What does the largest Church on earth say about Muslims and Islam?

It may surprise you! The official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church given at the Second Vatican Council in 1965 (known as Nostra Aetate), teaches the following:

“The Church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth (Cf. St. Gregory VII, Letter III, 21 to Anazir [Al-Nasir], King of Mauretania PL, 148.451A.), who has spoken to men. They strive to submit themselves without reserve to the hidden decrees of God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God’s plan, to whose faith Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not acknowledging him as God, they venerate Jesus as a prophet, his Virgin Mother they also honor, and even at times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the day of judgment and the reward of God following the resurrection of the dead. For this reason they highly esteem an upright life and worship God, especially by way of prayer, alms-deeds and fasting.”

Read the decree in full here

Also, at the Second Vatican Council, in a document entitled Lumen Gentium issued in November, 1964, the Church teaches,

“But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place among whom are the Muslims: these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.”

Muslims must always bear in mind that extremist Christians such as David Wood, Nabeel Qureshi, Sam Shamoun et al. do not represent mainstream Christianity.  The sensible, informed majority of the global Church – which also includes the Anglican Church and the Orthodox Churches – recognise considerable truth in Islam, though respectfully disagreeing about some things.

For further evidence of this mainstream, moderate majority see the signatories to the joint Christian & Muslim document A Common Word between Us and You. Here is a brief summary of the agreed common ground between the two religions:

‘Muslims and Christians together make up well over half of the world’s population. Without peace and justice between these two religious communities, there can be no meaningful peace in the world. The future of the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians.

The basis for this peace and understanding already exists. It is part of the very foundational principles of both faiths: love of the One God, and love of the neighbour. These principles are found over and over again in the sacred texts of Islam and Christianity. The Unity of God, the necessity of love for Him, and the necessity of love of the neighbour is thus the common ground between Islam and Christianity.’

Categories: Christianity, Extremism, Islam, Wisdom

56 replies

  1. Thanks for pointing out this.

    My question is, why then the Roman Catholic Church and the other Churches that officially hold this position with regards Islam and Muslims don’t rebuke thier members (such as Robert Spencer etc) for adopting Islamophobic polemics and thus going against the official position of the Churches?

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  2. Taking this claim is really not loving your neighbor. Jesus tells us he is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. Islam rejects the deity of Christ when the Qu’ran says God begets not nor is he begotten. The core Christian belief is that God manifested himself as a man in Jesus and dwelt among us. Gave his life so that through his peferct sinless sacrifice we are redeemed. Islam rejects this. They even go as far as saying Jesus didnt die on the cross.

    Now in no way do I believe in attacking anyone for their beliefs but to say we worship the same God is a lie and all you are doing is putting their soles in jeopardy. What we should be doing is showing them the truth which has been revealed by God in his Holy Scriptures.

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  3. Islam doesn’t respectfully disagree on the matters of theology. (Read sura 9:29-32) It is very clear that neither the writer of this article, nor the leader(s) of the Catholic church have never read any part of the Quran and are not familiar with the Sunna of Muhammad.

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  4. tony “The core Christian belief is that God manifested himself as a man in Jesus and dwelt among us. Gave his life …”

    I cannot understand what you are talking about. That doesn’t sound orthodox Trinitarian. Rather the usual unintelligible waffle


  5. Half Truth is dangerous, if the quote says Muslims are part of God’s salvation plan, what it means us that Muslim are yet to be saved, how is this difficult to understand?

    Secondly, saying this is coming from the BIGGEST CHURCH is misleading, Jesus teachings and the Apostles teachings are not compatible with Islam, so this is a gross misrepresentation.


  6. David Wood, Nabeel Qureshi, and Sam Shamoun do not represent mainstream Christianity? There’s a reason for that. Mainstream Christianity does not represent true Christianity. Being in the minority is good. Jesus said, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

    I know David, Nabeel, and Sam all personally and count them as fellow servants standing against the lies of Islam. I’m just not quite as public as they are.

