace like I do. Abbas is not a servant of the Palestinians, he betrayed them many times, and we can talk about that a different time. But my living here is my God-given right. The Palestinian has no more right than I. we can love each other and live here together as we have for many years. I understand you disagree… that’s what dialogue is about.


    • “I could think of one. If you really love your Muslim neighbors move back to US, I suppose you still have the comfort of US citizenship?”

      Extremly silly comment.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Moreover, how did this turn into a Palestinian issue. I was talking about the 1.6 Billion Muslims. that doesn’t mean that we don’t have disagreements. I don’t consider Paul or Eric to be anti-semites although they think Israel do bad stuff. we can disagree about specific issues and respect the genuine heart.. I was talking about the faith of Islam. Do you think that the Palestinian argument would be illegitimate had the majority of them been Christians? Of course not. so then where does Islam come into the equation?
      and also want to make clear, that if this turns into hate talk i will not respond. I don’t want to get pulled into hatred. i hope to write a post in length about this topic.


    • Usual rhetoric of the oppressor justifying the oppression.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mozer,
      “The normal Arabs don’t care that we live here.”

      According to you, are the “Normal Arabs” the ones who meekly acquiesce to a brutal occupation, possibly out of fear of Jewish retribution and reprisal, if they relate that they are averse to it? Who according to you are the “Abnormal Arabs,” are they the ones who are empowered to speak or act out in defiance?

      Your rhetoric sounds very racist to my ears.


    • “But my living here is my God-given right”

      Another fundamentalist troublemaker on the loose


  6. Mozer,

    As a Muslim, I agree that you have a right to live in Jerusalem and Israel/Palestine with full human rights and full opportunity for freedom and happiness and prosperity.

    And as a Muslim, I also believe that the Palestinian Muslims and Christians who have been living in that area also have a right to continue to live their with full human rights and full opportunity for freedom and happiness and prosperity.

    I have to agree with both above since the Qur’an enjoins justice and goodness.

    The Jews have a strong bond with Jerusalem. And the Palestinians who have been living there of course have a right to not be bothered or have their full potential for happiness and prosperity to be curtailed simply because they are not Jews.


    Liked by 3 people

  7. I don’t intend to change the post into a discussion about Israel/Palestine but I wanted to make a few comments on the issue of how to solve problem of two populations living in an area that is not that large.

    This could have been a problem hundreds of years ago when human beings did not have high technology.

    But these days, we are blessed by God to know how to make high rise buildings and thus large population can live in using the space vertically without using up the space horizontally.

    Also the population of Jews and Palestinians is not huge like Chinese and Indians.

    The vast amount of land in that area still does not have residential homes in it.

    God has even blessed humans with the ability to make water out of thin air….the air molecules in the atmosphere can be converted to liquid water….and when that happens, then the air will be replenished with water throughout the world.

    So, if we Jews and Palestinian leaders make a pledge that they will allow the world community to ensure that mechanisms are in place that there will be no infringement on peace, prosperity, and happiness of any individual and if they seek help in God to be able to live in that area together, then it can happen.

    It is virtually nothing compared to the wonders that God has done throughout the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • it sounds quite simple… but the hardest part of this whole thing is to get politicians to actually be interested… i think much of this discussion boils down to this. and BTW it wasn’t you who made this an Israel/Palestinian issue… you can go back and see who it was… i hope to elaborate on this topic as i wrote in the post. all the best, Omar


  8. Mozer G

    You said;

    The normal Arabs don’t care that we live here, they want a solution and peace like I do. Abbas is not a servant of the Palestinians, he betrayed them many times, and we can talk about that a different time. But my living here is my God-given right. The Palestinian has no more right than I. we can love each other and live here together as we have for many years.

    I say;
    Welcome to bloggingtheology where critical thinking is utilized. I swear by Allah we love you as a Jew and love every one who is truthful. I hate oppressor and untruthful. You are truthful as per your comments here but you to subscribe to some of the Jewish extremist lies.

    I am responding to your accusation of the Palestinian president as a betrayer. You people accused Yasir Arafat, you accuse Ishmail Haniya, and any Palestinian head because some of you do not want peace but want to kill all the Palestinians with the help of evangelical Christian Zionist as they think the Bible said that land is for Jews.

