Sam Shamoun’s inconsistency and double standards

Readers will know all about the trenchant criticism leveled at Muslims when we cite respected mainstream Bible scholars like Professor Bart Ehrman. Christian polemicist Sam Shamoun and others accuse us of hypocrisy and double standards. But lo and behold Sam is now appealing to this same liberal atheist scholar Bart Ehrman to justify to his views! Such inconsistency and double standards…

Categories: Bart Ehrman, Bible, Biblical scholarship, Christianity

17 replies

  1. Sam and co. true to form.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I was expecting a 7-hour-long read 😂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Just like your wicked vile pedophile profit, you couldn’t help but wuoutt me out of context. You make Muhammad proud, Here goes:

    In my latest post, I again appeal to Bart Ehrman to confirm that our Lord’s prayer to the Father to forgive those crucifying him as recorded in Luke 23:34 is a genuine passage that Luke wrote under inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

    You also find at the end of the post articles and rebuttals to James White and his crony Alan Kurschner who have casted doubt about the veracity of this passage.

    The main reason why I have decided to write this post and the previous one ( is because of a recent Dividing Line where James White again threw both Nabeel Qureshi and David Wood under the bus even though he tried to mask this by claiming that he loves these brothers despite his disagreements with them. This has led Muslims who hate the Gospel of Christ, and who have spent years discrediting the testimony of both Qureshi and Wood, to take White’s “loving and brotherly statements” and use them as a weapon to bludgeon the credibility of Qureshi and Wood, as well as upon the veracity of Scriptures. Don’t believe me? Then check it out for yourselves:

    This is why I have to again say White is severely compromised and has become a “useful idiot” for Muslims. As such, Christians need to stay away from this man when it comes to issues related to the transmission of the NT and Islam, and warn others of how seriously dangerous he has become. The sad thing is that, as long as White surrounds himself with yes men and fanboys, he will never admit his errors or humble himself to repent, but will continue to think he is above reproach and God’s gift to the church.

    And isn’t sad that an avowed critic of Christianity provides a strong case for the textual veracity of Luke 23:34, whereas a self-professing conservative apologist who claims to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of God’s Word undermines its textual and historical basis, thereby destroying confidence in the preservation of God’s Word and putting a weapon in the hands of the enemies of the Gospel to bash Christians with? If you think Bart Ehrman is the darling of Muslims, think again. It is actually James White, just as the following link proves:

    Truly sad and shameful.

    Now to further humiliate you and your profit, why do you quote an unbelieving atheist against Christians when you believe in the d often enough of Muhammad’s god and your book of porn whiich you claim came down from your god, all of which Ehrman would laugh at? At least I explained why I cited him in the very post that you did not bother to quote in full. In case you missed it here it is again:

    And isn’t sad that an avowed critic of Christianity provides a strong case for the textual veracity of Luke 23:34, whereas a self-professing conservative apologist who claims to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of God’s Word undermines its textual and historical basis, thereby destroying confidence in the preservation of God’s Word and putting a weapon in the hands of the enemies of the Gospel to bash Christians with? If you think Bart Ehrman is the darling of Muslims, think again. It is actually James White, just as the following link proves:

    So what’s your excuse?


    • It seems that St Sam has returned to bless us all with the love of christ by way of insults, bad grammar, and verbosity.

      Most of that post was simply you attacking james white while providing no defence as to why you have such double standards when lambasting muslims for using dr ehrman when you have just done the exact the same thing.

      Do keep up dear boy…

      Or perhaps in the language of your favourite bible translation: patrobin spoke unto sam, saying “stayeth on topic lest you be a silly sausage!”

      Liked by 7 people

    • ” book of porn ”

      How many times do we have to tell you: we don’t believe Muhammad brought the bible.

      You know, the book where angles have sex with women, or where it says:
      “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses”
      Or where prophets having incest. ETC ETC ETC

      You piece of ****! Who the f*** are you to talk about porn when your comicbook a la Emmanuel is filled with it. It was BANNED for years in many countries for being pornographic (perhaps it’s still banned).

      White is compromised? So are 99 % of scholars compromised too? Who still thinks the story of the adulterous woman is authentic? Only wishful thinkers. I can only imagine if it was the other way around, you scum would be all over it.

      You’re a sad loser. Everyone knows (including bible scholars) your comicbook is filled with additions except for you and your band of lowlife wishful thinkers.

      Now go worship your pagan mangod who came out of a vagina.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh dear Samy….why so triggered? Why so emotional?

      Liked by 2 people

    • Allah ( sw) says to the prophet pbuh.
      “Indeed, We are sufficient for you against the mockers
      Who make [equal] with Allah another deity. But they are going to know.”

      May Allah expose you and David.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Paul Williams,
      Judging from Shamoun’s wild and out of control response, your comment on his own double standards CLEARLY touched a nerve!!! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    • I’ve failed to notice until now that after writing paragraphs he didn’t even address Paul’s statement properly…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Shake my head.
    Sam, only a matter of weeks ago, was claiming if Bart says something negative about the KJV Bible then it is a sign Christians should read and endorse the KJV.

    Truly a man of many minds.

    Liked by 7 people

  5. Sam Shamoun are you schizophrenic? You claim one thing one week and say the other the next week…by the way Mr. Sam your student mclatchie has been formidably exposed by Ijaz Ahmed online and by Yusuf Ismail in debate…it seems your fruit that you are shedding are not very ripe…any comments

    Liked by 4 people

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