16 replies

  1. Question- what’s a ‘kaffir’? (Kaffar? I don’t know the spelling)


    • google it


    • I did. I wanted to seek a clearer interpretation, from a Muslim, not from a machine.


    • google Muslim views


    • I imagine that will bring up a lot of answers. Would I be correct in reading that a a kafir (kaffar? Kuffar?) is a derogatory term used to describe unbelievers?


    • dont be lazy. Go do research.


    • Why do you think I am asking *you* the question? Anyone can Google – I am *trying* to have a dialogue with an actual Muslim. I am currently having a discussion (though he appears to have gone quiet£ with an apparent Muslim who thinks killing kuffar is perfectly justified. Given what I have been led to believe, this is incorrect.


    • Legally, a kāfir (pl. kāfirūn, kuffār) is a non-Muslim. Theologically, a kāfir is someone who denies and refuses to act according to what they have recognized to be the truth. In Arabic, this act of disbelief/ingratitude is “kufr” (literally “covering”).

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for your helpful reply. Where do kafir stand in terms of their legal rights under Islam?


    • Depends on quite a few various factors. Do you have something specific in mind?


    • Someone on Twitter claimed they had very few rights and even hinted it was acceptable to kill kafir in the right circumstances.


    • All of the basic human rights and the right to follow one’s community’s own legal systems (except in disputes involving a Muslim, wherein Sharī`ah will be referred to), as well as a right to all social/welfare services and a right to be exempted from mandatory military service… yes, very few rights indeed.

      It’s acceptable to kill anyone under the “right” (exceptional) circumstances.

      Liked by 1 person

    • It seems the person who made these claims has deleted their Twitter account- I suspect them of trolling but we’ll never know now,

      Liked by 1 person

    • “Legally, a kāfir (pl. kāfirūn, kuffār) is a non-Muslim. Theologically, a kāfir is someone who denies and refuses to act according to what they have recognized to be the truth. In Arabic, this act of disbelief/ingratitude is “kufr” (literally “covering”).”

      This is correct. But something has to be made clearer. Someone who does not believe in God is a kafir in any case. Someone who hears the message of the Prophet and rejects it is a kafir too. So making a difference between non-Muslims and disbelievers (kafirs) is something only applying to exceptions that are rather rare. Therefore it can be said that the legal principle (non-Muslim = kafir) is the general case.


  2. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O people! Verily your Lord is One and your father [Adam] is one. An Arab is no better than a non-Arab, and a non-Arab is no better than an Arab; a red man is no better than a black man and a black man is no better than a red man – except if it is in terms of taqwa (piety)…”
    Sahih hadith in Musnad Imaam Ahmad.

    Liked by 1 person

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