62 replies

  1. Glad the White Man came and hired Mexicans to cut down those trees and pave the roads. I mean really how would I ride my 800 lb cruiser with out any roads?


  2. Yeah, Robert, on a highway to hell

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Living easy living free


  4. My friends are gonna be there too


  5. I am curious why do muslims assume the familiar? Is it just out of blatant disrespect or not being raised with manner?


  6. Robert Wells so you are not only western, but white supremacist too.

    And “White Men” did not hire “Mexicans”. They slaughtered and enslaved them in the name of the Lord.
    Ever noticed “white men” are not actually “white”. They are more like piggy coloured.

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  7. Burhan did u say ur prophet was piggy colored? U do know that he was a white man right? Also the companion of the quran is a whiteman. Oh and the Virgins in allays paradise are all see through white chicks. So r they all piggy colored too.

    Not to mention Paul Williams is a white man. Is he piggy colored told?

    Birhan u let ur racism skip out lol


  8. Paul no what is funny is muslims demanding respect yay they are the most disrespectful creature out there.

    But what is even funnier is Burhan calling u piggy colored lol


  9. Well Jesus wasn’t a church going bible thumping stetson swinging pork eating boozing southern baptist, for sure.Yeeehaa

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Burhan every one knows Jesus was a long hair hippy from northern Italy or Germany and he spoke perfect king James English


  11. Oh where to begin? The map managed to leave off at least one major tribe: the Navajo. My relatives (sister in law) is full Navajo, from Blanding, UT not far from Four Corners.

    As to the notion that the white man took on the Mexicans and killed them off to get land, would the history were so simplistic. Fortunately it isn’t.

    So let’s take a look at the Mexican – Texican history, shall we?

    In 1820-1824, Mexico won independence from Spain and Austin founds a new colony

    In 1824, MEXICO encouraged the foreign settlement of what was now called Texas.

    Come 1828, conflict arose and by 1830, Mexico banned any United States immigration within it’s borders’

    In 1833, Santa Anna became President of Mexico and Texans respond to the imprisoning of Stephen Austin. And not in a nice way.

    1835 brings the fullness of response: YOU WANT TEXAS, MEXICO? COME TAKE IT! WE DARE YOU! (the predecessor of the phrase: “don’t mess with Texas” heh)

    War being won, in 1836 Texas declares its independence from Mexico. The Alamo falls, the Battle of San Jacinto results in a win for Texas, and the Republic of Texas is born. YEHAW!

    In 1839, in honor of Stephen Austin, the city of Austin is now the capital and Texas adopts the Lone Star flag.

    Texas was annexed in 1846. That same year, however, the US – Mexican war begins. By 1848, the treaty of Guadelupe/Hildago ends the war. What started the M-A war? “The annexation of Texas bolstered westward expansion of the United States. Settlers moved to Texas in droves. President Polk defined the border between Texas and Mexico at the Rio Grande, but Mexico did not agree. Diplomatic solutions failed. Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to position troops along the north bank of the Rio Grande to protect the Texas boundary. The Mexican government saw this as an invasion and thus an act of war, resulting in the Battle of Palo Alto in Brownsville on May 8, 1846—the first major battle of the U.S.-Mexican War. War was officially declared by U.S. Congress on May 13”.

    Did they kill off all or even most Mexicans? Nope. Was this a war of American aggression for land, oil or any of the other liberal twaddle lines? Nope.

    One of the big myths about Texas is that they’re a bunch of racists and always have been. But Texas was one of the first confederate states to emancipate (Juneteenth, 1865). Also one of the first states to have a black person in its legislature (1869). We also were a state recognizing the political contributions of women (Ma Ferguson being the states’ first female governor in 1924).

    Of course this is a brief history but today, “Texicans” are abundant in the state and welcome here. As long as they come here legally to work (which only requires a work visa that is renewed every year and allows border entry for daytime/night time employment but not permanent residency) or to become permanent residents.

    So they’re not only around, but abundantly around. And the foods’ really good, too 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  12. “Burhan every one knows Jesus was a long hair hippy from northern Italy or Germany and he spoke perfect king James English”

    No, bobbsy. But a lot of white supremacist nut cases believe that

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Leah you forgot to mention Texas greatest contribution. Brisket lol


  14. “As to the notion that the white man took on the Mexicans and killed them off to get land, would the history were so simplistic. Fortunately it isn’t.”

    “The massacre in the Great Temple was a key incident in the Spanish conquest of Mexico which occurred on May 20, 1520. …

    … Some tried to escape, but the Spaniards murdered them at the gates while they laughed. Others climbed the walls, but they could not save themselves. Others entered the communal house, where they were safe for a while. Others lay down among the victims and pretended to be dead. But if they stood up again they [the Spaniards] would see them and kill them.
    The blood of the warriors ran like water as they ran, forming pools, which widened, as the smell of blood and entrails fouled the air….”