    Interesting you would mention the Anglican church and the Common Word document in the same paragraph. In 2008 I and several others collaborated with an Anglican minister, Dr. Mark Durie, in formulating perhaps one of the best responses to the Common Word and exposing it’s real nature. http://acommonword.blogspot.com/2008/02/notes-for-christians-on-understanding.html


  7. Joe Carey

    You said;
    I know David, Nabeel, and Sam all personally and count them as fellow servants standing against the lies of Islam. I’m just not quite as public as they are.

    I say;
    The people you mentioned are not qualified Islamic experts to be taking seriously. They do not have Islamic qualifications and do not speak Arabic. In Islamic sense, before anyone can be taken seriously as an authority in the religion, he must have studied all the necessary requirements.

    It is just like a Muslim who do not know Greek, Hebrew and Arabic then write a book about the birth of Jesus and claim it is biblical.

    Nabeel was recently exposed as a big liar against Islam just like Ergun Carner, Walid Shoebat, Aayan Ali etc. who lied that they knew Islam and later research proved they lied from their teeth and some Christian brothers disowned their lies including Nabeels lies.

    You do not seem to tell the truth that a follower of Jesus must do, because following Nabeel makes you a dishonest Christian.

    If you have time, watch these White and Black people who converted to Islam and learning the Islamic religion.





    You compare these fellows who spent years learning to Nabeel Quraish who do not speak Arabic? and keep lying about his former religion?

    WE LEARN CHRISTIANITY FROM BRUCE METZGAR, F.F BRUCE, BART ERHMAN etc. and not from Islamic scholars who do not speak Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek.

    WE LEARN ISLAM FROM ISLAMIC SCHOLARS LIKE JOHN ESPOSITO, A CHRISTIAN AT GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, KARYN ARMSTRONG A NON MUSLIM, LESLEY HAZELTON NON MUSLIM who are all researchers and academics who spent years researching Islam and they speak and know Arabic.

    It is un-Christian and against Jesus Christ to learn Islam from Nabeel Quraish, David Wood, Shamoun, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Bill Orielly etc. knowing very well that they are liars and do not have knowledge about Islam and no qualification for Islam.



  8. Joe Carey “Mainstream Christianity does not represent true Christianity. Being in the minority is good.”

    Another arrogant missionary nutcase. You really feel special, don’t you? Chosen by God, really makes you proud, doesn’t it? Fundamentalism is a kind of racism


  9. “Another arrogant missionary nutcase. You really feel special, don’t you? Chosen by God, really makes you proud, doesn’t it? Fundamentalism is a kind of racism”

    Ironic much? Lol


  10. that same church that you say endorses islam also says that the church is the pillar of truth and is infallible and is holy and universal


  11. also, you FAILED to quote in context,

    16. Finally, those who have not yet received the Gospel are related in various ways to the people of God.(18*) In the first place we must recall the people to whom the testament and the promises were given and from whom Christ was born according to the flesh.(125) On account of their fathers this people remains most dear to God, for God does not repent of the gifts He makes nor of the calls He issues.(126)

    Nor is God far distant from those who in shadows and images seek the unknown God, for it is He who gives to all men life and breath and all things,(127) and as Saviour wills that all men be saved.(128) Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience.(19*)


  12. Quoting in context refutes your position

    also a Priest made a rebuttal refuting a similar position

    Click to access 2014-09-07_weekly%20column.pdf


  13. “Whoever does not embrace the Catholic Christian faith is lost, like your false prophet Muhammad.”
    -St. Peter Mavimenus (d. 8th century), martyr from Gaza. Response reported in the Martyriologum Romanum when he was asked to convert to Islam by a group of Muslims.

    “There is also the superstition of the Ishmaelites which to this day prevails and keeps people in error, being a forerunner of the Antichrist…. From that time to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration.”
    -St. John Damascene (d. 749), Syrian Arab Catholic monk and scholar. Quoted from his book On Heresies under the section On the Heresy of the Ishmaelites (in The Fathers of the Church. Vol. 37. Translated by the Catholic University of America. CUA Press. 1958. Pages 153-160.)

