The Son of Mary

Muslims are familiar with the tittle “son of Mary” for Jesus but it’s interesting to note that Jesus was being called the “son of Mary” by his contemporaries in a strand of tradition before the earliest canonical gospel was written. This title may have died out because people like the author of Matthew considered it to be offensive and changed that stream of tradition.

“During his ministry, Jesus returns to Nazareth, where some of the residents wonder: ‘Is not this the carpenter [ho tekton], the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?’ (Mark 6.3). To be referred to as the ‘son of Mary’ raises questions about Jesus’ paternity . It hardly comes as a surprise then that Matthew rephrases the insulting question.: ‘Is not this the carpenter’s son [ho tou tektonos huios]?’ (Matt 13.55). Jesus is here identified as the son of Joseph the carpenter. Not only is the stigma of his doubtful birth removed, Jesus has been distanced from his lowly occupation.” [p.14 Craig Evans’ in Cambridge Companion to Jesus Edited by Markus Bockmuehl – Cambridge University Press – 2001]

Categories: Biblical scholarship, Islam

4 replies

  1. More nonsense from Yahya.

    The contemporaneous use of “son of mary” was not used as a title. It was simply a descriptive term used by local peers.

    The use of the title “son of mary” is non existent amongst protestants. The reformation relegated the prominence of Mary The fact muslims use it is an indication Muhummad came into contact with pre-reformation eastern orthodox christians.


    • The fact that Mark uses the epithet “Son of Mary” is very interesting, and as Yahya points out, it helps to confirm that this “descriptive term” or title was being used by contemporaries before the earliest canonical Gospel.

      Regardless of what the Protestant Reformation decided (many years after later), the fact that an earlier tradition describes Jesus this way validates the Qur’anic usage of “Isa Ibnu Maryam” and corroborates that the earliest known proper title for Jesus is the “Son of Mary.” This information vindicates the Qur’an in relation to this point.

      I am not sure why Christians would have a problem with such a title. Far from being an insult, the title “Son of Mary” is an honorable name which emphasizes the miraculous nature of the virgin birth. Seems like there would be no argument here.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Wht does your response have to do with the above achill?


  2. Jesus, the son of Mary the word of truth

    “ That is Jesus, the son of Mary the word of truth about which they are in dispute. it does not befit the majesty of God that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! He is far above that: when He decrees something, He says only, Be! and it is ”

    ( Mary 19:34-35 )

    Liked by 2 people

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