116 replies

  1. I agree. This is a terrible word. As a Catholic I don’t want my faith having anything to do with Judaism. Also, when Evangelicals and Jews use that phrase it’s often for the promotion of Zionism.


    • ‘As a Catholic I don’t want my faith having anything to do with Judaism.”

      Oh dear. Jesus was a Torah observant Jew and the Jewish messiah.


    • Do you honestly think that the religion practiced by Jesus is modern Judaism? Jesus practiced the religion of the Mosaic Covenant which is the true religion of the OT. Modern Judaism is an imposter religion that masquerades as the religion of the Mosaic covenant.



    • Dear Allan, how can you read the bible and not be a zionist? The bible is clear that God has given all the land of Canaan to the Jews.


    • Why am I not a Zionist? For many reasons that I can’t discuss here.

      Yes, God gave the land to the Israelites when the Old Covenant was in effect. He also exiled them, even when the Old Covenant was in effect for rejecting God. They rejected God’s Messiah and have therefore rejected God again. Also, the Old Covenant hasn’t been in effect for almost 2000 years.

      The majority of religious Jews prior to 1948 opposed Zionism because they thought it to be against God’s plan. If Israel was resurrected it had to be the Kingdom of Israel, not a secular state.

      See quotes by those rabbis here:


      Since then, the majority of religious Jews have changed their mind and are now saying: “God brought us back. It’s our land again.”

      Liked by 1 person

    • You are conflating the sacrificial covenant which was not eternal with ownership of Canaan which is an eternal covenant.


    • Actually, according to Ezekiel, the sacrificial covenant was for all times. This is exactly why the Christian claim that the law has been abolished contradicts the Tanakh. But Christians who choose to use Ezekiel as their reason to support Israel (like the Dispensationalists) would do so by directly contradicting their NT. They can’t have it both ways.


    • Idiot replies.

      Ezekiel ends with the temple being rebuilt. It doesn’t say animal sacrifices for all time.


    • Lol, what an idiot! Ezekiel describes in detail how the sacrifices would resume. Why would the temple be rebuilt you idiot? Just to look at it? Is it going to become a museum? Imbecile!

      I think you deserve a new nickname. We have amother dancing monkey folks! I christen thee…Rafiki!

      Liked by 1 person

    • You can’t even comprehend basic english. It doesnt say animal sacrifice for All time.


    • LOL, how desperate are you? It says that God’s “glory” will reside in the temple FOREVER, and then it gives detailed instructions about the priesthood and sacrifices.

      Evidently, you’re the one who “can’t comprehend basic English”.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ha ha, the cretin has no idea how Ezekiel, Daniel, the olivet discourse and revelation all fit together.

      Islam rots the brain.


    • Hahaha, the clueless monkey has no idea how to respond.

      Christianity rots the brain.


  2. Scholars use it all the time to highlight the link between the two faiths. As you admit Paul, Jesus was a Jew as were the majority of early Christians. Christianity was born so to speak from a Jewish context.

    Seems like some Muslims are a bit paranoid


  3. No myth. As Melanie Philips has said: western civilisation was built on the hebrew bible and Chistianity.


    • No way. Western civilisation was built on anti-Judaism and rejection of the Torah. Paul started it all off when he claimed the Torah was “abolished” (see Ephesians 2:15)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Er No. Paul described the church as being grafted on to the branch.

      But we all know islam is just a vehicle for your anti-semitism Paul.


    • Eh yes. Paul was the ultimate Jewish apostate. He said:

      ‘He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace’

      Ephesians 2:15

      Compare Jesus’s teaching:

      ‘Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; 3 therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.’

      Liked by 3 people

    • In Romans 9, 10 & 11, Paul makes the definitive statement on Jews in light of the gospel. Its very poignant when he says all Israel will be saved.

      Its risible to call Paul an apostate. In 2 Timothy (the last thing he wrote) he says he is thankful he worships God like his forefathers.