    They think there will be war and some Jews will be killed and others converted to Christianity. Yes, you are right and truthful when you said the Palestinians has no problem living with the Jews. They lived with Jews and do not have any problem with that, until the Zionists want to exterminate them and take the whole land as Jews alone.

    You know some Jews and evangelical Christians have that goal. There are extreme Muslims and Palestinians who want to exterminate the Jews and take the land. This extreme Muslim and Palestinians arose because of the Zionist who want to kill and exterminate them.

    When the extreme Zionist were not powerful, there was no road blocks, killings, shootings, destruction of farmlands, Churches, Mosques, houses etc. in that area but today the Palestinian Muslims and Christians are suffering in the hands of some Zionist Jews and extreme evangelical Christians.

    Jews and Arabs living peaceful without road blocks because the extreme Zionist Jews and evangelical Christians were not in control of power in Palestine.

    My brother Mozer, we love you but saying it as it is here.


    Liked by 2 people

  9. Mozer G

    You said;

    I was talking about the faith of Islam. Do you think that the Palestinian argument would be illegitimate had the majority of them been Christians? Of course not. so then where does Islam come into the equation?
    and also want to make clear, that if this turns into hate talk i will not respond

    I say;
    With due respect you are wrong. Majority of Christians are being persecuted in Iraq today and most Muslims are saying it is illegitimate and some Muslims are fighting to free the Christians as they lived there under Muslims without road blocks, destruction of farmlands, killing of children etc. as Israel is doing.

    The Jews lived with Muslims when Christians were persecuting them and the evidence is there for anyone to see. Yemenite Jews, Turkish Jews, Moroccan Jews, Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews etc. until Israel bribed some of them to migrate to Israel to increase Jewish population.

    Mr. Mozer. this is not hate but saying it how it is. There are extremist in all religions. It is time to realize the extremist Christians and extremist Jews and figtht them like how extremist Muslims are being fought today and together we live happily in Palestine.

    To protect the extremist Zionist Jews and only kill the extreme Palestinians in Palestine/Israel will not work and has not work since Israel was created.

    I think some Israeli leaders are extremists just like some Palestinian leaders but a little is said about these extremist Israeli leaders but more is said about every Palestinian leader even if he is not extremist.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Mr. Intellect,
      I understand your frustration and anger. and you are right for you have read my comment backwards [not your fault perhaps i wasn’t clear] I meant to say that it would of course not be different had the Palestinians been Christians from their arguments points. in other words the Palestinian debate is independent of religion altogether.
      I agree that something drastic has to be done in our hostile region.


  10. “okay, you asked for this. you do know that Israel has been considered the Jewish homeland for 3000 years.”


    Liked by 1 person

    • Mozer,
      There is a history of Arab presence living in the land just as long and even longer than the Jews. You need to search for information about this outside of the Zionist zeitgeist.

      Here is one source that gives a brief overview:

      But there is more on this elsewhere.


    • this is a very biased and therefore useless piece. I can give you a Zionist website with equally biased rhetoric, i don’t think it benefits our conversation though.


    • Is it biased because you don’t agree with it?

      Regardless, Jews consider Palestine as the Jewish homeland for 3000 years, just as Arabs and by extension Muslims consider it their homeland for the same amount of time or more. So where does that leave us? The difference is that the Arabs have lived there continuously and have never left or vacated the land en mass.The point is Jews do not have an exclusive right to the land.


    • No, it is biased because it doesn’t present the proof that Jews have been here for 3000 years and that they actually ruled over this place while the inhabitants in this land had never owned it, they always lived under the leadership of the governing sovereign of the time. I agree that Palestinians have a right to live here as they have been for many years. although I think that saying that the Palestinians today are descendants of the Canaanites is uneducated. with the amount of population swaps and exiles and changes of kingdoms in the land it is very far fetched to say that the Canaanites are the ancestors of the Palestinians.


    • Jews conquered the land after Moses. Rome conquered the land. Arabs conquered in the seventh century and now the Jews have re-conquered. I see no problem.

      I’m never convinced with Muslim sympathy for the Arabs. It is purely religious-they can’t stand being ruled by the kaffir. It’s not about social justice at all.


    • Paulus
      Are you saying whoever is the most recent military conqueror has the right to the land “Might equals right?” I don’t believe in this, and yes it is about Social Justice.

