Leading Christian doubts Muslims are having Jesus dreams

Why John Piper Doubts Muslims Having Jesus Dreams

Many Muslims have claimed over the years that they saw Jesus in their dreams and got saved. But preacher and theologian John Piper says he is highly suspicious of such stories as they seek to contradict the biblical paradigm of how salvation comes.

At a Q&A session during a recent seminar, “Let the Nations Be Glad!” by the Desiring God ministry, Piper was asked what he thought of Jesus coming to Muslims in dreams. Is that real? Or more importantly, is that real conversion?

“Jesus coming to them in their head, preaching the Gospel to them that they have never heard of before, and believing and being saved… that I am suspicious of… big time,” said Piper, the pastor for preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minn.

Such claims, Piper said, reflects the way people pray. “I have heard people pray, ‘Oh God, give me dreams, oh God, give me dreams,’ because they have heard stories that somebody had a dream.”

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/why-john-piper-doubts-muslims-having-jesus-dreams-59988/#y8B0Bx7G1XKkiwpK.99

Categories: Christianity, Islam

19 replies

  1. Agreed. And this is applicable to your recent, and almost laughable, entry of the poor Mexican guy.


  2. We all know Christian missionaries make stuff up in order to cash in. Christian countries are becoming more and more Atheistic so they focus on trying to convert Muslims and others in the East.

    Some dreams the Christian missionaries aren’t reporting so widely


  3. Spot on Zozo. And yet we find another comment linking more videos of people converting to Islam after seeing Muhammad. So many double standards…


  4. Marvin, it’s almost as though they’re blind, deaf, and headless of their own inconsistencies.

    Yayha just posted a series of YT videos on non-Muslims receiving dreams about Muhammad, on a topic about how these form of dreams are quite far-removed from reality (in general, not only Muslims who receive dreams about Christ). C’mon, you can’t be this blatant and flippant about being inconsistent.


  5. Paul, may be such rhetoric is plausible to those who bridge evidential gaps on the whims of “good” faith, but won’t afford this to any other contrary ideas — and hence, marvelling in their own disingenuous nature.

    But I would expect much higher level of discourse on such a blog. But with your recent propagation of inconsistent literature (you have yet to address my comments on “Christian” salvation, and that of Islam’s “divine love”), and with obviously bias comments such as “maybe the dreams of Jesus are illusions but the dreams from Muhammad are authentic..there would be no inconsistency then”, then I’m doubtful that the direction you were initially seeking to take with this blog is heading down that direction — in fact, in the opposite (the arguments are certainly becoming desperate and unsubstantiated).


  6. Marvin and Zozo,

    My point is, Christians have a reputation of dishonesty when it comes to trying to convert people…just look at Caner, Kamal Saleem, Walid Shoebat et al.

    Making up stories about visions, terrorist activities and falsifying their past records all in order to coin it in and get a few converts.

    As for the vids I posted, the first is of a CHRISTIAN guy relaying a conversation he had.
    2nd: Abdal Hakim Murad is trustworthy
    3rd: Nouman /ali /khan is trustworthy and in another video he goes and visits the person in question
    4th: This brother is trustworthy

    Compare those with Kamal Saleem’s vision story and some of those other sketchy Christian stories of visions.

    There’s a quality difference.

    Just to further emphasise the lack of trust in the stories of Christian preachers, just look at the example of the well known preacher Tony Nolan. A trainee Baptist minister contacted me to express his suspicions about this man telling porkies in his backstory:


    The preacher in the post is sceptical about CHRISTIAN conversion stories of visions. I have yet to come across a Muslim scholar who is denouncing Muslim stories of seeing a Prophet (including Jesus p) in a dream.