    “The Spanish conquerors in Mexico during the early colonial era lived off the labor of the indigenous peoples. Due to some horrifying instances of abuse against the native peoples, Bishop Bartolomé de las Casas suggested importing black slaves to replace them. Las Casas later repented when he saw the even worse treatment given to the black slaves.”

    Source wikipedia


  15. Burhan the Aztec like Isis needed to be destroyed


  16. Bobbsy I guess Breivik isn’t you poster boy, no, sounds more like Adolf Hitler

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  17. Burhan leave if to a head chopping Muslim to defend heart cutting out human. Sacrificing Aztec a lol


  18. Aaah I see, the white man’s kill is good, the white man is allowed to kill, the white man is justified to kill, because the white man’s killing is civilized and efficient on industrial scale.


  19. Burhan ur racism is really coming out. Why is it that racist muslims only see in tel colors. There is the white devil, the brown people and than there is the 3abeedz lol.

    Ur really clueles about the Aztecs u have no idea what ur talking about. Go back to Killifish Shia or killing sunnis leave the Mexican alone


  20. No, I won’t go “back” to anywhere. I’m staying here if you like it or not. Who do you think you are?

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  21. Don’t know where here is bug ice it’s in dar-al-Islam then can I ask u why?


  22. Sorry met dar Al haram


  23. So why do west hating muslims like living in ths west?


  24. the West belongs to Allah too. The whole earth is a mosque.


  25. Oh so u admit it’s Islamic.colonization and occupation


  26. @Robert Wells

    You mentioned riding a ‘800 lb cruiser’

    Are you being carried by an American Christian apologist?


    Liked by 2 people

  27. I see Yahya Snow is refuting Sam Shamoun the only way Muslims know how. But seriously I would like to know why west hating Muslims willing choose to live in the west when there are so many Islamic paradises to choose from.

    Why stay in the west with all the fake Islamophobic attacks happening?.
    Why stay in the west with all the mosque bombings and burnings?
    Why stay in the west with all the government persecution of Muslims?
    Why stay in the west with all the booze?
    Why stay in the west with all its crime, and rapes, and murders, and robberies?
    Why stay in the west when there is so much pork here?

    Really Muslims why stay here?


  28. Paul your not really a west hating Muslim. To be honest if you’re still alive when the War does come you will be flying the Union Jack supporting the killing of ISIS Muslims.

    But I’m talking to the born that way Muslims that live in a place they hate.


  29. I’m sorry Robert but you simply have to go and ask those specific muslims. Be brave and stop picking on the averege muslim. Go to your nearby salafi mosque and ask them that question to their face.

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  30. Poitierfrane

    Interesting nick. Last might I listened to a round table discussion on the battle of tours. Anyway it’s not hush salafi look at ths muons on this blog. You have intellect burhaunddi and a few others that sit around this blog winning and complaing about the evil west. As well as most of the muslims I encounter every else.

    So the question remains why live someplace u hate when u r free to leave


  31. Where do get the idea I hate the us gov?


  32. Lol my hate of Obama? What comment on DB have u that idea lol.
    A couple of things. 1. Obama is not the US gov. Second I voted for him lol.


  33. Pauly Pauly Pauly u really did not spend a lot of time on my DB page did u lol


  34. Islam will enter every house Bobby, so time to pack your bags …

    How about colonizing Mars, Bobby? They need supreme lifeforms. “Listen you lowlife Marsians, I am an earth supremacist and I’m proud of it, lol, lol …”

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  35. No I won’t be voting God him since he can not and is not running again. and no won’t be voting for trump I like everyone else is having fun with him lol

    No I don’t think Obama is a Muslim

    But none of that has to do with ur false allegation that I hate ths us gov.


  36. Burhan thank u for admitting why muslims live in the west. colonization and occupation


  37. Ok so. unlike Islam we believe in independent thought and freedom


  38. Ok if IM silly that has nothing to do with if false allegation.


  39. “we believe in independent thought and freedom” But only your independent thought and freedom is supreme, we know.

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  40. What false allegation? Or r u making another false allegation


  41. Bufhaund stop projecting ur Islamic supremacy on me


  42. Robert did you know your ancestors were muslims? And they were not white.

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  43. Robert i don’t know what those muslims you encounter specifically tell you but you must distinguish criticism from hate. Perhaps they made a point about how a western goverment supported some dictator in the east or how the invasion of iraq was wrong and only served the interest of those who started it rather than some humanistic cause.

    I might also mention that it is those wars and support that is one of the reasons muslims emigrate to the west. Most i have met want nothing more than return to their homelands and families once war has settled down.


  44. What is a hater? Can u define please?


  45. Burhan.

    You might want to tOm to Yahya snow lol.

    IM sure some of my ancestors were what u racists would call white. But can u prove they where mulims? Do u even know where my ancestors come from lol


  46. Robert, your ontological foundation is Islam

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  47. Robert yes indeed, your ancestors were Muslims. 100% true.Adam and Eve are Muslims as too is Noah. PBUT.


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