Defend Christ, Critique Islam “Ministry” in Chaos

Is your name Elizabeth Schofield?

If you are, then questions surely need to be asked about your beliefs. See, earlier this year, the “ministry” that Elizabeth Schofield was a part of, held to the belief that women should be covered for modesty:


Pfander Women Wear Scarfs for Modesty

Here is Elizabeth Schofield, abiding by the rules of her master, Joseph Jay Smith:

lizzie covered1 (Feb 18th) pf

Elizabeth Schofield Wearing Clothes Covering Her Chest on Feb. 18th (Pfander – Youtube).

Here she is again:

lizzie covered2 (April 4th) pf

Elizabeth Schofield Wearing a Top that Hides Her Chest for Modesty During Debate with Paul Williams on April 4th (Pfander – Youtube).

Recently, Hatun Tash and Elizabeth Schofield had decided to create a new ministry. After spending hundreds of hours in trying to craft the perfect name for their ministry, a unique name that would honour their beliefs and passions, something that would stand out in the crowd, their collective intellect led them to the highly creative name of “Defend Christ, Critique Islam”. It’s a brilliant name, isn’t it? In a hundred years I wouldn’t have come up with something so inventive and genius. Accolades are due to these two highly intelligent scholars of the greatest order. So, after painstakingly crafting their new ministry’s name, what did Elizabeth Schofield decide to do?

Well, she freed herself of the patriarchy of her Christian teacher, Joseph Jay Smith. In the very first video introducing their “ministry”, Elizabeth Schofield decided to ditch tops that covered her chest, there was apparently, no longer a need for modesty:


Elizabeth Schofield Smiling After No Longer Having to Dress Modestly Due to Joseph Jay Smith’s Demands on the Defend Christ, Critique Islam Introduction Video on Youtube.

Look at her smiling! She’s clearly happy. There is apparently, no longer a need to dress modestly according to the beliefs that her previous ministry held to. This therefore begs the following questions:

  1. Did Elizabeth Schofield only cover her chest for modesty due to the demands of Joseph Jay Smith?
  2. Did Elizabeth Schofield believe that women in a Christian ministry  should cover their chests due to their Christian beliefs?
  3. If it is Question #1, or Question #2, or both, the question that now needs to be answered is, have her beliefs changed?

For all of the time Elizabeth Schofield spent harassing Muslim women about their hijab, she herself, seems to now be liberated from not having to dress modestly since creating her new “ministry”, away from the peering eyes of Joseph Jay Smith. This though, is not the only problem.

beth grove

Beth Grove for Pfander.

Given that Joseph Jay Smith is now leaving the UK to return to the US, after having stoked fears about immigrants and Muslims in the UK, Hatun Tash and Elizabeth Schofield seem to be in pole position for the ministry that is to be taken over following Joseph Jay Smith’s departure. Yet, why is that?

Why isn’t it Beth Grove who has worked longer with Joseph Jay Smith, taking over the ministry’s duties? Why did Hatun Tash and Elizabeth Schofield have to create a new ministry altogether? The ministry of, “Defend Christ, Critique Islam” or DCCI as they refer to themselves, seems to have been given birth due to a disagreement with Pfander Center for “Apologetics”. Why aren’t Hatun Tash and Elizabeth Schofield in charge of Pfander? Why start something new?

In the midst of Joseph Jay Smith’s departure, Pfander seems to be in complete chaos, with different members (perhaps, former members) breaking off of the leash that Joseph Jay Smith had on them, or perhaps not being chosen to carry on the center he created. After more than 15 years, the seeds of Joseph Jay Smith have finally brought to fruition a fragmented ministry, as well as a poorly named new ministry and in some weird way, has allowed Elizabeth Schofield to free herself of the modesty demands that she once obeyed while working with Joseph Jay Smith.

Why is that?

Categories: Abominations, Extremism, Freedom of expression, Unbelievable, Utterly idiotic

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9 replies

  1. Umm… If you guys think the lady on the right, with one button undone (second to last pic) is dressed immodestly… that is tone-deaf to UK or generally to western cultures. The difference to us is no greater than the same lady in pic 2 and in pic 3 – with a collar vs. without. No perceivable difference, for us. Just saying. This sort of post will only get you eye-rolling.

    Slow news day, huh? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh no Dr. Tuggy,

      I think you’ve misunderstood. In their previous ministry, they *had* to cover their chests with scarves or tops that were high. In their new ministry, the first thing one of the ladies have done, is to break away from that dress code that they once diligently held to.

      We’re not saying she is dressed immodestly, we’re saying that her previous ministry would have considered that immodest.

      Hope that makes it clear for ya!

      Liked by 3 people

    • Greetings Sir Dale. Would James the Just, ”the Bishop of Bishops” consider the females kindly photographed by Ijaz Ahmad as being dressed immodestly? Additionally sir, would you be willing to debate David Woods on the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity? And what makes you so sure that the NT writers were not ardent pro-claimers of the Holy Trinity? Thank you.


    • Greetings. I doubt it. My understanding is that ancient Jews and Christians practiced veiling of the hair only and not of the face, and this only during their meetings. Yes, I would debate David Wood. But he very rarely talks about the Trinity, preferring to talk about the “deity of Christ” instead. For some of the evidence that the New Testament is not trinitarian, see here:

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dale, I’m sure you already know, James White has said he has no interest in debating you as you’re not scriptural enough (you’re philosophically arguing against the Trinity).

      Looks like you’re finding it tough to find reputed Trinitarian apologists to debate.


    • Thanks Sir Dale for replying. I am currently watching the Youtube Video that you kindly posted. I believe Dr William Craig Lane does speak of the Trinity, especially from a Philosophical point of view. The vast majority of Christians do not question the Trinity even in their minds is because they are scared of being considered Heretics. Dr James White and Dr Micheal Brown plus others openly claim with certainty that ALL NT WRITERS WERE TRINITARIAN. Yahya Snow could you arrange this debate between Dr Dale and David Woods?


  2. Hi

    I have applied to join DCCI, I am waiting on them to get back to me but if I assume leadership of DCCI I promise to look into your concerns and I have already proposed a brand name change and a new dress code – a sports hijab company may sponsor us.

    View at

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Liz dressed the same in previous videos:
    Was that not while she was part of Pfander?


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