    “We profess Christ to be truly God and your prophet to be a precursor of the Antichrist and other profane doctrine.”
    -Sts. Habenitus, Jeremiah, Peter, Sabinian, Walabonsus, and Wistremundus (d. 851), martyrs of Cordoba, Spain. Reported in the Memoriale Sanctorum in response to Spanish Umayyad Caliph ‘Abd Ar-Rahman II’s ministers that they convert to Islam on pain of death.

    “Any cult which denies the divinity of Christ, does not profess the existence of the Holy Trinity, refutes baptism, defames Christians, and derogates the priesthood, we consider to be damned.”
    -Sts. Aurelius, Felix, George, Liliosa, and Natalia (d. 852), martyrs of Cordoba, Spain. Reported in the Memoriale Sanctorum in response to Spanish Umayyad Caliph ‘Abd Ar-Rahman II’s ministers that they convert to Islam on pain of death.

    “On the other hand, those who founded sects committed to erroneous doctrines proceeded in a way that is opposite to this, the point is clear in the case of Muhammad. He seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men. As for proofs of the truth of his doctrine, he brought forward only such as could be grasped by the natural ability of anyone with a very modest wisdom. Indeed, the truths that he taught he mingled with many fables and with doctrines of the greatest falsity. He did not bring forth any signs produced in a supernatural way, which alone fittingly gives witness to divine inspiration; for a visible action that can be only divine reveals an invisibly inspired teacher of truth. On the contrary, Muhammad said that he was sent in the power of his arms—which are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants.”
    -St. Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), Theologian and Doctor of the Church. Quoted from his De Rationibus Fidei Contra Saracenos, Graecos, et Armenos and translated from Fr. Damian Fehlner’s Aquinas on Reasons for the Faith: Against the Muslims, Greeks, and Armenians (Franciscans of the Immaculate. 2002.).

    “As we have seen, Muhammed had neither supernatural miracles nor natural motives of reason to persuade those of his sect. As he lacked in everything, he took to bestial and barbaric means, which is the force of arms. Thus he introduced and promulgated his message with robberies, murders, and bloodshedding, destroying those who did not want to receive it, and with the same means his ministers conserve this today, until God placates his anger and destroys this pestilence from the earth.
    (Muhammad) can also be figured for the dragon in the same Apocalypse which says that the dragon swept up a third of the stars and hurled down a third to earth. Although this line is more appropriately understood concerning the Antichrist, Mohammed was his precursor – the prophet of Satan, father of the sons of haughtiness.
    Even if all the things contained in his law were fables in philosophy and errors in theology, even for those who do not possess the light of reason, the very manners (Islam) teaches are from a school of vicious bestialities. (Muhammad) did not prove his new sect with any motive, having neither supernatural miracles nor natural reasons, but solely the force of arms, violence, fictions, lies, and carnal license. It remains an impious, blasphemous, vicious cult, an innovention of the devil, and the direct way into the fires of hell. It does not even merit the name of being called a religion.”
    -St. Juan de Ribera (d.1611), Archbishop of Valencia, missionary to Spanish Muslims, and organizer of the Muslim expulsions of 1609 from Spain. Quoted in several locations from his 1599 Catechismo para la Instruccion de los Nuevos Convertidos de los Moros

    “The Mahometan paradise, however, is only fit for beasts; for filthy sensual pleasure is all the believer has to expect there.”
    St. Alfonsus Liguori (d. 1787). Quoted from his book, The History of Heresies and their Refutation.


  14. It seems that practitioners of both faiths, Christianity (Catholic denomination) and Islam, in the comments below state the non-acceptance also found in doctrinal compatibility. Neither know how to express love for the Jew (maybe this is the commonality). Hypocrites!


  15. I haven’t noticed Jews showing Muslims much love recently.


  16. In second comment, thank you, Paul, for posting Church Council doctrines, etc. and studying such things. Also, for allowing freedom of expression on your site (which, see: first comment). I’ll check out your site a bit, and may come back to it. Keep studying!

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  17. Muslim citizens in Israel vote, run government positions, are elected in parties to the Knesset, drive, receive free healthcare and education, worship at hundreds upon hundreds of mosques, blare their call to prayer over the loudspeakers from the minarets. Ask Jordan to reinstate Palestinian citizenship of the stateless Arabs in the other half of so-called “Palestine”: Jordan. There’s the love! Problem solved.


