How to Explain the Sharia to Your Christian Neighbor


In order to explain the Sharia to your Christian neighbor, simply ask this series of questions:

Do you believe in God?

If so, do you believe that God loves humanity?

If so, do you believe that God wants the best for humanity, individually and collectively?

If so, don’t you think that God would send down guidelines and principles for humanity to follow in order for human beings to flourish?

If so, don’t you think that human flourishing and happiness depends on what happens on the individual and collective levels?

If so, wouldn’t these guidelines and principles apply not only to individual behavior but also to the behavior of society as a whole?

If so, wouldn’t these guidelines and principles have to influence and inform, not only an individual’s personal life and his relationships with God and other people, but also the broader societal laws and ethics of governance, economic practice, family values, etc., i.e., those things that determine the collective well-being and direction of society writ large?

If so, then guess what? That is what the Sharia is: guidelines and principles sent by God that apply not only to individual life but to entire families, communities, and societies, aimed at guiding mankind to its true purpose as worshipers and devotees of Almighty God.

Now you, as a Christian, might not believe that the Sharia is from God, but if you answered all the above questions in the affirmative, then you can at least appreciate the underlying concept at a deep level.

The fact of the matter is, there is no “Christian law” and Jewish Talmudic law has all but been undermined and displaced by reform-minded, secular Jews. In the place of Christian and Jewish law is a secular order based on, among other things, a materialistic, godless understanding of human nature and human purpose. How could God-fearing people see this as ideal?

If you, as a Christian, can appreciate all this, then the Sharia as God’s law, should not, in and of itself, strike you as foreign. In fact, insofar as you believe in God, it is something that you probably crave deep in your bones. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if, for example, governmental authorities prioritized God’s commands and society as a whole were organized according to God’s directives? Wouldn’t the world be a better place if the most powerful and influential institutions of society operated with a sense of greater purpose: to please God and obey Him.

Those who don’t believe in God would disagree, of course. But forget about them for a second. And forget about the fact that different people have different beliefs about what God’s commands actually are. Just focus on the core of the issue: God as King of Kings. God as Ultimate Sovereign. As a believing Christian, isn’t this the kind of world that you really want? Isn’t this the ideal?

OK, well, Muslims have the exact same sentiments, and the Sharia — as a body of ethics, principles, guidelines, and laws — is ultimately the path to realize that ideal.

If you, as a Christian, want to oppose the Sharia, then at least be principled about it. Don’t “sell out” by invoking cheap secular arguments about “separation of church and state” and “freedom of religion,” arguments that are ultimately incoherent anyway. Don’t hide behind liberal secularism to attack Islamic law because that same liberal secularism is equally antithetical to your Christian faith, whether you want to admit it or not. Consider the fact that Europe was the birthplace of liberal secularism and, truth be told, Christianity has not fared well there ever since, to say the least. Christianity has all but died out in countries like the UK, France, Germany, Holland, etc.

If you want to raise substantive critiques again the Sharia that are based on more than what you have seen in 20 second clips of ISIS on Fox News, then I humbly suggest that you, my Christian neighbor, learn more about what the Sharia is and how it speaks to a person’s individual life and spirit, a person’s social dealings, a person’s financial transactions, societal justice, family harmony, and so much more. I am confident that you will find much that resonates with what you have read in the Bible. But if you still have issues, feel free to provide your critique and there can be a constructive dialog and debate.

And if you don’t want to do all that, I hope that you, as a Christian, can still appreciate the Muslim’s devotion to God and his eagerness to obey Him. That is a start.

Here is some further reading.

Islamic Law and Political Authority

Islamic Law and Jihad

Islamic Law and Sex

Islamic Law and Male Bias

Islamic Law and Homosexuality

Islamic Law and ISIS/Terrorism

Islamic Law and Religious Freedom

Islamic Law and Free Choice

And Much More…

Categories: Christianity, Daw'ah, God, Islam

25 replies

  1. Problem is Muslims can’t ageee on why shariah is. Since it is determined by the scholars, then clearly it’s not from God.


    • LOL, so because nearly ALL Christian doctrine was determined by “scholars”, then clearly Christianity is not from God.

      Disagreements on the Sharia between the different schools are not on the main principles, but on secondary issues. For example, none of the schools disagree that homosexuality is a sin, but they disagree on how it should be punished by the state. Also, none of them disagree that capital punishments should be avoided whenever possible and when a judge is presented with a capital case, he should try to determine if there are any extenuating circumstances that can be used to avoid the death penalty.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Doctrine isn’t sharia, is it? Conflation 101. We don’t say “doctrine” comes from God, is the perfect law, etc. Doctrine is a summation of scripture, and in fact, Christian scholars submit to the scriptures, not doctrine.

      And you’ve provided a perfect example. Which punishment does Allah want you to follow? You have no idea, so how can shariah be implemented? It can’t. Allah failed


    • LOL, “Christians submit to scripture, not doctrine”…Right, sure…

      Cerberus, my little Gentile mutt, you Christians are experts at following doctrine rather than scripture. Your scripture is practically silent on the matters of the trinity, original sin etc. All of your most cherished beliefs are based on church tradition, not scripture.