      You make the common mistake of conflating the end of the sacrificial system with the eternal covenant with the Jewish people that can never be broken.


    • Of course Paul was an apostate. That is why so many Jews wanted to kill him.

      The Torah (meaning instruction or teaching) was not just about the sacrificial system, it included all 613 commandments which Paul explicitly said were now “abolished” in Ephesians 2:15.

      Contrast this with Jesus who said “Do not think I have come to abolish the law… “

      Liked by 2 people

  4. “Dear Allan, how can you read the bible and not be a zionist? The bible is clear that God has given all the land of Canaan to the Jews.”

    where did your pagan flesh god say that DISBELIEVING jews who do not take jeeezer as A HUMAN SACRIFICIAL ritual will keep the kingdom ? where did he say this? jezer thought that the KINGDOM will be taken away from the DISBELIEVING JEWS. you sound like arse licker of the jews who NAILED your pagan meat god.


    • Mr. Heathcliff, I don’t know who you are but you’re hands down the most childish, most immature and most vile person who comments on this website.


    • what did i say wrong? didn’t your false god say that the kingdom will be taken away FROM THE DISBELIEVING jews?


    • Luke 21:24 Jesus prophesies the long exile but states that the Jews will eventually regain control of Jerusalem.


    • thanks for providing evidence that not only did jesus make false predictions but he thought god would intervene anytime soon. jeezer thought that there would be no more disbelieving jews. it was “game over ” for them and the romans, he thought god would intervene and fix the problem. jesus had no idea about your zionist modern day creation . he had no idea about this.


    • Too funny. If Jesus is a false prophet islam is false.

      Actually his prophecy was fulfilled in 1967 when the IDF reclaimed the temple mount.


    • LOL, Achilles’ Heel! Muslims don’t accept the NT as a reliable source on Jesus’ teachings, so if his “prophecies” in the NT are proven wrong, it just means the NT is false.

      The NT contradicts the Tanakh in the matter of the continuation of the sacrificial system. That is further proof that you follow a false religion.


    • Muslim logic. The NT contradicts the OT on sacrifices so the NT is false.

      Hmmm. Lets see. According to the OT mo is a false prophet. Torah observant Jews laughed at mad mo’s pretentions to be a prophet.

      You have just proved islam false.


    • Hahaha, whenever Achilles’ heel gets refuted, he always changes gears and attacks Islam! Your religion is false, achilles. Get over it!

      Why wouldn’t the NT be false if it so clearly contradicts the Tanakh? Try to answer for once. Stop embarrassing yourself.


    • //According to the OT mo is a false prophet//

      Can you tell us which part of the TaNaKH is used to indicate that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is a false Prophet?. He is in every way a biblical prophets the one who is the closest to Prophet Moses.


    • Nope. Muslim logic is no logic. You can’t even follow a logical argument.

      Jesus sacrifice is now sufficient. You have to show how the NT is false? You have not done that. We say that the cross fulfills Isaiah 53. Jews interpret it differently. You haven’t shown how our interpretation is false.

      You mistake assertion for facts. You just make assumptions that aren’t true and you are intellectually dishonest. A true taqiyya artist. Mo must be proud of you.


    • your foolish pagan interpretation is false coz the servants get PUNISHED AND REWARDED, GOD GETS PUNISHED AND REWARDED? Use your God damn brain.




    • “Jesus sacrifice is now sufficient. You have to show how the NT is false? You have not done that. We say that the cross fulfills Isaiah 53. Jews interpret it differently. You haven’t shown how our interpretation is false.

      You mistake assertion for facts. You just make assumptions that aren’t true and you are intellectually dishonest. A true taqiyya artist. Mo must be proud of you.”

      LOL, a true Christian zombie! Logic and Christianity do not go together.