      What do you want a real-estate deed? It is not the fault of the Arab/Palestinians that they have been an occupied nation for much of their history. It does not negate their own claim to the land. If you question the purity of Palestinian descent from ancient forbears, we can do the same and question the purity of Jewish descent, and question the mythical origins of the Jewish people as well. Read Shlomo Sand, “The Invention of the Jewish People.”

      So it is equally “far-fetched” to say that the Jews of today are the same as the Jews of the past.


    • I highly dispute the claim that arabs lived in israel for 3000 years. Arabs originally come from the arabian peninsula. Outside of that area, arabs resided no further than eastern Syria and southern Iraq.

      The first time in their history that arabs settled far away from their homeland was during the rashidun caliphate expansion. Who lived in Israel prior to that time and even during? As every historical sources, both near eastern and Greco-roman attest, it was a people called the jews. They were expelled by the romans, after WWII they could for the first time establish a state in their ancestral land.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Frenchie,
      what a joke. And how convenient for Judeo Christian claims. In reference to the Palestinian people they are descended from ancient peoples who lived in the geographic area of Palestine, whether or not they were originally pure Arabs does not really matter. They were there…. in the land,,,and their descendants who later adopted Arabic language and Islam are still there….in the land. Try to get the point, your straw man doesn’t work here.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Well, that warm welcome didn’t last long.

    I’m curious, though, why don’t muslims complain about the Palestinians being oppressed by other muslims in Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi? Over 200,00 were expelled from saudi during the 1st Gulf war because one group voiced support for Saddam Hussein. In Lebanon they have no citizenship rights and in Jordan they are excluded from several professions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good point! I’m sorry that the conversation veered in this direction.. I tried to stop it, but there is lots of anger and frustration…


    • Graham

      Muslims do complain about any injustice including some Arabs anger on Yasir Arafat support on saddam and eventually expelling innocent Palestinians from their countries. But Palestine is the country of the Palestinians but extreme Zionist together with evangelical Christians killed them and expelled them. Now we are concentrating on the Palestinians living in the land of Palestine which is their land in free without road blocks, farmland destructions, bulldozing of their homes, Churches, Mosques and their livestock like commanded by Jesus Christ to kill the Amalikites in the Bible.


      Liked by 1 person

    • What is an Evangelical Christian? How do you know it was Evangelical Christians who were involved?

      “…like commanded by Jesus Christ to kill the Amalikites in the Bible” 15:1-9 The sentence of condemnation against the Amalekites had gone forth long before, Ex 17:14; De 25:19, but they had been spared till they filled up the measure of their sins. We are sure that the righteous Lord does no injustice to any. The remembering the kindness of the ancestors of the Kenites, in favour to them, at the time God was punishing the injuries done by the ancestors of the Amalekites, tended to clear the righteousness of God in this dispensation. It is dangerous to be found in the company of God’s enemies, and it is our duty and interest to come out from among them, lest we share in their sins and plagues, Re 18:4. As the commandment had been expressed, and a test of Saul’s obedience, his conduct evidently was the effect of a proud, rebellious spirit. He destroyed only the refuse, that was good for little. That which was now destroyed was sacrificed to the justice of God.” Matthew Henry


    • You know why Graham. They can’t stand having the kafir rule over them. But Muslims killing Muslims? No problem


    • Intellect

      ” But Palestine is the country of the Palestinians but extreme Zionist together with evangelical Christians killed them and expelled them.”

      The Ottoman’s ruled the area for hundreds of years and no one tried to claim that the region was a Palestinian homeland – it was ottoman. It only became palestinian land when non-muslims took over from the imperialist Turks.


    • Intellect

      In fact, the west, and by extension the zionists, liberated the Palestinians from oppressive ottoman hegemony.


    • Graham

      You said;

      November 18, 2016 • 12:41 pm


      ” But Palestine is the country of the Palestinians but extreme Zionist together with evangelical Christians killed them and expelled them.”

      The Ottoman’s ruled the area for hundreds of years and no one tried to claim that the region was a Palestinian homeland – it was ottoman. It only became palestinian land when non-muslims took over from the imperialist Turks.

      November 18, 2016 • 12:43 pm

      In fact, the west, and by extension the zionists, liberated the Palestinians from oppressive ottoman hegemony.