      The disagreement over how the law is to be enforced is due to the flexible nature of the Sharia. It can adapt to different situations and conditions. That is why it is far superior to any man-made law. People like you worship the secular state because it is convenient.

      Liked by 1 person

    • “Your scripture is practically silent on the matters of the trinity, original sin etc”

      Porky the hyperbole master snorts again. Grow up and read a systematic theology or two. Observe the use of scripture as the basis for doctrine you mud loving swine.

      “The disagreement over how the law is to be enforced is due to the flexible nature of the Sharia.”

      What tosh! The disagreement is based on the differing sects and schools of thought. Why? Because the sira and shariah are not agreed upon.

      Be honest. How do you like to punish homosexuals like Paul


    • “Porky the hyperbole master snorts again. Grow up and read a systematic theology or two. Observe the use of scripture as the basis for doctrine you mud loving swine.”

      LOL, Cerberus the Gentile dog of hell is mad! Moron, anyone who has read your pathetic and useless scripture knows that it does not provide clear-cut information on your “doctrine”. Your poor ancestors had to sift through the contradictions and vague verses, then hold council after council to “clarify” the “doctrine” only to cause mass schisms and sectarian warfare. It all starts with your Bible. It’s not a coincidence.

      “What tosh! The disagreement is based on the differing sects and schools of thought. Why? Because the sira and shariah are not agreed upon.”

      Idiot, the differing schools of thought are mostly due to differing interpretations. But when you put it all together, the reason is flexibility. For example, many scholars are of the view that homosexuality is only punishable by death if it is coupled with adultery. So, if a married man commits adultery with a man, then it is a capital offense. If a man is not married, the punishment is similar to the one for fornication.

      “Be honest. How do you like to punish homosexuals like Paul”

      LOL, well I know that according to your Bible, the punishment is death. Not surprising that “Christian militants” like Ted Shoebat actively call for the execution of homosexuals.


    • It is so easy to get you to contradict yourself in the space of a few comments. You see, you’re so hell bent on being a douche, you seem to forget that your current argument contradicts your former. Take a look

      “Your scripture is practically silent on the matters of the trinity, original sin”

      First you tell me that our scripture is silent.

      “It all starts with your Bible.”

      But then you go on to blame the bible for theological debates.

      Which is it Porky. Is the bible silent or is it to blame? You’ve just been roasted mr crackling


    • As usual, Cerberus the Gentile dog of hell makes himself out to be the “douche”. Whenever you are cornered, you try to distract from your inability to answer.

      Let’s go through this slowly, so you brain can have a chance to comprehend. The fact that your Bible never clearly explains Christian doctrine is the reason for all the “theological debates”. Like I said, it all starts with you vague and contradictory Bible. And yes, it is silent on the main teachings that EVENTUALLY became orthodox doctrines, which is why there were so many dissenters against the Nicene creed and the Chalcedonian creed. Ironically, the orthodox doctrines were largely adopted based on forged verses like 1 John 5:7. Your trinitarian pagan ancestors were so desperate to find scriptural support that they actually forged verses!

      Now, will you actually respond to these points…or will you continue to make a “douche” out of yourself? 🙂


    • Looks like Porky is trying to snort. Settle down now little babe. Wouldn’t want your mum upstairs from your basement to hear you squeal.

      Typical revisionism of history my friend. You really are the master of hyperbole. Did Gabriel reveal that to you in some cave? But I doubt you’ll ever admit anything that isn’t your own bias.

      Now, if theological debate is the result of a poor scriptural basis, as you insist, then I guess the fact that you’ve admitted that Muslims don’t agree on shariah is…

      Perhaps the schism between Sunnis and shia are the result of…

      The schism between Wahhabis and liberals is a result of…

      …you guessed it, the Koran and sira. Why is it so unclear Porky to create all these divisions? Why is the shariah of Isis different to your shariah. I guess we’ve just falsified the Koran as false, since it claims to be clear.

      You’ve provided a very dumb presupposition, since it roundly condemns your own faith

      Now, as a sidebar, if the bible is silent on a topic, how then can they debate that topic based on the very thing that is silent? See how dumb you are. You’ve just repeated the same illogical argument. Dumb.

      And you still haven’t told us all what the punishment for homosexuality is according to shariah. Why? What are you scared of? That another Muslim here might hold to a different shariah? LOL


    • Lol, so Cerberus still has no response and can only bark as a Gentile dog would Why were there so many schisms in your religion? Why were there so many councils? Why are your religion’s most cherished doctrines based on forgeries and foolish interpretations?

      I answered your question already boy. You haven’t answered mine. All you are doing is chasing your own tail.


    • I have no problems with the councils and theological debates. Why would I need to defend them? Seems like your projecting your realisation that shariah is nonsensical upon the Christians. Poor you.

