Missionary Mishap: McLatchie’s Mystery Math™

When promoting yourself as leading an “academy”, it might be in your best interest to know how to count. Unfortunately, McLatchie’s Mystery Math™ strikes again. In a previous incident, McLatchie argued that God was 1/3 of God, leading to much ire from the Christian community and much backpedaling to no avail. Today, McLatchie’s Mystery Math™ strikes again:


If it’s any consolidation, the inability to count does indeed indicate the quality of argument that the video offers. That being, little to none. It does serve as a warning to the video about the leaps in logic, reasoning, bias that the ~14 minute video presents.

Looks like we weren’t the only ones to heed the warning about the quality of content from Jonathan.

and God knows best.

Categories: Abominations, Christian extremism, Silly, Utterly idiotic

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1 reply

  1. “McLatchie argued that God was 1/3 of God.”


    Trinitarianism ALWAYS leads to more and more confusion!! Clearly it has led McLatchie FURTHER away from knowing the true nature of God, since he thinks that God himself is not whole and is only 1/3 God.

    Just plain weird, if not ridiculous.

    Liked by 2 people

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