      I say;

      Fact: History shows that under Ottomans, the Jews, Christians and Muslims lived freely in Palestine and no road blocks, bulldozing of farmlands belonging the the inhabitants, no phosphorous gas poising from money donated to the Zionist evangelical Christians who want the Jews converted or killed anyway, no apathied wall and or ethnic cleansing etc. and most in humane treatments to the inhabitants of the Palestinians(Jews, Muslims and Christians).

      Palestine has indigenous and native Jews as well who are often killed by the Zionist Jews because they oppose the occupation of Palestine by other white(European) men who migrated to their land.

      Whatever the territory is, it is for the Palestinians and they must be left in peace than the inhumane treatment the are having.

      Obama lied just like Trump is lying today that he(Obama) will try to make achievements there but he could not. One day the Palestinians will get their rewards from God. They are still living in their land despite the evangelical Christians attempts upon attempts to exterminate them.



  12. Mozer G.

    November 17, 2016 • 9:10 pm

    Good point! I’m sorry that the conversation veered in this direction.. I tried to stop it, but there is lots of anger and frustration…

    I say;
    I swear again. We love you as a Jew and are pleased to have you on our site to be one of the writers. History proved that when the Jews were persecuted, the Muslims chatted ships to convey the Jews to Muslim majority lands and the proof is here today as there are Jews in Muslim majority countries. These Jews were free under Muslim Spain and became more prosperous than their Muslim rulers and any Jew whether extremist Zionist or not knows this history and always thank Muslims. Some Jews felt without Muslims, the Jews would have been wiped from the earth by Christians.

    History shows that, the evangelical Christians of the USA refused entry in the USA a ship load of Jews escaping Christian persecution from Europe. This poor Jews were returned to Europe and some of them died the holocaust.

    Why do you believe the evangelical Christian who gives you money with bulldozers to bull doze Palestinian homes loves you?

    Imagine some Arab come to the USA which is your country to claim his religion has his God promising him USA and kill most USA population and using phosphorous gas, bulldozers, helicopter gunships, etc. to try to wipe out all the citizens of US and make US as “Islamic state” or “Arab State”. Are you not going to be angry and frustrated?

    The US congress and Senate calls Israel as “The Jewish State” but will not be happy when Iran calls itself as the “Islamic State”. Double standards.

    Untill the road blocks, apathied wall, bulldozers, helicopter gunships etc. are stopped, there is going to be anger and frustrations from not Muslims alone but from Christians and Jews as well. What Israel is doing is inhumane and it is good for anyone not to encourage it by moving to live there until there is peace.


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    • hi, intellect. to the first half of your comment, i agree and as you rightly said so will every Jew that reads history. the church is responsible for an incalculable amount of Jewish deaths while the Muslims were as a rule very nice and welcoming to us [as i wrote in my post]
      regarding the second half I think both sides can and should take responsibility for their actions. the Palestinians have used brutality and vicious murder back in 1929 and they’ve always had those terror groups that terrorized the population in Israel. thats before road blocks before walls before helicopters before gunships… there are people that dont want us here regardless of what we look like and regardless what concessions we make.
      Listen, I really was looking forward on having this opportunity for fair dialogue and discovering interesting topics. I’ll let you have the last word and then let’s put our friction to rest. As of now there’s little I can do to solve the Palestinian issue. So if we’re having theoretical discussions perhaps it should be inspirational and thought provoking…
      thanks again for your warm welcome 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mozer,
      I do welcome you to the site, and I hope to inspirational and thought provoking theological dialogue too, (see my comment to you on “Why Debate.”)

      However, in regard to Palestine, we will have our say in setting the record straight. I also would encourage you to look at the history of violence from your own side dating back to 1929 (Irgun, Stern) as well with provocations dating back even further.

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    • Mozer G

      Thanks my brother. You know sometimes brothers have some misunderstandings and I spoke my mind while loving you. I hope to read more of your postings.

      Shalom brother. I love you.

      Liked by 1 person

    • thanks intellect… love you too. i really appreciate your hospitality. We do agree on more topics than we disagree, we can discuss our differences and learn from each other… Salam Alikhum


    • welcome jewish friend .

      Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

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    • “…the church is responsible for an incalculable amount of Jewish deaths…” Mozer

      Can you be specific? Try to calculate the amount. What, if any, are the differences between “Church” and “Christians” who murdered incalculable numbers of Jews? Would you include references?