      There is nothing in Ezekiel about an alleged Messianic sacrifice. It states that the temple would be rebuilt and the sacrifices reinstated. This contradicts your NT. Ergo, the NT is false. Of course, the Tanakh is also false since it makes a false prophecy, one of many.

      Your silly interpretation is made because you don’t want to admit the truth. You come up with ludicrous interpretations to spare yourself the inconvenience off admitting that your scripture is wrong.

      You are a true Christian taqiyya artist. Paul must be proud of you.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Imbecile muslim.

      You are like a monkey with a leggo set screaming that these pieces don’t fit together while you bash the pieces together.

      Hint. Ezekiel, Daniel, the olivet discourse and the book of Revelation all fit together.

      First step to understanding is realising mad mo is a false prophet and let the word of God speak for itself.


    • Imbecile christian, simply parroting the company line.

      Hint: Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation etc. are completely different. Any reasonable person will see that, but not your zombie monkeys.

      Where does it say that it’s a different Gog and Magog, you imbecile? Now dance, Rafiki!

      Liked by 1 person

    • As John McEnroe said – you can’t be serious!!!


    • “Can you tell us which part of the TaNaKHis used to indicate that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is a false Prophet?. He is in every way a biblical prophets the one who is the closest to Prophet Moses.”

      Hmm. Moses parted the red sea. Elijah called fire down from heaven. Tell me about Mo’s great miracles.

      The Old Testament calls Ishmaelites wild donkeys.

      Mo contradicted the Old testament ie the son who was to be sacrificed.

      Everything about him screams fraud.


    • Achillies, you are a legend, mate. Keep exposing those silly taqiyyist rascals.


    • Lol, delusional Christians trying to support each other after they get whooped!


  5. Instead of the exclusivist “Judeo-Christian” term, we should be using the more inclusive term “Abrahamic Tradition” or Abrahamic Faith Family.”

    Liked by 2 people


    QUOTE :

    Right after Luke’s Jesus mentions the desolation of Jerusalem, he instructs his disciples at that time to flee to the mountains, just as the Maccabean revolutionaries fled to the mountains in the time of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Then Luke says (v. 24) that Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. What does this mean? It means that once the Romans attack Jerusalem, their time is pretty much up. When their time is up, that’s when the Son of Man will come on the clouds to avenge his people. There will be portents in the heavens, after the destruction of Jerusalem, and, according to Luke, “People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken” (21:26). Note that this describes a worldwide judgment, not merely a judgment on Jerusalem (which has already taken place). The judgment upon Jerusalem is precisely what instigates the judgment upon the world. Luke’s Jesus goes on:

    Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.

    I make it clear in my chapter what this means. According to Luke, the redemption of the people of God follows immediately upon destruction of Jerusalem. When the Son of Man comes, that is the redemption of the people of God, not the judgment against them (which has already taken place). Kevin, I think, misses this. Luke’s Jesus concludes the discourse, saying,
    Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.

    If the disciples are able to escape the suffering that will come upon Jerusalem, then they will be there to stand before the Son of Man when he comes to deliver them from the Gentiles, when the Gentiles’ time has been fulfilled. This is precisely the same script we see in Daniel 11-12, as well as the same script we see in Zechariah 14, where God brings the Gentiles against Jerusalem in order to judge Jerusalem, only immediately to turn around and wipe out the Gentiles for doing so, ushering in an era of everlasting peace for Jerusalem and God’s people, and the worldwide hegemony of Israel. This is precisely what we see in Luke 21.


    • Just wow. A muslim giving a dissertation on the olivet discourse. I’m impressed. Too bad you have no idea what you are talking about.

      Ezekiel states explicitly when they return to Israel after the long exile they will be in a state of unbelief.