  7. “Of course the evangelical view is wrong. I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with an evangelical on anything.” Zozo al-Maslawi

    “Agreed. And this is applicable to your recent, and almost laughable, entry of the poor Mexican guy.” Zozo al-Maslawi

    “Marvin, it’s almost as though they’re blind, deaf, and headless of their own inconsistencies.” Zozo al-Maslawi


  8. You left this part out:

    “However, Piper said he believed in “Cornelius type dreams,” as recorded in Acts 10:1–48. Cornelius, a centurion, had a dream where an angel of God told him to send for Peter who had very important information for him and his family.

    Cornelius wasn’t saved without hearing the message from Peter, Piper underlined. He wasn’t saved until he heard the message and believed in it which happened after the dream.”

    see also Acts chapter 11 –

    Not every claim of a dream or vision is credible. The true dreams are ones that prepare a person or open them up to then hear the message of the gospel or get a Bible and then repent and believe in Christ.

    Several times in Acts 10-11 it says, “a man is coming to you who will speak words to you by which you will be saved”

    Very important difference. What Piper is rightly objecting to is that Jesus comes to people in a dream and explains the gospel and they get saved without reading the Bible or without someone personally speaking to them and getting to know them in loving outreach through hospitality and discussion and preaching and teaching.


  9. This one is very credible because the man in the dream only confirms what the Muslim is studying in the Bible. What converted this man Khalil from Islam to Christianity was he compared the Bible to the Qur’an and the Bible won his heart by the power of the Holy Spirit.


  10. This one is credible also; as I know the person and met him years ago and he is real and came to faith in Christ by reading the Bible. The dreams were just at the beginning of his search and they were encouragment to read the Injeel (the true New Testament, the true Injeel, Evangel / Gospel)


  11. Khosrow’s vision / dream came after he started reading the Injeel. According to his own testimony, Jesus changed him from a depressed person to a happy person. But the important thing is he learned the gospel from the NT and the other 2 pastors, the first was Assyrian and the second was Farsi speaking (former Muslims and their church.)


  12. Ken, you say that it’s credible yet your fellow Christian John Piper would doubt that story…


  13. No, he would not; because they are like Cornelius’ dream/vision, which Piper affirmed. Didn’t you read my first entry up there? Paul Williams left that part out. And you have to watch the videos. They are like Acts 10-11. The dreams guide them to the Bible / or Injeel. The dreams themselves do not bring the gospel, but they point or encourage one to find a bible or a person.


  14. Acts 10:22 – to Peter – “Cornelius, a centurion . . . . was directed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and hear a message from you.”

    Acts 10:33 – “. . . we are all present before God to hear all that you have been commanded by the Lord.”

    Acts 11:14 – “and he (Peter) shall speak words to you by which you will be saved. . . ”

    The dreams were preparations for hearing the message of the gospel by a real person and/or reading the Scriptures.

    The article that Paul W. linked to showed that what John Piper was doubting was a dream of Jesus where Jesus preaches the gospel and people get saved without other Christian people telling them the messag -, evangelists, missionaries or by reading the Bible / Injeel.

    The two stories in the videos above, one in Arabic (with English sub-titles) and the second one in Farsi (with English sub-titles), – in each of them, they both read the Bible first and the Lord was working in their hearts because of the message. The dream / vision was an additional encouragment to keep on reading the Bible / Injeel. (not the way of how a person got saved in itself)


  15. You know people are having dreams about Budha Krishna and prurple monkeys and yellow ellephants.. so the dream argument falls flat big time..


  16. Hmm, Muhammad said that if any man has a dream which he doesn’t like, it’s from Satan (Bukhari vol 9 book 87 number 114). But Muhammad’s first revelation of the Qur’an was in the form of a dream which he didn’t like… (Bukhari 6.60.479,480; 1.1.3; 9.87.111; Ibn Ishaq Sirat al rasul Allah, 106.52,53)


    • Hmm, could you actually quote the hadiths in question, rather than give us your paraphrase. And provide a link to the citations so we can check. Thank you. It’s not that I don’t trust you Royal Son, but you have a history of tendentious claims about Islam.


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