  18. randyjw

    These Muslims were there in the land centuries ago before Israel was formed. Israel destroyed much of their houses, farm houses, mosques, churches etc. and continue to do so. To praise Israel for allowing them to stay in their own country and vote is the most disingenuous praise I have ever heard.

    The Palestinians do vote, and pray in the loudspeakers and minarets in the same place before Israel was formed but now Israel has much restrictions for them. Road blocks, demolition of Churches and Mosques, farmlands, houses and the UN and US has warned Israel not to destroy UN world heritage places of worship but Israel is encroaching all the places of worships.

    The Mosques and Churches were thousands but Israel has reduced it to hundreds and they(Israel) do not deserve praise but rebuke as the US, UN, and all the world continue to rebuke it.

    Not all Jews are Zionists. Some Jews like Muslims and some Jews hate Muslims. Evangelical Christians hate both Jews and Muslims but will help the Zionist against Palestinians because of Armagedon so that the Jews will be converted to Christianity.


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    • Israel existed both before and after Islam, the US, the UN, and the Roman-created entity called Palestine, under which Jewish Kings (Idumean convert) Herod (several of them) and also the Hasmonean Jewish Dynasty (the Maccabee brothers, from which our two-thousand year tradition of Chanukah comes from (relating when they destroyed our Temple, which was ATOP THE TEMPLE MOUNT) still continued to reign. We are the same Jews — then, and now. The Arabs of today made a mistake in calling themselves “Palestinian”. The old Philistines of Gaza were Greek seafarers, who were in that small area, along with four small areas nearby to it. They were vanquished long ago, as were the Canaanites (had they chosen to say they were ” Canaanite”, it would have been better for them, but they’re stuck with “Palestinian” now). We are the ones with the archaeological records, the written outside records, and more. The New Testament, written perhaps a few centuries past the above-described period of Roman conquering, describes Jews throughout: Pharisees, Sadducees, etc. Jews, Jews, and more Jews. We were obviously still there when each conquering ruler either tried or succeeded, for a period of time…but there were Jews there always, and the rest keep coming back. That is why in each historical record the attacking armies are always attacking Jews, ‘cuz there we were. Roadblocks? Let’s talk about Israel’s failing experiment to try to let Arabs run self-autonomous areas within Israeli sovereignty. Terrorism by the Arabs upon Israel’s citizens limits free entry from those areas, but not within Israel itself, unless a search is ongoing for a terrorist. Bethlehem, written about in the New and Old Testaments, is suddenly this new term called West Bank? King David, our Jewish King (not renamed Daoud) was a shepherd from Bethlehem! Jerusalem’s Old City has four quarters: Jewish, Armenian, Christian and Muslim, all sharing space for Churches and synagogues. It was Jordan who burned down like 48 synagogues in the Old City when they attacked us in 1948. Didn’t the Taliban topple the giant Buddhist statues? Heck, I saw Arab workers at Castel, myself, taking a pickaxe to artefacts or whatever there. The Arabs I met and talked with were from Lebanon, Kuwait… My Palestinian ex-husband, when I said he looked Greek and Sardinian, said his grandfather was Greek. There were no roadblocks when his daughter and husband picked us up from the Old City and we went to her house. No roadblocks when we went to dinner at a very lovely, humongous house in the breezy, mountainous air of another Arab friend. No roadblock in the Old City to visit an Arab man’s home, or as he engaged me to help him with his bank issues at the bank (he needs to make his home payments — then there would be no issues). Blockades? Nope. They let in tons and tons of shipments — a simple search would uncover videos supporting this. The Saudis use a great public relations firm — top notch. I used to work in public relations/advertising. The rest of the world is anti-Semitic, too. They also happen to be loud and raucous. So, G-d will indeed sort us out at the end, Baruch HaShem.


  19. I left this site and started opening old emails I never got around to reading. It must be G-d directed, because right there for me were some facts to give the readers here.

