Jonathan McLatchie’s Apologetics Academy Attacks Shaykh Deedat in Light of Nabeel Qureishi’s Passing

Muslim apologists by and large have been respectful to our Christian brothers and sisters following the passing of Nabeel Qureishi. We’ve seen almost all Muslim apologists come out in condemnation of fellow Muslims who were using this sensitive time to one-up our Christian brothers and sisters. Such considerate behaviour however has not been forthcoming from the Christian community. Instead of using this time to reflect on their beliefs and to mourn, many Christians have taken to abusing Shaykh Deedat.

One such malicious and abusive statement was made on Jonathan McLatchie’s Apologetics Academy, a Facebook group where he and his cohorts train Christians on how to approach apologetics about Islam, Atheism and other opposing world views.

Caution: The post you are about to see is very disheartening, quite malicious and highly disrespectful, so please bear this in mind before further reading.


Yes, we understand that this is a difficult time for many of our Christian colleagues, but that does not give them the right to behave in such a malicious manner. We must hold our brothers and sisters to a higher standard, and if the Muslim community can do it, why not also the Christian community?

Chris Claus who is an active Administrator of this Facebook group, along with Jonathan McLatchie, have not dealt with this post as of this article’s publication despite the post’s popularity in the group. In fact, this behaviour is emblematic of a serious problem within the Christian community when it comes to Islam. Just recently, Joseph Jay Smith’s Christian apologetics team, lead by Hatun Tash, also demonized Shaykh Deedat publicly during a debate with our esteemed Br. Mansur. Do note, that Jonathan McLatchie is a colleague and supporter of Mrs. Tash and issued no rebuke regarding her behaviour or statements. Sam Shamoun, a former employee with the fraud-ridden (as he himself claimed) ABN TV condoned Tash’s statement about Shaykh Deedat in his Paltalk room while speaking with her before his online “class”.


Jonathan McLatchie

We urge our Christian brothers and sisters to hold themselves to a higher standard, one where they can deal with Muslims in an honest, respectable and sincere fashion, such rabid hate and spite should not have a place in their hearts.

May God guide us all.

and God knows best.

Categories: Christian extremism, Evil, Extremism, Islam

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13 replies

  1. Form the Islamic perspective,
    1)The prophet (ﷺ) said “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer. If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him. If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” (Sahih Muslim).

    Remember! This applies for no one EXCEPT the believer.

    2) Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: ” There is no trouble that comes to a believer except that it obliterates from his sins, even if it is the pricking of a thorn ” (Sahih Muslim).

    On the other hand, I’m wondering what the christian perspective is to what happened to Nabeel. I mean christians believe -sometime arrogantly- that they defeat their sins already once they believe in the death of their god and his resurrection!, and the good deeds don’t play any role with that all loving god!.


  2. Are we really surprised?

    This is standard fare from Right wing, fundamentalist Christians and Missionaries. They constantly lower themselves to the most base forms of polemics in order to score points, at any cost against Islam as well as all other faith traditions.

    Mischaracterizing Sheik Deedat, by misusing the pictures of him in his final days is a reprehensible, and disgusting act that any decent person should be ashamed of.

    The simple fact is that Nabeel Qureshi is like a gnat in comparison to the great Sheik Deedat. And Deedats successful work had a greater effect on the world, than Qureshi could ever dream for with his ineffective “life work” and efforts at Islam bashing.

    Unlike Qureishi whose work is largely inconsequential, the Shadow of Deedat looms large, and Deedats work is still read by millions and continues to liberate many from the mental chains of Christianity, and reinforces the faith of Milliions of Muslims world wide. Deedats work will live on, while Qureshi will be eventually forgotten except maybe as a foot note.

    May Allah shower the great and beloved Sheik Deedat with Barakah and Rahmah.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These hate preachers can’t help themselves, can they?

