50 replies

  1. As I know It’s forbidden to greet them with religious greetings. They are celebrating of Shirk.


    • many do not. My Christian theologian minister friend Rev James Fields (to whom I sent greetings) no more believes Jesus is God than we do. There are many like him in the church.


    • I’m not gonna talk by details about this issue. However, since these greetings have always been related to specific meanings around the world, it’s forbidden to use them. God knows the best.


    • Br Paul,
      Do you really want some details about this matter?
      Christians are insulting Allah (SW) by saying Allah has a son. “The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation”.

      I see many brothers and sisters take it easy to say “merry christmas” for christians while this day means something for christians. Imagine if there’s a very insulting word used by many people about your dad or your mother, would you be ok for people to use it?
      Rights of Allah are far important to be observed.
      Moreover, imitating others by their festival, sayings, special religious songs are forbidden in Islam.

      And Allah knows the best.


    • dude – you have made you point. I disagree with your interpretation of Islam. End of.


    • Give it a rest Abdullah. Not every scholar says wishing Merry Christmas is an act of shirk.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Where did I say that, kmak!?
      I’ve read the saying about this issue in 4 madhabs, and all of them stated it’s forbidden. Ibn Al Qayyeum reprted the (consensus)about this issue that it’s forbidden to great a disbeliever for its belief.

      Let me break it down,
      If those who worship satan gathered in a day to celebrate what they believe about satan, would you greet them with their specific saying of that day?

      I can see you have a different opinion , yet you cannot take it just becuase I have another one which happaned to be the same of all 4 madhabs ?


    • The 4 madhabs don’t say or do things. Madhabs are not people. Abdullah Bin Bayyah and Habib al Jifri, among others, have permitted Muslims to congratulate non-Muslims on their holidays. Go read their fatwas before presenting your stupid analogies.

      No one here is forcing you to congrulate non-Muslims on their holidays but you are the one insisting that those of us who wish Merry Christmas are guilty of this and that.


    • Ibn Bayyah has been answered, and his Fatwa was not based on clear evidences. (I know that you are not interested to read),but It seems that you have no idea about (Ijma), and how should we see anything new after Ijma’. It’s related to Usol Al Fiqh which I bet you have no idea about , especially with this statement ” the 4 madhabs don’t say or do things. Madhabs are not people”!!

      Aljafri is not a scholar whatsoever. I mean come on!

      Since you have mentioned these 2 names, I can see why you are so sensitive.

      Have a good day.


    • Who refuted Shaykh Bin Bayyah?


    • @Paul Williams

      Yes you’re right and @Abdullah is wrong on this point, here’s the proof:

      ‘Uqba ibn ‘Amir al-Juhani passed by a man who looked like a Muslim who greeted him. ‘Uqba answered him, saying, “And on you and the mercy of Allah and his blessings.” His slave said to him, “He is a Christian.” ‘Uqba got up and followed him until he caught up to him. He said, “The mercy of Allah and His blessings are for the believers, but may Allah make your life long and give you much wealth and many children.” https://sunnah.com/adab/44/12

      Ibn ‘Abbas said, “If Pharaoh had said to me, ‘May Allah bless you,’ I would have said, ‘And you.’ But Pharaoh is dead.” (Sahih according to al-Albani) https://sunnah.com/adab/44/13


    • Don’t devour Saudi Fatawa uncritically. In general if you read any thing that has comes from this machine, become alert and question it. The hate, the division and the oppression that comes from these fatawa are nauseating. Many “salafi” scholars like Yasir Qadhi and others have realized it. The sooner we move past and ignore this fatwa machine, the better off Muslims are going to be.

      In fact there is an opinion by Imam Abu Hanifa. I don’t have the exact wording in front of me. but it says that you shouldn’t take religion from scholars of oppressors. So why any Muslim should look towards them for guidance?

      Here is YQ’s opinion on “Merry Christmas”. My personal research tells me there is disagreement among scholars and let each Muslim choose what suits him best.


