The Preservation of the Qur’an Explained in Detail

Calling Christians

Br. Adnan Rashid and Br. Mansur have delivered an exceptional lecture on the preservation of the Qur’an. Dozens upon dozens of common claims made against the Qur’an’s preservation are completely and totally refuted in what can only be described as having been done in an academic yet accessible form:

I would highly recommend this lecture for those who are interested in the Qur’an’s preservation. I would also recommend subscribing to the channel that the video is posted on, they have excellent content and even better videos will be appearing soon.

and Allah knows best.

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Categories: Islam

5 replies

  1. How do you know you are preserving the truth?

    How do you know the Quran was preserved without any form of redaction being involved in the process?

    Being of a skeptical nature I am inclined to ask these questions.


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