      Regarding the billions spent by Jews to target uneducated Jews with the Gospel, what medium best reaches that uneducated group of Jewish folks and where do they get their funding?


    • the amounts of Jews are incalculable for they were in many different countries and many different times by various different fractions of the church. to be more specific, the Roman Catholic Church was the most intolerable organization ever. besides for stuffing the Trinity down everyone’s throat, and getting involved in some crusades that killed millions, they hated science and more than anything perhaps they resented the Jew. they preached that the Jews were the christ killers and therefore deserve to be punished and punishing the Jew they did. it was after hundreds of years of preaching that it went over to the protestants. you can read about that in Martain Luther’s book “on the Jews and their lies” which he wrote after he failed to convince a Jewish rabbi of the trinity. it is the most anti-semetic book ever written besides for mein kampf, and obviously didn’t cause anyone to love jews more. the outcome of centuries long hate indoctrination gave birth to blood libels and the peasant war in Poland in 1648-1649 the Jews were targeted specifically. every country in europe has a period where they were judenrein. England, Spain, Portugal, big parts of Russia, France and the list goes on… Jewish history in Europe is one long nightmare… there’s one basic differentiation between europe and Africa-and Asia where Jews had relative peace.. and that is the Church primarily and then the other churches…
      the ways targeting jews is by molesting scripture to fit the agenda of the Christian beliefs in the most preposterous ways, but the uneducated jew doesn’t know that he’s being served garbage so he takes it in and eventually bows to the sculpture of a man on a cross…

      Liked by 1 person

    • “…the church is responsible for an incalculable amount of Jewish deaths…” Mozer

      Can you be specific? Try to calculate the amount. What, if any, are the differences between “Church” and “Christians” who murdered incalculable numbers of Jews? Would you include references?

      Regarding the billions spent by Jews to target uneducated Jews with the Gospel, what medium best reaches that uneducated group of Jewish folks and where do they get their funding?

      “…the amounts of Jews are incalculable for they were in many different countries and many different times by various different fractions of the church. to be more specific, the Roman Catholic Church was the most intolerable organization ever. besides for stuffing the Trinity down everyone’s throat, and getting involved in some crusades that killed millions…”

      Paraphrasing your answer: It cannot be done. Too many countries involved and too many denominations but Catholics killed more Jews than all other Christians because they got involved in the Crusades.

      No distinction between “church” and “Christians”.

      No references

      No clarification on the funding sources of billions of dollars to Christian groups that hate Jews except Jews For Jesus has an annual budget of 250,000,000 dollars.

      The media used to target uneducated Jews not named.


    • Listen, you can twist my answer all you want. I’m not going to spoon feed you ten volumes of history books in a comment section you understand that. I wanted to throw in as many incidents as possible so perhaps you can do some of your own research, which it looks like you’re good at (like we saw yesterday you write something like “I was doing some research on the Quran position on Jesus ) perhaps you can research what both crusades had an effect on innocent Jews that were not involved in any fighting whatsoever but were brutally murdered and how the church knew about it but did nothing and it was encouraged by priest etc. the Catholics killed more, let’s think for a minute how that can be… oh! I can think of one they were around for 1500 years more than the others! Brilliant! They were the dominating church for most of European history . Besides that the Protestant church broke away because of the close mindedness of the Catholics now do your research yourself about Luther’s relationship with the Jews that was actually very respectful but exploded and ended up with the same poisonous antisemitism he drank in Church. I think most people use The Church in reference to the Catholic Church. Did you ever hear of the accusations that Jews stole the wafers and the wine… the Jews would stab the wafer to kill Jesus again.. that was another propaganda of the church reminds you of gobbles, right?
      The funding sources are a whole bunch of apocalyptic Messianic evangelicals who want the Jews to believe in Jesus before the end of time, I can’t give you their home addresses; I asked them for it I told them a friend wants to know, they refuse to give it to me.
      The media?

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Shalom Mozer!

    Welcome to the blog and i look forward to reading your articles. I have already enjoyed your first article in response to Abdullah and you certainly offer a very conciliatory approach. Is there any particular topics you plan on addressing in the future?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Patrice for the warm welcoming
      I don’t really know what I will write about I usually write out of inspiration. I thought today about writing a series on the Jewish qualification for being the messiah and how there was no one who met that yet. I guess we’ll find out together. Thanks blessings to you

      Liked by 2 people

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