    • @Abdullah: So Bin Bayyah indeed is right and the scholars you are referring to are wrong. If you really want to convince , please bring fatawa from well respected and independent scholars not “government” muftis.


    • Rational,
      So Ibn Al Qayyeum when reported the ( Ijma’), he was reporting from ” saudi machine” ? Have you read any book in Fiqh about this matter. Hanfi, Maliki, Shafi’y,and Hanbli? , mr who is not rational. Please find park for your thoughts with your kmak!


    • @Abdullah. I was a Salafi who used to consume the sadui fatawa uncritically. But I kept hitting the wall. it is a long history. I am no more saudi salfi although i am still a salafi.,

      Now on Ijma. You realize that when scholars claim ijma often it is “jamhoor” opinion not really ijma. It is very difficult to prove ijma.

      BTW I will be very happy if salafis actually started following ijma and jamhoor opinions. lots of problem, and divisions in the Muslim community will be healed if only they did that. however majority of salafi positions are neither and that is the root cause of sectarianism plaguing the Muslim world. But why would Saudi fatawa machine will change course? Why would they bite the hands that feed them?

      In this particular case I personally follow “jamhoor opinion” however i consider it permissible if others hold a different opinion.


    • Man! I’m not interested in your own story! You stated words which have nothing to do with this discussion.
      Dr YQ In this video said don’t say “merry christians” or any word related to christians’ slogan, yet you mentioned something else over his tongue.

      “particular case I personally follow “jamhoor opinion”
      I though it’s the saudi machine’s opinion!

      I’m waiting you to congratulate Hindus.Satanism, and even gays for any day which is holy for them .


    • @Abdullah

      Stop distorting Ibn Qayyim’s position, he was talking about celebrating or taking part in their religious festivals/celebrations, not responding to them kindly.

      Liked by 1 person

    • ٍReally? So I disordered Ibn Al Qayyem? 🙂
      This is his book and his saying. He wrote a chapter titled( Greeting)

      In the same page he talked about greetings & congratulations given to disbelievers about something personal. Then he said ( But greeting disbelievers for something related to their religions is forbidden by CONSENSUS).
      He did not say a word of what you said.

      Please find a park with Kmak and rational.

      It seems that I’m talking with Islamophobes here. They talk about hatred! Who said any word about hatred here?


    • @Abdullah

      Please read this:

      The shaykh may God bless him discusses Ibn Qayyim’s opinion showing that this is not what he meant (but you should read the whole article nevertheless):

      انتهى كلامه (رحمه الله) , وهو صحيح لا إشكال فيه , لمن وفقه الله في فهمه بما يوافق الصواب .

      وإن كان كلامه يدل على مطلق التحريم ، دون تفصيل ، فهو خطأ منه ، ولا نخشى من تخطيئه ، خاصة مع حكاية الإجماع على قوله .

      وأنبه أيضا أن قوله : « فمن هنأ عبدا بمعصية أو بدعة أو كفر فقد تعرض لمقت الله وسخطه» ، كلام صحيح فيمن هنأ على ذلك ، لكن ما نتكلم عليه هو تهنئته على غير المعصية ، وإنما هو تهنئته بسعادته وفرحه في عيده ، ولذلك نشترط أن لا تكون التهنئة على الكفر أو توهم بذلك .

      ولكي نحاول تأويل عبارة ابن القيم لتوافق الصواب (مع أننا لسنا مضطرين لذلك ؛ لأن كلامه ليس حجة ، ولا نقله الإجماع بحجة بغير حجة تدل على وقوع الإجماع) ، أقول :

      فأولا : تنبه لتفريق ابن القيم بين اللفظ الدال على الرضا بالدين والدال على عدم الرضا , وتفصيله بناء عليه حكم المسألة في التهنئة بزوجة أو ولد أو قدوم غائب أو عافية أو سلامة من مكروه ونحو ذلك . مما يدل على صحة هذا الأصل في حكم تهنئة الكفار , وأنه ليس تفصيلا مبتدعا ولا مبتورا عن أصول الدين .

