Muslims Should Leave Britain! | Paul vs Catholic Hate Preacher | Speakers Corner

This Roman Catholic hate preacher is an official speaker from the Catholic Evidence Guild in London. He calls for the ethnic cleansing of Muslims from the UK. In this video filmed at Speakers Corner yesterday, I challenge his bigotry with lessons from English history.

The Catholic Evidence Guild receives official backing and support from Westminster Cathedral in London, see Parish Groups – Westminster Cathedral

Categories: Catholicism, English, Extremism, History, Islam, Islamophobia, Life in the West, Speakers Corner, Terrorism, White nationalism

12 replies

  1. God Bless you brother. It is not a rocket science to know all religions have bad nuts.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Backing and support from Westminster Cathedral, i’m not surprised but that was the last thing i would expect…


  3. If it was up to me you would be one of the first people I would deport, Bilal. Because you’re a disgrace to this nation.

    Your current ideals and values are no longer compatible to this country. Go practice your cult in Saudi Arabia with the rest of your ultra-conservative brethren.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Burhanuddin, QuranBlog & Mr Heathcliff,

    I’d send you three on the next plane to Syria and Iraq to fight for the ‘caliphate’. Your rapist isis brothers have been there dying like dogs for a few years now. They need all the help they can get.

    Jihadists are in short supply around that part of the woods these days.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol, Bad Samaritan sounds like quite the tough guy! How old are you?

      How’s your personal relationship with your whitehaired god? 😉


    • If you’re so worried about Isis how about you ask your government to give them more financial aid, he?
      It’s not a secret anymore that Isis is a western creation.


    • ” Your rapist isis brothers have been there dying like dogs for a few years now.”

      you should pray for the rapists who rape your daughters and mothers. jesus told you not to resist and here you are resisting.


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