Adrian Elms was a violent Christian before he became Muslim terrorist Khalid Masood

Though I disagree strongly with the author’s view that so-called ‘Wahhabi-Saudi-Salfism’ inspired the terrorist attack, Archbishop Cranmer makes some insightful remarks about how ‘Islam didn’t make him an evil bastard; he was already a nasty piece of work’.

Adrian Elms was a violent Christian before he became Muslim terrorist Khalid Masood

by Archbishop Cranmer March 24, 2017

Through the modern geopolitical lens of Western categorical convenience, the world’s countries are invariably ascribed a religion, or at least identified by majority ethnic religious adherence. Hence terms like ‘Muslim world’ or ‘Islamic world’ to describe those lands where the Qur’an is preeminent, Mohammed revered, and Sharia identified as the rule of law. Little consideration is given to the variety that exists within and between those cultures: the diversity of political models, economic systems, social mores, religious differences or Sharia distinctions. A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim, and their countries constitute ‘the Islamic world’ because at various times in history they projected a certain Muslim power, and so today are associated with the mission of Mohammed, which is to establish the Caliphate. It’s all very simple and straightforward, really.

It ought not therefore to surprise ‘the West’ (which is itself a geopolitical construct of a shared history, common values and a dominant or primal religion) that many Muslims in ‘the Islamic world’ do exactly the same to ‘the West’, not least because many in ‘the West’ still cling to notions of Christendom, or at least to the mission of projecting certain Christian values to the world (only certain ones). So those countries whose elected leaders go to church must be populated by Christians, whom they are elected to lead to church, or at least to a land flowing with Christian values (only certain ones).  Those countries where tinsel trees celebrate the birth of Christ, and Easter Eggs commemorate his crucifixion and resurrection, are simply and straightforwardly Christian. Forget repentance and transformation; forget faithfulness or discipleship or being born again: if you were born at first into a ‘Christian country’, you are a Christian. And through the lens of Wahhabi-Saudi-Salafism, that makes you an infidel or kafir. Believing without belonging has become believing without believing: you are the religion of the ground beneath your feet.

There is also, of course, Jewish Israel, Hindu India and the Sikh Punjab, not to mention Taoist China, Buddhist Tibet and Shinto Japan. But these aren’t relevant here.. well, Jewish Israel might be a bit relevant, but only if you replace ‘Jewish’ with ‘Zionist’..

And you can certainly forget the immense diversity in these geo-theological cores: we are dealing here with simplicity.

The perpetrator of the Westminster terror attack was born on Christmas Day in the nice seaside town of Rye in East Sussex, to nice Christian Afro-Caribbean parents. His Christian name was Adrian, and his surname Elms. He grew up and went to school in Kent. All very nice, English and Christian. We don’t know that he was actually christened, but it’s customary in East Sussex even for nominal Christians to be so, so he probably was, especially since his parents were Christian Afro-Caribbeans and he shared a birthday with Jesus. Islamists, incidentally, don’t care much about the tedious arguments over infant and believers’ baptism: if you have a Christian name, you’re a Christian. If you’re born in East Sussex on Christmas Day to Christian parents, you certainly are. It’s the culture, you see.

Adrian Elms had a string of criminal convictions going back to the age of 18: criminal damage, knife possession, assault, grievous bodily harm and other public order offences. No doubt he was a naughty child, as well. It appears that his capacity and propensity for violence predated his conversion to Islam, so Adrian Elms was a violent Christian before he became Muslim terrorist Khalid Masood. His character was impossible; his heart was hard and his soul deeply troubled. Islam didn’t make him an evil bastard; he was already a nasty piece of work.

Now, you may believe and argue that his adherence to Islam radicalised him, and that the example of Mohammed’s moral vision inspired his extremism. But it would be closer to the truth (and so more helpful) to say that his conversion to the Wahhabi-Saudi-Salafist strain of Islam was responsible for inculcating his simplistic “Allahu Akhbar! God curse the infidels” mentality. What is undeniable is that the violence in his struggling heart predated his conversion. Power rampage and political brutality were already his distinctive ethic and part of his identity. The Christian Adrian Elms hated before he discovered a hateful strand of Islam to sanctify the jihadi-hate of Khalid Masood. Now, you may say that wasn’t particularly Christian: millions upon millions of Sunni, Shia and Sufi Muslims will say that Wahhabi-Saudi-Salfism simply isn’t Islam.