      ثانيا : تنبه أن ابن القيم لما نقل الاتفاق على تحريم التهنئة بأعياد الكفار الدينية علل ذلك بأنه يدل على التهنئة على الكفر , ومعنى ذلك أن هذا هو سبب التحريم عنده .

      والحق أن هذا التعليل حتى لو لم يذكره ابن القيم للزم أن نذكره نحن دليلا لصحة قوله ؛ لأنه لا دليل على التحريم سواه أصلا , كما سبق !

      وحينئذ أقول : لا يقول قائل إن قول المسلم للكافر في عيده الديني : ((أسعدك الله ومتعك بالعافية وهداك للتصديق بالإسلام)) فيه تهنئة له بالكفر ويدل على الرضا عن دينه . ولا يقول عاقل أيضا : إن هذه العبارات ليست تهنئة , فقد قال ابن القيم (الذي احتجوا بكلامه على مطلق التحريم) : ((إلا أن يقول أكرمك الله بالإسلام وأعزك به ونحو ذلك , فهذا في التهنئة بالأمور المشتركة)) .

      ثالثا : تعليل ابن القيم بذلك التعليل يجعل التهنئة التي لا تدل على الرضا بالدين غير داخلة أصلا في كلامه , ولا فيما نقل الإجماع عليه .

      And don’t forget these narrations from the companions:

      ‘Uqba ibn ‘Amir al-Juhani passed by a man who looked like a Muslim who greeted him. ‘Uqba answered him, saying, “And on you and the mercy of Allah and his blessings.” His slave said to him, “He is a Christian.” ‘Uqba got up and followed him until he caught up to him. He said, “The mercy of Allah and His blessings are for the believers, but may Allah make your life long and give you much wealth and many children.” (Hasan) https://sunnah.com/adab/44/12

      Ibn ‘Abbas said, “If Pharaoh had said to me, ‘May Allah bless you,’ I would have said, ‘And you.’ But Pharaoh is dead.” (Sahih according to al-Albani) https://sunnah.com/adab/44/13


  2. Thank you Williams. May you be richly blessed in the upcoming year.

    FYI I don’t run or control that twitter since the people who started the facebook page in my name also did the twitter account and connected it to the FB without ever giving me the password.


  3. Abdullah

    Allah did not say we must not talk to non Muslims. We have to co exist with them. The pagan of Mecca were allowed to rotate in the pilgrimage with Muslims until they kept breaking their promises. When a Christian brings you a Christmas present, will you not accept?

    Allah said we can marry some Christians and eat their foods and Allah said among them are monks. We pray in their Churches when the need arises. I do not think saying “Merry Christmas” is a support to pagan religion because we use Saturday, Monday, July, September and most western dates, months, days etc. have their roots from pagan and Greek/Roman Gods just like Christmas.

    Following your stance, we will not say Saturday because its root is from Greek/Roman god.

    However, the name was selected as a calque of the god Saturn, after whom the planet was named

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday

    We made clear the root of Christmas is from Greek/Roman gods but it is a name today just like Saturday. Must we avoid saying Saturday? Because it was named after pagan god?


    Liked by 1 person

    • I disagree with you, brother.
      I think you made some points based on false assumptions. Also, The comparison between the names of days and months in one hand, and greeting people for their beliefs which are shirk on the other hand is not right comparison though there are some things must be considered even with these names. These issues have been discussed by detalis in books of Fiqh which is something I have no intention to do it here.
      Just if you took a closer look, you will find the excuses used by some muslims don’t differ that much with their core from christians’ exuses for celebrating christmas although they know it’s a pagan day. It always begins like that, yet it ends up with something else.
      I will not be surprised seeing some muslims celebrating Christmas literally with this neutralization of their festival.
      However, Islam itself is, indeed, immune becuse Allah and his messanger had already instructed us.