    • “Ezekiel states explicitly when they return to Israel after the long exile they will be in a state of unbelief.”

      they reject your god and his new covenant.

      your friend alun said :

      Modern Judaism is an imposter religion that masquerades as the religion of the Mosaic covenant.


      your pagan meat god said :

      43“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”i

      45When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them.


      but “imposter religion” is NOT producing any fruit. jezer your meat god thought that “imposter judaism” and the pagan romans WOULD be replaced by “kingdom of god” which never happened .


    • Good grief. You are like a wind up monkey. He was talking to the religious rulers of the day. NOT ALL ISRAEL. Paul says in Romans 11 all Israel will be saved after the full number of gentiles come in.

      Israel has a future destiny!



      “He was talking to the religious rulers of the day. ”


      where is there any proof that your FALSE blood god THOUGHT that the DISBELIEVERS would be ALLOWED to RETURN to the kingdom of israel?

      this is the ADVICE he gave to his pals:

      Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the son of man.

      who are bringing these TROUBLES? the DISBELIEVERS .

      why are they told to run away? from WHOM ?

      “Israel has a future destiny!”




      “for these are days of vengeance”

      they ran away to mountains and thought about the soon to come vengeance . are you doing this ?

      ” Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

      DISBELIEVING israel had no DESTINY. jesus thought it was over for them.


    • Er no. He said to them you won’t see me again until you say blessed is he comes in the name of the Lord.

      You are making the common mistake in the olivet discourse by not understanding that he was talking about two timelines. The events of AD 70 and his return.


    • Are you able to grasp if Jesus is a false prophet then a priori islam is false?


    • my goodness you are an IDIOT. The nt jesus is a FALSE prophet

      1. Promise the sign to the Pharisees but FAILED to show himself to them

      2. Made PREDICTIONS , yet the easy one (temple destruction) was inaccurate, stones are still standing.

      3. Said judgement day was on its way “this GENRATION” 2500 plus years and fristians have killed, massacred, worshipped different versions of trinity and the list goes on, yet no jesos “son of man”


  7. I don’t understand what you are talking about, but let me ask, after a long list of “prophecies” why did your false prophet say :

    Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the son of man.”

    What time line was confused? Praying for what? Against whom ? if your false god thought the disbelieving Israelites will make a return, what was the point of talking about vengeance ?


    • Okay. Lets back up. You are talking about the olivet discourse.

      Jesus is asked about destruction of the temple. The disciples think thats the end of the world. So they ask him when will this happen and the sign of his return.

      So we know that’s 2 questions. One about the destriction of the temple and his return. He talks about both events.


    • the destruction of the temple triggers world wide judgement. your false blood god thought it was OVER FOR disbelieving Israel. Why can’t you see this?


    • A false god said something that is true.

      Welcome to Islam!!!


    • false god? if you christians think that the modern day creation called israel has gods blessing why do you make israel worship two new gods? cash and military weapons? did the prophecy say cash and american weapons?

      your FALSE pagan blood god said the following to you

      “Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

      “So when you see the desolating sacrilege standing in the holy place, as was spoken of by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand), then those in Judea must flee to the mountains”

      you are suppose to be REFUGES , your god had no idea that you would worship different versions of trinity, loot, rape, murder , destroy, steal, butcher etc

      you know how i know your BLOOD god is a false god, he said the following

      , “Immediately after the tribulation”, which tribulation was to occur during “This generation”.

      you christians should have been PERSECUTED and fleeing and waITING for vengeance.
      this is what jesus told you to do.

      LOOK what he tells his disciples

      “YOU will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.”

      between this date and the day jesus said the stuff in matthew, how many WARS have christians created ?

      quote :

      “Look, I am COMING soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” (Rev. 22:7)

      I am COMING soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. (Rev. 3:11)

      “Behold, I am COMING like a thief. Blessed is the one who remains awake and clothed, so that he will not go naked and let his shame be exposed.” (Rev. 16:15)

      remember, revealations was written AFTER the refugees were praying and seeking DELIVERANCE on a mountain .

      your BLOOD god = FALSE god.