    From the time period covering July 8 – July 14, 2014 (Operation Protective Edge begun July 8, 2014) at date of report, the IDF and COGAT facilitated the transfer of humanitarian aid and supplies into Gaza, which includes the following:

    5,000 tons of food products including: meat, dairy products, rice, flour, wheat, sugar and oil;
    934,150 liters of diesel fuel;
    513,000 liters of gasoline;
    690 tons of liquefied petroleum.

    Boy, are we stupid. Here is Israel supplying food, fuel and gas to the Arabs, and all we got in the same time period (July 8 – July 14, 2014) was 1,040 rockets fired at Israel. Bad return on investment (ROI), I think.


  20. randyjw

    There are numerous stories of the middle eat and any one is writing it the way to suit him, so I can also bring my own history. It is better to brink the history from a founder of Israel and his son and some Jews for you to hear.

    I am not bringing this history from an Arab or Muslim point of view but from Jews who have realized the evil of Zionism to the point of some of them resigning and supporting the Palestinian people against the blockade of Gaza and road blocks of the west bank and east Jerusalem and building settlements which is against the UN and the US and Europeans.

    1. A British Jewish Parliamentarian.

    2. The son of one of the founders of Israel.

    4. Israel not terrorize only Palestinians but terrorize Jews themselves

    5. Another Jew not happy about the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians.

    I have more and more Jews denouncing Israel atrocities to the Palestinians and they are on youtube and peoples are viewing them so Israel justification is debunked.



    • Just like these so-called “Palestinians”, right? Yasser Arafat (former “Palestinian” president/leader) born in Cairo, Egypt. Sari Nusseibeh born in Damascus, Syria. Saeb Erekat (“Palestinian” negotiator), born in Jordan and holds Jordanian citizenship. As far as there being Jews who are either ignorant of their history or who belong to very religious denominations, such as the Satmars, which it looks like you feature in the video, there will always be some. The Satmars believe direct, visible, Divine intervention should re-establish Jews in Israel. Others feel that G-d assists in whatever action we would undertake in the Land, which he gave us. I believe both viewpoints, and this is supported in the Torah. I feel that the Dome of the Rock is safe, because I think it would need to be determined by G-d. I do think He might show His hand in this someday, in which case we would all be powerless to do anything. I see you’re big on propaganda and nil on facts. Based on your exaggerations, I wouldn’t even believe your story, which you don’t even tell. There is often a problem with facts and logic in the Arab narrative. Gaza belongs to Israel as does the land. Israel sovereignty controls the ports, the roads, the water, the airspace and the infrastructure. Arabs control their own infrastructure in their own countries, but they don’t run Israel’s… It’s ridiculous to think that they would. Actually, I believe it was Dutch Shell who started the oil rigs in Saudi. The Saudis never ran any of those rigs until much later, when they took the derricks and equipment from the outside companies who had installed them. So, I guess they didn’t run alot of their infrastructure until they “nationalized” what others had made. If you think that Arabs are insulted by the truth and facts, then it’s apparent that they’ll keep living their lies at our deaths and expense.


  21. randyjw

    You said;
    Boy, are we stupid. Here is Israel supplying food, fuel and gas to the Arabs, and all we got in the same time period (July 8 – July 14, 2014) was 1,040 rockets fired at Israel. Bad return on investment (ROI), I think.

    I say;
    What an insult to Palestinians. You put them in a prison without any port of entry and be proud you feed your own prisoners with meat?

    You have done nothing. They do not deserve your meat, they deserve to be like all human beings with their ports free from any blockage and their farms and homes free from being damaged for them to have their own sustenance.