      Finally, what I said about greeting disbelievers by their specific religious sayings is not my personal opinion or personal interpretation. It’s been said in books of Fiqh by Ulma before grandfather of my grandfather was even born.


    • Abdullah is right. It is clear from the authoritative Hadiths and rulings of traditional scholars (not philosophically-inclined Sufis or Asharis like al-Jifri, whose names Kmak mentioned here), that taking part in feasts of non-Muslims is forbidden. So it’s in general, however in my view (need to delve into this deeper someday) these feasts grade, and the worst are those most directly connected to Shirk, and where this connection is most clear. Hence, I maximally avoid celebrating\congratulating with Christmas and New Year stuff, while taking occasions like mere Birthdays and stuff a bit easier.

      One could argue that congratulating with Christmas doesn’t necessarily imply Shirk, as it’s simply a Christ’s birthday celebration in it’s essence. Well, it seems to be true. But active participating in it when you take initiative to congratulate having an opportunity to leave it alone (like Br. Paul had it with Sam Shamoon above) is somewhat… undesirable at least. Allah knows best.

      And thirdly, that parallel with other cultural elements remotely echoing Shirk looks exaggerated and of out place. May I remind you, that not only Saturday, but also Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday are tightly or not connected to mythical dieties from an array of European ancient cultures – which is by far wouldn’t as fully depict the whole Shirk-permeated reality we live in as our everyday language. “Adore” on my native “обожаю” means literally “idolize\make god out of smth”; “perhaps” (“авось”) was originally a shamanic word used in calling spirits – you can continue the list with your own language’s words. However, the religious ruling on permissibility of their usage is often of disputable nature, and I haven’t seen any appeals to get rid of the half of your language even from comparatively strict Salafi scholars. It seems, that shunning cultural elements containing Shirk in modern era is an obligation which is heavily dependent on a particular Muslim’s ability to shun it, and it always concerns the most basic things, and not always – trivia (by the way, wearing of “Nike” has just come to my mind – I heard that Salafi scholars differ on the matter of its prohibition as well, I can check further if one needs).


    • Roman Zemar, if you didn’t know Asharis dominate traditional Islamic scholarship.

      Abdullah, you still haven’t named the scholar that refuted Bin Bayyah.


    • Kmak, it’s better for you not to go that far since it’s clear that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

      Regarding Ibn Byyah, many responded to that fatwa,one of them is Wild dado. Ibn Byyah didn’t give any evidence rather it was personal ijtihad. Also, he refrred to Ibn Tymmyiah about that while ibn Taymmyah said the exact opposite. Ibn Tymmyiah was talking about condolence & congratulations given to disbelivers about something personal which has nothing to do with religion. Ibn Byyah is a respected man, and man of knowledge, yet he didn’t get it right by contradicting Ijma’ in 4 schools.


    • Abdullah, there is no mention of Ibn Taymiyyah in Bin Bayyah’s fatwa. What are you talking about? Also who is Wild Dado? Finally, I am not as learned in Islamic law as you are. Can you tell me if there is a consensus on what constitutes an Ijmah?


    • Abdullah, one final question. Is Bin Bayyah more knowledgeable than you or less?


  4. A Merry Christmas to you too Paul.


  5. Paul I hope you enjoyed my Christmas gift, but like all good things it has come to an end.

    I just wanted to thank you for such a heart warm Merry Christmas. It is so refreshing to see a Muslim who is not afraid to commit a sin worse than Murder, and who clearly knows better than his Prophet, Allah, and the Scholars.

    I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

    Abdullah don’t be so hard on Paul and the others. Allah may know best but clearly Paul Williams knows better.

    Abdullah wrote…
    “It always begins like that, yet it ends up with something else.
    I will not be surprised seeing some muslims celebrating Christmas literally with this neutralization of their festival.”

    Yah I know what you mean, it starts with wishing Christians a Merry Christmas, and the next thing you know you have Muslims dressing as Santa Clause and going to Masjid for Prayers. Oh wait that has happened…


    • Thank you for proving my point.


