Jonathan McLatchie defends ‘racist’ language calling some Muslims communities ‘a cancer’

According to his Facebook page McLatchie studies ‘PhD in Cell Biology at Newcastle Upon Tyne University’. He has debated Muslims (and others). I sent him a message with the link to my article about his video. I challenged him on his use of inappropriate and racist language about Muslims. I suggested he needed to apologise. He said “No”. He defended his reprehensible talk of no-go areas even though these silly stories have been exposed as a big lie (see here). Here is his reply.  He repeats his words that some Muslim communities are like a virus, like “cancer”. My comments are in blue. To date he has not replied further.

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Categories: Missionaries

19 replies

  1. Racist lol since when did Islam become a race?

    I think u meant bigoted


  2. He is not Mr. Nice guy he seems.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Immediately before the quoted portion, I specifically said that I was referring to Sharia-governed no-go zones in France, not Muslim populations in general. I understand that you do not believe in these no-go zones, but please at least correctly represent what I said.

    This is the third time that I have seen you quote from private conversations without asking permission (two of those was me; the other was Richard Zetter). I have blocked you on FB and do no wish to communicate further.



    • McLatchie,

      I had hoped you would have the character to overcome your racist and Islamophobic bigotry and admit you made a stupid mistake in recycling the lies of extremist preachers from the US – people like Robert Spencer, who have been banned from visiting this country by the British government because they are well known hate preachers. These lies about France and England have been exposed as rubbish such that even Fox News felt compelled to apologize. So I am disappointed in you.

      Dude, if you really think that after having been exposed as a bigot on social media you think that facebook communication from me challenging your bigotry was somehow ‘private’ you are extremely naive. Clearly you’re just embarrassed to have your views exposed – again.

      Btw I will not be losing much sleep by being blocked on your Facebook (we were never ‘friends’ on it) which I discovered just a few hours ago and contains nothing of interest anyway.

      Your short lived honeymoon with Muslims is over (I briefly thought you were a decent guy). Your reputation as a bigot and fundamentalist extremist will now follow you wherever you go.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Hey thanks Paul I made a new friend on Facebook 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good riddance bigot! Maybe we should send you on a trip to one of those so called no go zones in Paris.

    I have no idea how this spreads the Chrisitian faith. Muslims will not tend to listen to far right loons and bigots.

    But… aren’t you supposed to communicate with Muslims before you convert them?

    Maybe you have just given up and are mainly concerned with making “the Christian flock” paranoid. Fear based upon propaganda is not a good apologetic weapon

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Again with the racist? When did Islam become a race?


    • Bob,

      attacking vulnerable ethnic communities who are Muslim is rarely free from racism. As a white Englishman and former evangelical Christian – just like McLatchie in fact – I know what it is to see these ‘alien’ foreigners with their ‘dangerous’ religion. Its bigotry, racism and fundamentalism all wrapped up together. I recognise where he is coming from. Its a toxic brew.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Got back in from a bit of a jog and a dabble in the gym (don’t you know I’m an athlete? Sorry, just doing a James White).

    Brother Jonathan posted a few links on his FB for me to have a look at, which I did skim. I wanted to tell him none of those links show any credible proof for what Jonathan claimed namely ‘Sharia governed no-go-zones’. In fact it was just right wing hot air and I believe at least two of the links were to Robert Spencer’s material (the man refuted in the video). Seemed a bit lazy on the part of Jonathan to post those links in an attempt to prop up his claim of sharia controlled no-go-zones. A Muslim area with anti-social activity such as prostitution, drugs and petty crime (all in opposition to the Sharia) is as much evidence for a sharia controlled no go zone as a socially deprived black gang dominated area in the South of London for the idea of a Nigerian no-go-zone run by the Bible or a socially deprived white dominated council estate for a KKK run no-go-zone. It’s not intellectually honest.

    It’s lazy. The right wing are lazy. That type of propaganda is designed for those who are already in the camp of hatred and/or the gullible.

    It’s not often I quote Fox News but ‘there’s no credible evidence’ for sharia run no-go-zones in France or the UK. Now if Fox can admit it…so too can Jonathan McLatchie. Think about it, if Fox News don’t even think they can stretch the crumbs of Spencer et al then why would Jonathan McLatchie an aspiring academic? The truth be told, if it was for an academic study he would conclude these are a pack of lies but seen as he made the mistake of trusting the right wing and repeating these lies in a church he feels he’s stuck with it. Well that does not have to be the case Jonathan, you can drop the bucket of crap (throw right over Spencer’s nice suit, go on, you can do it:)) and just say you were mistaken. You’re a human…just like the rest of us. We all make mistakes. No need to stretch it out or even worse; dig yourself further in.

    I very much hope Jonathan upholds better research and academic skills in his doctoral studies otherwise he may be in for a long haul. Sorry Jonathan, my humour…nothing personal…but there’s a point behind it 🙂

    Having said that, it appears Jonathan’s FB page has been removed or is unavailable. I hope he is OK and I hope he reflects further on these episodes. I do hope Jonathan does not take this sad episode to heart and become entrenched in his views through stubbornness and pride. Please think about it Jonathan.

    BTW I love his last name and want to pronounce the first ‘c’ as the ‘ch’ in ‘loch’ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Paul you wrote…
    “As a white Englishman and former evangelical Christian – just like McLatchie in fact – I know what it is to see these ‘alien’ foreigners with their ‘dangerous’ religion. Its bigotry, racism and fundamentalism all wrapped up together. I recognise where he is coming from. Its a toxic brew. ”

    My Response: So let me get this straight. You where a right wing evangelical fundamentalist Christian who was a homosexual racist bigot. Ok yah sounds legit.

    “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.” 1 John 2:19

    BTW You never did answer me. Do you consider Amjem Chaudry and his “community” to be a cancer?


    • Bobby boy, mock all you will. You and McLatchie are chips off the same block. Enjoy your new friendship.

      “You where a right wing evangelical fundamentalist Christian who was a homosexual racist bigot. Ok yah sounds legit.”

      Sounds just like you Bobby (maybe minus the gay bit).

      “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.” 1 John 2:19

      With your own words you condemn yourself lol

      Btw, when will you get it into your thick head that I’m not here to answer your random questions?

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Robert Wells has been psychologically damaged by muslims. I seriously don’t know how else to explain their obsession with islam and muslims.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Dropped on his head as a baby. You’re killing me here Paul, killing me. Too funny. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Jonathan McLatchie presents a theory which suggests peaceful Muslim communities are terrorists in the making and potential ‘persecutors’ and ‘subjugators’ of Non Muslims

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Jonathan’s friend Ricard Zetter has just sent me a link that Jonathan is claiming proves that there are muslim sharia no-go areas in the UK and France. The article is by Robert Spencer, a notorious hate preacher, who was banned from entering the UK in 2013, along with Pamela Geller. They were due to speak at an English Defence League march (EDL are a notorious gang of racist thugs). The Home Secretary, Theresa May, informed Spencer and Geller that their presence in the UK would “not be conducive to the public good”.

    Such is the company that Jonathan keeps.

    here is the link. Enjoy.



  1. Jonathan McLatchie’s Racist and Xenophobic Views | Calling Christians
  2. Does Newcastle University’s Jonathan McLatchie Have a problem with Muslim Immigration? | Yahya Snow's Blog
  3. Inconsistency and Inaccuracy | Yahya Snow's Blog

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