  8. There is absolutely no way jesus thought “imposter Judaism” or DISBELIEVERS would take over yhwhs little land , jesus thought that the DISBELIEVERS would be REPLACED VERY soon. all those prayers were vain. The biggest prayer FAILURE is in jeesus’ name. I know this because the people who fled to the mountains were probably massacred.


    • Its an eternal covenant. Just stop embarrasing yourself.


    • This eternal covenant included the eternal application of the law of moses, which your false apostle Paul didn’t realize. Ergo, your bible is false. Stop embarrassing yourself.


    • eternal covenant, jeezer DIDNT THINK SO. he said in clear words that the disbelievers WERENT PRODUCING ANY FRUIT. the land was FRUITLESS



    • Im going to say this for the last time.

      Jesus prophesied they would go into a long exile. They would eventually come back into the promised land after a long exile.

      Ezekiel prophesies they would come back into Israel in a state of disbelief.

      Ezekiel describes the event where Israel is spiritually renewed.

      Paul says all Israel will be saved.

      You are like someone who reads a book and stops halfway through and dosent know how it ends.


    • I’ll ask you again. When your blood godling said “GIVEN to…” he meant secularists and disbelievers who would PRODUCE rotten fruits, right???

      There are other verses I can show you that will prove to you that your god thought it was OVER for apostate Israel and disbelieving Israel, but I want to see your pagan response first.


  9. Archie is Zionist lover it seems

    43“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.

    yes, that would be the disbelieving secularists and Jews. Lol


    • O yeah. Thats part of the story but not the end of it my energizer bunny.


    • so let me understand what you are saying. You are saying that your blood god imagined that secularists and disbelievers with RETURN to the land and that’s what jeezer meant when he said “and GIVEN to….”






    • archilles is Zionist Christian who wants Israel to REBUILD Jewish temple to perform sin offerings

      Liked by 1 person

    • LOL, evidently this is what Achilles and his fellow brainless Zionists believe was prophesied:


    • those are the fruits his blood god was talking about .

      Liked by 1 person

    • Where’d you run off to Achilles, you brainwashed Zionist? Did your savior prophesy the formation of a secular state of Israel, where they have gay pride parades on the streets of Jerusalem, one of the holiest cities in the world? Did you savior prophesy a state with some of the liberal abortion laws? You guys should be disgusted with this stuff! So why aren’t you condemning it instead of being cheerleaders for Zionism?


    • Ive been in Court working.

      “Ezekiel obliterates Christianity”. Er no. But it depicts the fall of islam in chapters 38 & 39


    • LOL, a true brainwashed Zionist this one is!

      Ezekiel 38-39 talks about the war of Gog and Magog. You just shot yourself in the foot, because according to Revelation, the war of Gog and Magog is supposed to happen 1000 years after the destruction of the Anti-Christ and the descent of Jesus! For your interpretation of Ezekiel 38-39 to agree with Revelation, you would have to say that the “downfall of Islam” would only occur 1000 years after Jesus descends! What will he be doing all that time? As it stands, you have demonstrated yourself that Ezekiel obliterates your religion. Thanks Achilles! You made my job a lot easier!

      You didn’t respond to the points made by brother heath and myself. Did your savior prophesy the establishment of a secular state which allows gay pride parades on the streets of Jerusalem? Do you think he expected you to support such a state? Refusing to answer only exposes your inability to answer and renders you a mere coward.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Nope. You really are a clown. Two diferent gog and magogs. The more you talk the more you show you are a imbecile. Here is a hint gog and magog happens before Armageddon.


    • Hahahaha! Where does it say it’s a Gog and Magog? The more you talk the more you show you are an imbecile.

      The war of Gog and Magog has to happen 1000 years AFTER the descent of Jesus and the death of the Antichrist, you moron. This is what Revelation says. But Ezekiel says something entirely different.


    • Chapter 38:2 you idiot.