    • Paul, I don’t know if you will let this comment through, but I hope you will.

      Kmac, on what basis should wishing that someone enjoy the festive period equate to murder? Christmas is not only a Christian festival but it is also a time when families come together to enjoy each other’s company and to enjoy the exchange of gifts. It is a time of generosity and love. If that equates to murder in your eyes then I suggest you need to adjust your priorities. Merry Christmas Paul.


    • Merry Christmas darthtimon

      Liked by 1 person

  6. @Abdullah:

    I can’t help if you want to distort my position or those of scholars. Yes jamhoor scholars say not to say “merry Christmas”, but some others approved. I choose to go by jamhoor, but i don’t insult those who hold other position.

    So bin bayyah is within “mainstream” scholarship in his opinion though i don’t follow his opinion in this matter. You are not doing any good by insulting him.

    As for saudi fatwa machine, i mentioned it because that is the source of most of the hate found in Islamic discourse today. BTW i don’t mean to insult saudi scholars who are not paid servants. There is much benefit from many scholars and their teachings.


    • Also I agree with YQ that while we don’t celebrate Christmas but we respond with kindness and say happy holiday or something similar. not the hateful saudi scholars who tell u to return the gifts, and not to respond to these greeting etc.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Abdullah still hasn’t answered my questions.


    • This is the version of Islam that official saudi scholars are meant to perpetuate upon population


    • Rational,
      I didn’t distort any word of what you said!
      Your hatred for saudi scholarship is obvious, and it’s something personal for you which has nothing to do with this discussion. Also, I don’t care for your opinion.

      You said
      “Also I agree with YQ that while we don’t celebrate Christmas but we respond with kindness and say happy holiday or something similar”
      Well,…this is NOT
      “Here is YQ’s opinion on “Merry Christmas”. My personal research tells me there is disagreement among scholars and let each Muslim choose what suits him best”

      YQ said ( DON’T say Merry Christmas) in your first video.

      Second one, just listen to 27:20′

      In both videos, you are the one who disordered Dr. YQ’s opinion! so give me a break!

      Advise brother Paul to delete all researches of Dr Jonathan Brown because Dr. Brown has been funded by the prince Alwaleed bin Talal to “spread hatred” ! Dr Jonathan Brown turned out to be “a product of saudi’s machine!”

      Leave this narrow look ! You are muslims ! It’s really shameful what I read in this discussion.
      You & Kmak ! Have not you seen what happened to Neil LittleJohn ?

      May Allah guide us all to his path.


    • Abdullah, you keep avoiding my questions. I’ll repeat them here in case you missed.
      There is no mention of Ibn Taymiyyah in Bin Bayyah’s fatwa. What are you talking about? Also who is Wild Dado? Finally, I am not as learned in Islamic law as you are. Can you tell me if there is a consensus on what constitutes an Ijmah?


  7. @Abulla:

    I am not going to answer your insult with an insult. I told you many scholars inc ibn alqayyim ( i love ibn al qayaim , may allah be pleased with him) many time claim “ijma” but it is not necessarily the case. Not that they are lying, rather it is their perspective which happens to be inaccurate.

    If u are going to stick with one fatwa from one scholar . you are unwilling to accept that there are other scholars who have differing point of view. i don’t want to get into usool al fiqh right now, but those who “approve” seems to have sound basis . i don’t have the book in front of me, but it is opinion of ibn taymiyyah that it is ok to recv gift from non muslim on their festivals.

    This opinion is based on a report that a majoos gave a gift to syedna ali on “nau roz” and he accepted it. Criticizing “harshness” of Wahhabis is not islamophobia.


  8. @Abdullah:

    You wrote “In both videos, you are the one who disordered Dr. YQ’s opinion! so give me a break!”

    Could you please tell me how I dis-ordered YQ opinion. Also you misquoted ibn al qayyim. the page that you posted (which book it is from is not clear to me), he claims “bil ittifaq” not ijma of four schools. Don’t make things up.