      And still no answer? What do YOU believe the punishment for homosexuals should be? C’mon, chicken, don’t be so scared. Chirp away. We all know that you Muslims won’t agree anyway.


    • “I have no problems with the councils and theological debates. Why would I need to defend them? Seems like your projecting your realisation that shariah is nonsensical upon the Christians. Poor you.”

      LOL, well of course you wouldn’t have a problem with them. Why would I expect brainwashed Christian morons to have a problem with them? But for the rest of us, who are not influenced by the corrupting influence of Christianity, it shows how utterly useless and vague the Bible is. Your ancestors had to hold so many councils to explain to the confused masses what they should believe! Only a brainwashed idiot like Cerberus would see no problem with that!

      “And still no answer? What do YOU believe the punishment for homosexuals should be? C’mon, chicken, don’t be so scared. Chirp away. We all know that you Muslims won’t agree anyway.”

      Did you forget how to read, Cerberus? They don’t teach you that in Hades?

      Why would I have a personal opinion about the punishment for homosexuals? I follow the evidence in the Quran and Sunnah. It is evidence that homosexuality is a major sin, but the punishment depends on the context.

      What I find laughable is how you pretend-secularists will follow the secular laws and oppose any punishment for homosexuality, when we all know that if fundamentalist Christians were truly in charge, homosexuality would not only be illegal, but most likely would be punishable by death, as it has always been. But you guys prefer to lie through your teeth and pay lip service to the secular west. Pathetic losers!


    • Trust a muslim to be upset that people would convene a council to discuss topics and make decisions as a consensus. How very non Muslim of them!

      But I do find it slightly ironic given your earlier comments. I wonder why the shariah is determined by scholars? I guess it’s just another case of your hypocrisy and hatred. Sad pork chop


    • Trust a brainwashed Christian to downplay the embarrassment of his ancestors having to hold council after council to clarify Christianity’s most important doctrines because people are massively confused and adopting “heretical” beliefs. Then trust the same brainwashed Christian to make it sound as if the councils are a noble example of “consensus” building, when in reality they were designed to demonize and outlaw any dissenting beliefs and were typically followed by brutal acts of persecution of said dissenters. How very Christian of him!

      But I do find it slightly ironic that you would compare your ancestors’ “consensus” building to Islamic scholars developing the tenets of Islamic fiqh. These scholars did not hold councils to clarify Islamic doctrine. They didn’t have to meet to clarify important concepts like Tawheed, or the Shahadah or how many “canonical” surahs there are in the Quran! I guess it’s just another case of your idiocy. Sad Cereberus.


  2. The most important paasage IMO,
    “The fact of the matter is, there is no “Christian law” and Jewish Talmudic law has all but been undermined and displaced by reform-minded, secular Jews. In the place of Christian and Jewish law is a secular order based on, among other things, a materialistic, godless understanding of human nature and human purpose. How could God-fearing people see this as ideal?”

    BTW, Sharia can go easily with the jews and christians if they are honest with their scriptures.


  3. Sharia is pagan tribal law of pre-islamic arabia – it is found mostly in the work bukhari, which is a collection of hearsay and historically dubious claims which was compiled by a persian man hundreds of miles away from where the events took place, derived from unknown sources for which we have no trace of evidence.

    WHere does allah command muslims to submit to bukhari?


    • LOL, hey Coco…why does your Bible have pagan myths? Why won’t you answer this question? What are you running from?


    • > Sharia is pagan tribal law of pre-islamic arabia – it is found mostly in the work bukhari,

      It is a fact of history that there were many Shar’i courts and judges throughout the Islamic world, from the Arabian peninsula to North Africa, in the early Islamic period, before Bukhari was even born. So are you going to claim that they were judging moslty according to the work of Bukhari?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. christian british “shariah”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Do danish cartoonists have the right to draw mo-toons without death threats?

    Does Salman Rushdie have the right to write whatever he wants without having to go into witness protection?

    Did the staff of Charlie Hebdo have the right to draw pictures of Mo without getting killed?


    • All those examples you cited don’t apply at all since they’re from individuals that are in countries not subject to the Sharia. So the answer will depend on whatever the law of their countries says.


  6. I actually really like this article because it does hi-light the hypocrisy of many claiming to be Christian by exposing how they use secular arguments against Sharia and not Christian ones.

    “If you, as a Christian, want to oppose the Sharia, then at least be principled about it. Don’t “sell out” by invoking cheap secular arguments about “separation of church and state” and “freedom of religion,” arguments that are ultimately incoherent anyway. Don’t hide behind liberal secularism to attack Islamic law because that same liberal secularism is equally antithetical to your Christian faith, whether you want to admit it or not.”

    Well said.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. So should Christians accept Sharia law as the proper guideline in line with God’s will? If so, then we are to also acknowledge the validity of Islam, the prophet Muhammed and the Quran. Is Islam truly the correct, more righteous and uncompromised version of the previous Abrahamic faiths that have supposedly fallen away from the right path? Is Allah the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?



  1. Debating Sharia | Allan Ruhl

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