    • You have destroyed yourself. Every christian and Jew knows Ezekiel 38 & 39 is the battle and magog.

      You are an imbecile. A laughing stock.

      Adios. As we say no further correspondence will be entered into.


    • LOL, Rafiki’s still not getting it? And now he’s scampering away!

      You claimed that it was a “different” Gog and Magog from Revelation, idiot! Now prove it!

      I said that since both Ezekiel and Revelation speak of Gog and Magog, then your claim that Ezekiel prophesies the “defeat” of Islam cannot be true. Why? Because Revelation claims the war of Gog and Magog will happen AFTER the descent of Jesus and the 1000 year kingdom. Therefore, it cannot POSSIBLY refer to Islam.

      You are an imbecile. A laughing stock.

      Adios, Rafiki! See you on another thread where you can be humiliated some more!

      Liked by 2 people

    • ROTFL!!! Thank you for proving that you are simply parroting the company line! You are an embarrassment and so are your co-religionists who make up this nonsense!

      The problem is that you idiots read Ezekiel and Revelation with the assumption that they are both correct, and so you try every way to reconcile them. But the fact that the author of Revelation did not describe who Gog and Magog were shows that he was simply borrowing the well-known concept and using it for his own myth-making. It’s clear he has the same Gog and Magog in mind. Just compare Ezekiel and Revelation:

      “You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.” – Ezekiel

      “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle.” – Revelation

      “I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him.” – Ezekiel

      “They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.” – Revelation

      In both cases, Gog and Magog are said to be made-up of many nations and their destruction will be similar. Just because Gog and Magog in Ezekiel are from the “north” does not mean they are different from Revelation. It just means little Johnnie expanded on their size.

      In fact, that in itself DISPROVES your claim about Islam as a fanciful and idiotic theory. The nations of Islam are primarily to the east or south of Israel (nations like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran etc.) or to the west (nations like Egypt, Somalia etc.). The only Muslim countries that are to the north of Israel are Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.

      Not only that, but your source deliberately misreads the description of Gog and Magog in Israel. It claims the armies will come “primarily from the north” but the text does not say that they will ORIGINATE from there. In fact, only “Beth Togarmah” is described as being directly originating from the north:

      “…and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you.”

      Then it says that they will all come from their “place in the far north”:

      “You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you…”

      But how could this be if Cush is part of this army? Cush refers to the upper Nile region, and would include countries like Ethiopia (which is primarily Christian, not Muslim). How would they come from the north?

      Face it, Rafiki. Your “John of Patmos” simply changed the Gog and Magog story. The two accounts are irreconcilable.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Another epic fail. Cretin. Gog comes from the north. And some if his army. It doesn’t all the people with him come from the North.

      Thats why i am no longer going to discuss anything with you. You are a lying dishonest idiotic taqiyya artist.

      You got proved wrong about Matthew 28:19 and still you lie.


    • LOL, Rafiki! Stop making me laugh!

      Your comment actually completely refutes your idiotic theory that the two Gog and Magogs are different! You just proved my point, you clueless simian! The source you quoted made the claim that the army in Ezekiel will come “primarily from the north”. I never said that!

      The army in Ezekiel will actually come from the “four corners” of the earth, just like Revelation claims. Think about it. It describes armies from Persia (east), Cush (southwest), Beth Togarmah (north) etc. It literally describes armies from the “four corners”. Keep in mind that the ancient Jews had no idea how large the earth really was. So when they thought of the “four corners”, it does not mean they knew about South America, North America, Australia or even southern Africa!

      You are a loser, you idiot. All you do is parrot the same lies of your co-religionists. Don’t blame me for your failures and stupidity!

      Liked by 1 person

    • The moron doesent even remember what he writes

      “Just because Gog and Magog in Ezekiel are from the “north” does not mean they are different from Revelation.”