Categories: Christianity, Extremism, Islam, London, Terrorism

64 replies

  1. O yeah and the 2 guys who beheaded Lee Rigby were also christians before they converted to islam. Everyone said they were nice quiet guys until they converted to islam.

    Who can forget the sight of someone holding a meat cleaver with blood dripping off it while he quoted sura 9:5.


    • anyway… back to the post about a violent Christian turned violent Muslim. Do you think he had the Holy Spirit?

      Liked by 2 people

    • No. No-one who is a real christian would later become a (subconscious) devil worshipper.


    • I still wonder, has any ignorant person like you ever even picked up the Quran and read it?

      People always quote 9:5, but when you ask for the context, no one except the muslims know.

      Liked by 1 person

    • O yeah I know the context. Sura 9 was the last to go in. It was Mo’s final commandment. But it doesn’t matter what I think.

      What matters is that some muslims believe it tells them to behead kafirs on the streets of London.


    • That’s not what context is.
      Why was the beginning of surah 9 revealed, who was Allah addressing as the ‘polytheists’, and did that ‘kill them wherever you find them’ part ever happen in muhammad’s time?


    • Those ‘some muslims’ have probably not even read the full passage, they probably just read it on answering islam.

      Shamoun and co. might actually be helping those terrorists in attempting to justify these acts. They’re probably his biggest fans.

      What i find interesting is that those terrorists actually fit the description the prophet gave of them.

      ”There will come a people from the east who recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion just as an arrow pierces its target and they will not return to it just as the arrow does not return to the bow.”

      Source: Sahih Bukhari 7123

      Liked by 1 person

    • Allah is a figment of Mo’s imagination.


    • Was that supposed to be the context?


    • This guy has had a history of people being RACIST to him. He is been a VICTIM of racism all his life:

      “Masood, may have eventually snapped because of racism in his village leading him to slash the face of a cafe owner.”

      “Masood went off the rails in July 2000, slashing a man across the face after an argument that had “racial overtones”. The attack would land him in jail and his life, already in a fragmented state, would fall apart.”

      “Masood was 35 and living in the quiet Sussex village of Northiam when in 2000 he slashed cafe owner Piers Mott in the face with a knife after a row that had ‘racial overtones’.

      Hove Crown Court heard that the attack left Masood and his young family “ostracised” in the village. He had been in conflict with his victim before. After leaving the pub, in which he argued with his victim, Masood lost his temper and slashed seat covers in Mott’s car.”

      “”There were racial overtones in the argument between himself and the victim. He let that get to him – unusually, because in the past he has been able to shrug off that sort of abuse.”

      “Adrian Elms, one of only two black men Northiam – according to a court report at the time – was ostracised from the community. He was jailed for two years for the attack.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Paul

    > Now, you may say that wasn’t particularly Christian: millions upon millions of Sunni, Shia and Sufi Muslims will say that Wahhabi-Saudi-Salfism simply isn’t Islam.

    Would you say that “Wahhabi-Saudi-Salfism simply isn’t Islam.”?


  3. He was born on Christmas day, which means he could only get half the presents as someone who was born on any other day of the year.

    Surely, this is the reason he was so upset!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. So it seems that people who have a prior tendency towards violence, and are mentally unstable are more prone to radicalization. Shocking.

    Maybe the west should stop blaming Islam, reduce their military budgets and increase spending on improving the circumstances of peoples lives, through positive constructive social programs and Mental Health!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s not either/or. The problem is that Islam is offering them this radicalisation through the sunnah of muhammad


    • Islam has always categorically forbidden the killing of women, children, old people and non-combatants in war.

      The Bible has no such rules of war.

