8 replies

  1. Those constellations are reflections of society in the Middle East as it was then, when women were men’s possessions. Marriage is an evolving institution; a social construct that has been changing for the better since biblical times…


  2. A YouTube series refuting this meme point by point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo6E4IjdJJc&list=PLB651B36E9A90FEF4

    Paul Williams claims to know so much about modern Biblical scholarship yet reads absolutely none of it concerning any of these passages. Irony.


  3. “must submit sexually to her new husband”

    lol, hormones take care of that.

    “rapist and his victim”

    no, seducer and his victim



  1. Biblical marriage summarised in one handy table | kokicat

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