Who was The Son of God? Not just Jesus


Why might a Muslim (or a Jew) find this problematic?

In no particular order:

i) Adam is called “The Son of God” in Luke chapter 3. Jesus clearly was not unique in this regard. And Adam lived way before Jesus. What was his secret? Just in case you don’t believe me:

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ii) Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called Sons of God”. So everyone in principle can be a son of God by being a peace activist.

iii) The phrase ‘the Son of God’ in its Jewish Second Temple context means a righteous man, one approved of by God. The following individuals were called ‘Son of God’ in the Bible: Adam, David, Jesus, and all who follow Jesus’ teaching.

iv) So the son of God did not need to become the son of man in order that people could become sons of God. They could just follow Jesus’ teaching or emulate righteous David.

Categories: Christianity

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