    • “Biltifaq” = Ijma for Usolyyeen. You may read ( Marateb Alijma’) for Ibn Hazam. There’s no difference btween 2 words . They are synonyms!

      “Don’t make things up”
      You’re still a brother, so please don’t dig it down or I’m forced to show where you lied plainly becuse of your hatred.

      You distorted dr YQ’s opnion in both videos when you put them in a context as if he disagrees with me when I said this to brother Paul (As I know It’s forbidden to greet them with religious greetings) while he agrees with me completely, especially in your first comment.

      I’m really not interested to disscus this subject with both ( you & kmak) for many reasons.

      Salam brother, and have a good day.


  9. @Abdullah: It is never a good idea to show arrogance. Do you realize that your words “You’re still a brother, so please don’t dig it down or I’m forced to show where you lied plainly because of your hatred.” clearly shows that you are boasting. this is not adab. you know it better. Also if I claim one thing about another person,. it could be a lie, could be a understanding, could be that you misunderstood me etc. Why not give space to nuances? Why jump to “liar” label so fast? is this shariah teaches you?

    What I wrote about YQ is what is in the video and what is his position that he has spoken elsewhere. I am not interested to clash with you and prove you wrong. I am only interested to disseminate correct Islamic knowledge. and that is the opinion I adhere to. I don’t say merry Christmas or respond to it with that exact word, but I use “hi”, happy holidays or other non religious language. This si the position of YQ that I have understood . This is also opinion of lots of other scholars.

    True “Bil Ittifaq” and Ijma is often used as synonym but not always. As they say in arabic, there are no synonyms. Unless I read the whole section by ibn al qayyim (tell me the book name please) it is not fair for me to say in what sense he used that word. When he says bil ittifaq is he referring to his contemporaries, of his place, or of his madhhab, or is referring to all scholars till his time?

    My criticism of Saudi or other government appointed muftis is not due to hatred, but rather love of islam. These muftis often legalize things for the rulers which is other wise bil ittifaq” and with ijma haram which in turn has caused immense damage to Muslims. That’s why Abu Hanifa and other salaf prohibited taking knowledge from paid scholars of oppressors. So are you really “real salafi”? Then do the right thing. Abandon government scholars. That is the way to go bro.


    • @Abdullah : if it is of benefit then please read this

      This is YQ position in writing on his own FB page

      “It is my position (based on many classical scholars) that there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying a generic greeting, even on the occasion of a non-Muslim holiday. Examples of this are: ‘May God bless you’, and ‘Best wishes’ and other such neutral phrases (or even Islamicaly positive statements – for each of these can be a du’a for hidaayah as well!!). The evidences for this are beyond this small posting, but I merely wanted to point out that we need to be careful of having a little knowledge, for a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.”


    • Please read this comment of YQ as well “. [And here I add: the Salafis of today have done more to harm the reputation of Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn al-Qayyim and the actual salaf than all the non-Salafis combined have!].”


    • Abdullah

      Question for Abdullah.

      Hajj means Pilgrimage. During the Hajj or pilgrimage time, Muslims greet each other who visit there as Hajj, Baytul Lah. Pilgrimage to the house of Allah. We believe the History of pilgrimage to mecca started from Abraham but his later generation surrounded the Kaaba with idols and performing Hajj-Pilgrimage.


      Main article: History of Hajj

      A 1907 image of Masjid al-Haram with people praying therein
      The Kaaba during Hajj
      The present pattern of Hajj was established by Muhammad.[19] However, according to the Quran, elements of Hajj trace back to the time of Abraham, around 2000 BCE. According to Islamic tradition, Abraham was ordered by God to leave his wife Hagar and his son Ishmael alone in the desert of ancient Mecca. In search of water, Hagar desperately ran seven times between the two hills of Safa and Marwah but found none. Returning in despair to Ishmael, she saw the baby scratching the ground with his leg and a water fountain sprang forth underneath his foot.[20] Later, Abraham was commanded to build the Kaaba (which he did with the help of Ishmael) and to invite people to perform pilgrimage there.[21] The Quran refers to these incidents in verses 2:124-127 and 22:27-30.[n 1] It is said that the archangel Gabriel brought the Black Stone from Heaven to be attached to the Kaaba.[21]