      Adios. Fool


    • The moron doesn’t know how to read:

      Not only that, but your source deliberately misreads the description of Gog and Magog in Israel. It claims the armies will come “primarily from the north” but the text does not say that they will ORIGINATE from there. In fact, only “Beth Togarmah” is described as being directly originating from the north…

      Adios. Simian.


    • Achilles.

      Didn’t you know that ibn Sow is an expert in Old Testament prophetic writings? Oh, and apparently he is an expert in apocalyptic genre as well. When you combine this with his expertise in fictional Hebrew studies and his PhD in fabricated textual criticism, I am duly astonished he has chosen to be a Muslim. Just think, he could have the pick of any tenure he chooses.

      Hey Ibn Sow, have you checked lately to see if hogwarts has an opening. Imagine, you, a hog, working at hogwarts. Your fictional expertise in everything would be a open door don’t you think?


    • qb

      “In fact, that in itself DISPROVES your claim about Islam as a fanciful and idiotic theory. The nations of Islam are primarily to the east or south of Israel (nations like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran etc.) or to the west (nations like Egypt, Somalia etc.). The only Muslim countries that are to the north of Israel are Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.”

      Classic imbecilic thinking. I’m starting to think that you are not really a muslim, but an atheist trying to make muslims look really dumb. LOL!!

      You have exceeded yourself on that score!

      The three countries north of the land of God’s chosen people are all hostile to it – aside from Iran, most of the countries east and south of Israel are not hostile. So any muslim aggression will likely come from the north. You are a moron.


    • LOL, Rafiki was getting pummeled so his fellow clowns rushed to his rescue, and made things worse! We have the recently neutered Cerbie giving his usual pointless talk which completely ignores the topic. I guess he has had enough of being neutered, so he just barks irrelevant nonsense!

      Then we come to little Coco, the flying chandelier monkey. The monkey is a little mad due to his recent pummeling as well, so we can excuse his ranting and raving.

      “The three countries north of the land of God’s chosen people are all hostile to it – aside from Iran, most of the countries east and south of Israel are not hostile. So any muslim aggression will likely come from the north. You are a moron.”

      Bwhahahaha!! Another moron who can’t read his own Bible! Ezekiel says that Gog and Magog will comprise an army from different areas of the world. The group includes Beth Togarmah, which will come from the “far north”. But it also includes Cush, which traditionally refers to Abyssinia or Ethiopia and is to the southwest of Israel! So why could Ethiopia join a Muslim coalition to attack Israel?! Answer the question idiot!

      Not only that, but why would this army limit itself to attacking from the north? With modern technology, wouldn’t a multi-pronged offensive make more sense? What about an amphibious landing from the Mediterranean Sea?

      The author of Ezekiel obviously was not speaking of the modern world. He basically took all of Israel’s traditional enemies and put them into a coalition using ancient war strategies. You are a moron.


  10. 1. why do you want me to read EZEKIEL when mark imagines that jeezer has REPLACED the Jewish temple. Why r. U helping apostate, secular and disbelieving. Israel rebuilt the temple, when mark thought that your blood gods human sacrifice replaced it ? mark, Matthew , Jon and Luke thought that it was “bye bye” for disbelieving Israel .


    • No they didnt’.

      The last conversation between the disciples and Jesus in the book of Acts has the disciples asking Jesus: is this now when you restore the kingdom to Israel?

      See, the disciples understood Jesus as both suffering servant and Lion of Judea.


    • quote :
      This follows the parable of the “Wicked Tenants” (or “Wicked Hubandmen”) in Mark,a story which Mark groups both with the cleansing of the Temple and the cursing of the fig tree. The “fig tree” and the “vineyard” both represent the Temple cult at Jerusalem. Mark is saying that Jerusalem will be cursed and that the vineyard will be taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles. . Mark is interpreting the destruction of Jerusalem as God taking divine authority away from the Temple cult and giving it to the Christian church.