    ‘Can an Ethiopian change his skin or
    a leopard its spots? Neither can you
    do good who are accustomed to
    doing evil’
    _ _ _ ( Jeremiah 13:23)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These Christians are uneducated and too lazy for research. Stroke, cancer and any illness has no boundary no matter what religion one belonged. Visit hospitals and you will see Jews, Muslims, Christians, idol worshipers, Hindus etc. in severe pain. In Islam, we are required to accept what ever happens to us and continue to worship the one and only God of Abraham who is alone according to the Bible and the Quran.

    Ahmed Deedat knows his sickness is the will of God. God’s punishment of Muslims on earth is less severe than God’s punishment of Muslims in hell. Ahmed Deedad must suffered in his sickness on earth like most people including Christians as well. Muslims believe in such case, one’s(Ahmed Deedat) and all Muslims who suffer on earth through other avenues have got their sins removed and will go to heaven straight. That is Sheikh Ahmed Deedat is in Jannat Firdaus(heaven) right now.

    Nabeel Quraish who has got his stomach removed eventually died of cancer. Do you think his smile is easy for him? when he is leaving his wife, small children and family behind?

    Ahmed Deedat was an old person who has preached to the world and has left behind great grand children. He wants to have his punishment if any here and not in hell. Yes, Muslims believe when we suffer here and still hold to worship of one and only true God of Jesus, then we will not be punished in hell. Am I lying? My Muslim brothers.

    So, Ahmed Deedat might suffer in his sickness here on earth, he has paid for his sins himself and now in heaven in sha Allah.

    In old age all people from all religion can get cancer, stroke etc. but Nabeel’s rare cancer is at a very young age. You must worry about that and not an old man on his sick bed.

    Pope John Paul II was bed ridding for years before death. Do you call that torment? Christians.

    Pope John Paul II has similar sickness before he was bed ridding.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t know why there are hateful evangelical Islamophobic Christians who attack Ahmed Deedat in this issue. Probably someone took photos of Shaykh Deedat when he was having a blood draw or some medical procedure in the hospital so as to encourage people to make dua for him.

    As Intellect says, there are people who suffer pain in the hospital all the time.

    And Shaykh Deedat was not just old but very old, when he had a stroke. Stroke is common in the elderly.

    And excellent post by Abdullah1423 with an excerpt of it below

    (From) the Islamic perspective,
    1)The prophet (ﷺ) said “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer. If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him. If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” (Sahih Muslim).

    Remember! This applies for no one EXCEPT the believer.

    2) Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: ” There is no trouble that comes to a believer except that it obliterates from his sins, even if it is the pricking of a thorn ” (Sahih Muslim).

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The fact that Sheikh Deedat passed away a decade ago and yet these whiners are still trying to defame him shows how much damage Deedat did to their religion. They are just angry at him and trying to get revenge. Pathetic bunch of losers…

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Ahmed Deedat (rahimahullâh) died at the age of 87 which is longer than many people get to live. Why some people want to bring that up I do not understand. He lived a long and healthy life alhamdulillâh. Did some people expect him to live past 200-300 years?


  8. The death of a 34 year old in his prime is being compared with the passing of an 80 year old man who had lived his life in full.

    Oh yeah, great logic there, you missionary scumbags.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Age is not a matter. What matters is Ahmed Deedat tormented 9 years where as Nabeel died peacefully in a year.


    • LOL, there goes the idiotic Christian logic again. If age is not the issue, then why did your god allow the great Sheik Deedat to preach for so many years, write so many books and help convert so many Christians to Islam before he finally decided to “silence” him? Was your god busy with some other problem for all that time? What was he doing, playing on his X-Box?

      Even when he was confined to his bed, unable to speak, Sheik Deedat continued his work. It seems your god not only had terrible timing but he was also very bad at “silencing” the Sheik anyway! How embarrassing!



  1. Jonathan McLatchie’s Apologetics Academy Agrees with Banning Muslims – Blogging Theology

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