Will Lizzie Schofield still debate me?

On Monday 27th March I sent this email to Jay Smith:

The video of my challenge to Jay and Lizzie can be viewed here.

Jay Smith assured me several times on Sunday at Speakers Corner that Lizzie Schofield would debate me this coming Sunday. Naturally I am keen to fine-tune the arrangements. But to date I have had no response from Jay Smith or Lizzie at all.

Yesterday I sent a private message to Lizzie on Facebook Messenger:

I have not received a reply from her either. I get the impression they are ignoring me. I hope I am wrong.

Categories: Christian extremism, Debates, Islamophobia, Life in the West, Speakers Corner

55 replies

  1. Going from past debates I really don’t blame her for avoiding you.


  2. Why are you so adamant to debate her on this topic?


  3. Maybe she’s having second thoughts after you suggested you have five minutes each in turn.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Is Lizzie Schofield a fundamentalist Christian? I thought you wouldn’t debate Fundies?


  5. Poor Wood and Sam. They would never dehumanize Muslims!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Paul

    Why don’t you challenge this woman to a formal and more structured debate instead of the rowdy Speaker’s corner where mobs of angry muslims will try to shout down any criticism of islam and its terrorists?

    You seem to be afraid of being exposed in a more scholarly encounter.


  7. Paul W,
    Which Hijab article are you referring to in the email to Jay Smith? just curious.


  8. Hello:
    In the email it talks about the Jews in Germany in the 20th century and the Muslims today. That is not good comparison,many have pointed it out:

    a)The Jews in Germany had no terrorist organizations that were killing people.

    b)While today several Muslim organizations are in the West that are killing people.


    • except for today, we have a number (maybe 2) of terrorist organisations as a result of western wars of aggression who are perversely funded by the west and armed by them.

      So the western armies and their leaders are just terrorists on a massive scale.


    • I think most Muslims would refer to them as Kharijites rather than Muslims.


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