      “The last conversation between the disciples and Jesus in the book of Acts has the disciples asking Jesus: is this now when you restore the kingdom to Israel?”

      marks sacrificed pagan man god (false BLOOD god) was thought to have ALREADY replaced the jewish temple. there was no IDEA of restoring a temple .

      you are GOING against the beliefs of mark.


    • If you read the conversation its clear to the disciples that Jesus would one day restore the kingdom of Israel.


  11. …Jesus prophesied they would go into a long exile. They would eventually come back into the promised land after a long exile.”

    ..43“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.”

    so what u r saying is that “you” = the bad people and “a people” = apostates, secularists and disbelieving Jews , right?


  12. “Of course Paul was an apostate. That is why so many Jews wanted to kill him.”

    there are signs of apostasies by the time the gospel of john is written. in the gospel of john , he admits :

    John unbelievably admits that after Jesus started teaching cannibalism, some of his disciples stopped following him (John 6:66)

    then again matthew could be admitting apostasy aswell when he says “some doubted”


  13. “The last conversation between the disciples and Jesus in the book of Acts has the disciples asking Jesus: is this now when you restore the kingdom to Israel?”

    why do you speak like a TIT? have you even read acts? have you seen the away acts TREATS the jews and how it kiss ass of roman gentiles? have you ? luke DEFINITELY HAD NO IDEA of the fruits israel produces today , luke thought the jewish DISBELIEVERS were doomed.


  14. archilles , is god going to bring the fruits through “grab em by the….” donald trump?


  15. “Bart Ehrman says it is an indisputable fact Jesus was crucified. A priori islam is false.”

    for 6 hours in the PUBLIC eye they were BITCH slapping your pagan blood god. 6 fukin HOURS
    WHERE did the pro jesus crowd go?

    why was there a NEED to even crucify jesus? the jews could have FOLLOWED him and DESTROYED him after he blasphemed or WRECKED the temple. the crucifixion is BULLSHIT

    either the crucifxion is BULLSHIT or ALL those PAST attempts to KILL your god ARE BULLSHIT

    the gospel narratives dont make any sense.

    we are told that the jews could EASILY chase jesus away and EVEN attempt to THROW him off a cliff after he preached blasphemous shit in the temple

    yes, the gospel accounts are very fishy and shitty.


    • out of the public eye THE JEWS had enough opportunity to DESTROY and finnish jesus. they could have zeroed in on him simply by having their spies FOLLOW him any time they please. even the gospels admit to this. the crucifixion is BULLSHIT .

      the jews can do PUBLIC DEBATES WITH him


      they can FOLLOW

      they can CHASE him away

      they CAN do lots and lots of things

      the crucifixion is REDUNDANT bullshit.


  16. The Jews had laws to protect life and due process both of which Mohammed jettisoned.


    • Christian taqiyya! The Jews had laws to protect life…unless that life belonged to non-Jews who were at the wrong place at the wrong time…At that point, the “laws” were “jettisoned” and every living thing was slaughtered.

      In contrast, the blessed Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) protected life and only took it in self-defense. No women killed. No children or babies killed. He was a beacon of light, in contrast to the darkness that your idiotic religion brings.


    • laws to protect life?

      “Matthew refers to Barabbas only as a “notorious prisoner”.[6] Mark and Luke further refer to Barabbas as one involved in a stasis, a riot, who committed murder”

      so which jewish law was broken for the release of murderer ?
      according to the narratives, the jews were alright with releasing a murderer , and you are showing your assmus face again , if they really wanted to PROTECT life, then follow him (blood god), and take him out .

      quote :

      Why not simply have their armed contingent take him any time he was
      leaving the temple and returning to the house in Bethany? Or simply
      take him any time they liked before or after Passover in Jerusalem
      itself? One gospel says that an armed contingent was sent to arrest
      him in the temple but they were simply too overwhelmed by his oratory
      to go through with the deed. Plausible?

      end quote


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