      Jesus even orders the killing of babies in your Trinitarian theology. Shocking.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Paul, when do you become a sheikh to make such statements?

      I can tell you are no sheikh because you are comparing God’s justice to Muhammad’s actions. I’m always amazed how often you commit shirk for someone who loves to pretend they follow tawheed


    • The justice of a Prophet is divine justice. Prophet Moses’ justice was divine justice as well as that of the Prophet Muhammad.


    • Rider, you just committed shirk. Well done.


    • Paulus, your god didn’t come down and kill those women,children and infants himself, he commanded moses to do so, who commanded his followers to do so.

      Similarly, Allah forbade killing of women, children, elderly, basically the non-combatants through Muhammad [Revelation].

      Liked by 1 person

    • Paulus, this proves the moral superiority of Islam over the Bible.


    • Old covenant war passages are descriptive. They are not prescriptive for Christians. If you paid attention to the million times I and others have told you this, that we live under the New Covenant, you may stop asking the same questions.

      The sunnah, however, is prescriptive for Muslims. Which parts you ignore is a conversation between your own sects, but these Muslims that kill people have a consistent rational to do so from the sunnah

      So the person lacking consistently is you, trying to misapply Christians thought and practice through your Islamic lense.


    • Paulus do you agree that Jesus ordered the killing of children and babies?


    • Paul, you say that, but I doubt you actually believe it. It’s an easy thing to say in the luxury of the west. Go live in a Muslim majority land for a while and I doubt you would believe it. Even Indonesia. Go on, what are afraid of?


    • Paulus,
      All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17

      Clearly OT war passages can be prescriptive if a NT chooses to interpret them that way.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Sorry,
      Clearly OT war passages can be prescriptive if a NT CHRISTIAN chooses to interpret them that way.


    • We as Muslims believe that Prophets are under divine inspiration and don’t commit sins.

      The presciptiveness or non-prescriptiveness of the OT for Christians does not change the moral problem. The things from the OT we talk about happened under the command of God. If you say that these things are immoral you will declare God to be immoral which is apostasy. If it was good to do this and that 3000 years ago (according to God) it may in principle be good today too even though it may not being ruled like that.


    • I remind you Paulus that this is not a political discussion but a religious one. It’s not about which religion is dangerous today. That is the concern of atheists.

      It’s about whether a religion being dangerous according to someone makes it false. The existence of the OT makes it impossible for you to criticise Islam that way. It doesn’t matter that the OT isn’t dangerous today. It was extremely dangerous for certain people in the Canaan some time ago. Could they reject God based on this then?


    • “We as Muslims believe that Prophets are under divine inspiration and don’t commit sins.”

      “So know (O Muhammad) that there is no God save Allah, and ask forgiveness for thy sin”

      Another reason to abandon Islam. What you believe as a Muslim has nothing to do with the Koran- which is why these extremists are considered consistent followers of the sunnah, unlike you, a Muslim who follows nothing but conjecture


    • Mr. Troll,
      Try to understand your paganism. Ask yourself why you would worship a human being who himself worships his God?!
      Then christians are the last people who have the right to talk about others regarding violence. Your records do not give you this permission if there’s any permission for you.

      “Another reason to abandon Islam”
      Except that Islam doesn’t teach your false information.
      Give us just ONE reason why someone would accept christianity?


    • Paulus, shortcomings don’t count as actual sins(major), they aren’t something that anyone gets punished for. Even minor sins can get you punished if you do them repeatedly without repentance, but shortcomings are something that you’re never punished for, it’s something that Allah simply forgives.


    • The Hughes Encyclopedic Dictionary of Islam defines the word as “a sin or a crime, or the charge of such” for the word used in that ayah. This shortcoming notion is not only a lie, but totally irrational. Here you are suggesting that Allah needs to forgive something that isn’t punishable. What is he forgiving exactly? Talk about a total contradiction.

      This is precisely why I said that your version of Islam has nothing to do with the koran. You are merely following conjecture.