      In pre-Islamic Arabia, a time known as jahiliyyah, the Kaaba became surrounded by pagan idols.[22] In 630 CE, Muhammad led his followers from Medina to Mecca, cleansed the Kaaba by destroying all the pagan idols, and then reconsecrated the building to Allah.[23] In 632 CE, Muhammad performed his only and last pilgrimage with a large number of followers, and instructed them on the rites of Hajj.[24] It was from this point that Hajj became one of the five pillars of Islam.

      Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajj

      So, Mr. Abdullah, Must we stop greeting people who perform one of the five pillars of Islam Hajj? Pilgrims? because the pilgrimage was one done by Arab pagans?

      I know Muslims still greet Hajj or Pilgrim to one who performs Hajj. Islam states perform Hajj. It is known pagans used to perform this Hajj. Must we stop using the Hajj because it was once used by pagans?

      You see, Abdullah, think deep. Saying “Merry Christmas” to your fellow Christian who also did not consider himself an Idol worshiper even though he is and Idol worshiper technically, is not a sin.

      What is a sin is when your Christian friend brings you his Christian food that he did not mention the name of Jesus to slaughter and say “Merry Christmas” and you refuse to say “Merry Christmas” to hi ys simple. Allah said we can marry some Christians. How can you marry a wife and refuse her greetings? Merry Christmas.

      What you are saying is that we must not talk to any Christians but Allah said we must talk and coexist with them.

      Christianity itself we Muslim believe is an idol worship and we say it here everyday but Allah said we must talk and marry to some Christians and eat their food. So, religiously saying “Merry Christmas” is just a kind wishes to Christian brothers/sisters but not supporting idol practices.

      Muslims do pray in Churches with Jesus Christ hanging on the cross and there is nothing wrong with that. They did not say the Christians must build Jesus hanging on the cross. They are just praying in those Churches because that is safe for them at that time than praying in a harms way.



    • Abdullah

      Another question for Abdullah.

      If you have a shop dealing in shoes or any other merchandise and you realize during Christmas time, Christians are buying your items and obviously to celebrate Christmas.

      Will you close your shop during those times to prevent Christians from buying your items to celebrate Christmas?

      Christians do come to Muslims stores and say they are buying items to celebrate Christmas. Will you refuse Christians purchase of your items because they are using it for Christmas?

      Your reason is that saying “Merry Christmas” is support for pagan practices and it is not support in my vies since you did not support any Christian to celebrated Christmas but greeting them “Merry Christmas” and that did not support their Christmas celebrations. If “Merry Christmas” you think is a support and help in Christians celebrating Christmas, I think selling your shoes to Christians to celebrate Christmas is also help and support for them to celebrate Christmas.

      Some Muslim store owners sell billions of items to Christians to celebrate Christmas and following Abdullah’s stance will prevent all of them to close their shops and lose revenue to feed their families and that is a sin, if they follow Adullah’s stance.



    • Correction. I my view not vies.

      ……….following Abdullah’s stance will prevent Muslims from selling items to Christians to celebrate Christmas and they will close their shops to lose revenue and go bankrupt and will not have money to feed their family. That will be sin on the part of a Muslim who refuse to sell his items to Christians to celebrate Christmas thinking he is indirectly supporting Christmas.

      If saying “Merry Christmas” is a support for Christmas, then selling a shoe for Christmas celebration must also be support for Christmas.

      Some good Christians support Muslims a lot in their festivities, why can’t a Muslim reciprocate in saying “Merry Christmas”?



    • “What you are saying is that we must not talk to any Christians but Allah said we must talk and coexist with them.”
      I will now take a hammer to my head !


    • @Abdullah

      I’m waiting for your answer above.


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