    • Paul wrote…

      “Islam has always categorically forbidden the killing of women, children, old people and non-combatants in war. ”

      Yah except that it hasn’t, since its ok to kill woman, children, etc… if you are commiting a home invasion at night for they are “of them” lol


  5. “If you’re born in East Sussex on Christmas Day to Christian parents, you certainly are. It’s the culture, you see.”

    You are equivocating Paul. The posts point is thathe would have been seen as Christian to the Muslim world because of the culture he came from. Not that he was actually a Jesus following Christian.

    Clearly, he had a propensity to evil and his conversion to whatever form of Islam he hailed increased that.

    Shame on you for trying to shift the goalposts


  6. According to Christianity nobody can actually apostate from it. Everyone who leaves Christianity has never believed actually in Christ they say. Disgusting view.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love how Muslims always try to put the blame of Islamic terrorism on Christians. I mean, I don’t blame Muslims, they have no plan B. Muslims and Islam are doomed whenever we go to the Qur’an.

    “Fight those who do not believe in Allah…” (9:29).

    “I will cast terror upon the infidels. Cut off their heads, and smite their fingertips.” (8:12, this verse justifies the beheadings done by the Islamic State.).

    “I have been commanded to fight the unbelievers until they testify that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” (Al-Bukhari).

    “Know that Paradise is under the shade of you sword.” (Al-Bukhari).

    “Whosoever lives by the sword, died by the sword.” (Jesus).

    “Be weary of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” (Jesus).


  8. “Islam has always categorically forbidden the killing of women, children, old people and non-combatants in war.” – Paul Williams

    Bilal, I’m glad you believe this, but the reality is far from what you claim. One of your own Sunni scholars is more openly candid that you are.

    “It has been determined by Islamic law that the blood and property of people of Dar al-Harb [ie. non-Muslim people who resist Islamic conquest] is not protected… In modern war, all of society, with all its classes and ethnic groups, is mobilized to participate in the war, to aid its continuation, and to provide it with the material and human fuel required for it to assure the victory of the state fighting its enemies. Every citizen in society must take upon himself a role in the effort to provide for the battle. The entire domestic front, including professionals, laborers, and industrialists, stands behind the fighting army, even if it does not bear arms.”

    Note his logic- since all of society is somehow “involved” in modern wars, then all of society is not immune from attack. This is the modern Muslim justification for attacking and terrorizing.


  9. Paul wrote…. “Though I disagree strongly with the author’s view that so-called ‘Wahhabi-Saudi-Salfism’ inspired the terrorist attack,”

    Oh man your funny, so Wahhabi Saudi-Salfism didn’t inspire the attack, but I bet you will say (and actually have said to some extent) that Donald Trump, David Wood, Sam Shamoun, Robert Spencer, etc… have inspired “Islamophobe attacks on Muslims” lol

    you also made the claim in the title “Adrian Elms was a violent Christian before he became Muslim terrorist Khalid Masood ”

    And yet, he didn’t commit these attacks as a “violent Christian” he committed them as a MUSLIM lol

    See thats why I like coming to this blog, its funny posts like this that actually make my day lol.


  10. This guy has had a history of people being RACIST to him. He is been a VICTIM of racism all his life:

    “Masood, may have eventually snapped because of racism in his village leading him to slash the face of a cafe owner.”

    “Masood went off the rails in July 2000, slashing a man across the face after an argument that had “racial overtones”. The attack would land him in jail and his life, already in a fragmented state, would fall apart.”

    “Masood was 35 and living in the quiet Sussex village of Northiam when in 2000 he slashed cafe owner Piers Mott in the face with a knife after a row that had ‘racial overtones’.

    Hove Crown Court heard that the attack left Masood and his young family “ostracised” in the village. He had been in conflict with his victim before. After leaving the pub, in which he argued with his victim, Masood lost his temper and slashed seat covers in Mott’s car.”

    “”There were racial overtones in the argument between himself and the victim. He let that get to him – unusually, because in the past he has been able to shrug off that sort of abuse.”

    “Adrian Elms, one of only two black men Northiam – according to a court report at the time – was ostracised from the community. He was jailed for two years for the attack.”


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