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  22. Did I mention the time when my Palestinian ex-husband (boyfriend, at the time), myself and this Christian woman went to my ex-husband’s relatives’ farm located in a little, quiet village in Israel? She was so relaxed, she was practically falling asleep on the couch. It was the most peaceful place I’ve found in Israel. Why? Because, in Israel, being a Jew means that a terrorist is thinking about or attempting to kill you at any second. But in the Arab villages (only in Israel, not in the other Arab countries), they know that no Israeli is coming to get them (unless they’re a terrorist, or suspected of being one or aiding one). When this Christian woman was writing a paper, my Palestinian boyfriend set her up with the center near Bethlehem which feeds information to journalists and gets people to tell stories in “interviews” to them. Yeah, they have to use “fixers” to dictate the storyline to give journalists. They really only use Arab journalists in Arab lands. Al Jazeera America was pretty much a new phenomenon in using other nationalities. They already ran it into the ground; it’s going bankrupt. Sort of like the billion – dollar generating flower hothouse left by the Gazan Jews when they were thrown out of their homes. This no more. Palestinians have, in the past, been noted to be among the richest people, per capita, in the world, with all the aid that’s given to them. They could have used it to the peoples’ good, rather than spend the money on producing rockets to attack the Jews with. This is getting old. The gig is up. Based on what’s going on in the rest of the Arab countries, I’d say the people are wise to the reality of which side is causing all the wars waging around the world. I don’t think you can pretend it’s the Jews there. And then there are Arabs that agree with, or at least side with, my type of perspective: Khaled Abu Tomaeh; Walid Phares; former Palestinian terrorist, Walid Shoebat. Not many, but a few brave souls. What; You’re going to tell me that they’re not Arab?


  23. randyjw “Boy, are we stupid.” Agreed.


  24. Oh, yeah. And the checkpoint at the entrance to Bethlehem? Very wide opening at the rotary there. Waltzed right in with my Palestinian ex-husband, the Christian woman and myself, on the way to the center where they give out media information to feed journalists. She was looking at the wall to the right, I was looking at the expanse of green grass and the homes to the left in the valley below, saying, ‘So where are the tanks?’ Near Rachel’s tomb, our Jewish matriarch and my Hebrew namesake, we thought we’d visit the Church of the Nativity (or whatever it’s called) before going to the Center. The Jordanian guard, though, wouldn’t let me go in. Just me, the Jew. My “ex” had to converse with the guy for a long time before he finally consented. They gave a liar’s excuse of tour-licensing (which you do need), but then why was he going to let in just the Arab and the Christian? Lie exposed. So, all you’ve done is expounded the same stories and propaganda without facts. Your he-said/she-said format still amounts to promoting propaganda, regardless of style. But, I see you have been given courses in how to appear like you are refuting an argument: the problem is, you need facts and incidents to back them up. Your grammatical style sounds like you come from somewhere around Russia. I have given facts, statistics, place stories to prove I was there. You just spew the same tired refuted propaganda points that have been shown again and again to be false.


  25. randyjw

    Palestine is a land that belongs to those living there. Palestinians were living there. In this Palestinians we have Jewish Palestinians, Christian Palestinians, Muslim Palestinians and even Atheist Palestinians.


    God gave the land to Jews? Jewish state? Imagine if Muslims says God gave the land to Muslims alone and call it a Muslim state. The world would have exploded in calling them racist but you have the freedom to call Palestine a Jewish state and land God gave to Jews. It sound racist.

    You keep accusing Arabs and others forgetting there are Arab Jews as well. We have European Jews, Arab Jews, Ethiopian Jews, etc. and to keep discriminating them is racist.

    The Ethiopian Jews was brought to Israel to increase the population of Jews but they face discrimination from the European Jews. Arabs have lived with their Jews and Christian brothers for centuries with minor problems and a quiet environment like the video above and the quietness you and your Arab boyfriend enjoyed until the evil Zionist created the state of Israel.

    -More Europeans denounce Israel brutalities against Palestinians and they are now recognizing Paletinians.

    The Zionist I brought as evidence were supporting Israel just like as you are doing now and one has met all the prime ministers of Israel and has a souvenir to show how deep Zionist he was. He realized the evil and racist and brutal it was and resigned to support the Palestinians.

    It is all over youtube, so no one can lie and say Israel is not a brutal regime. More Jews are on youtube denouncing the brutalities of Israel against the Palestinians and some Jews who oppose them including Christians as well.

    The Arabs or Muslims that you hate protected and saved the Jews from being annihilated by Christian crusades and that is why Jews are with Arabs all over and they are the same people until the creation of Israel to bring racism and to try to separate them.

    -Arabs and Muslims protected Jews from annihilation by the Christians

    Don’t you know Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Moroccan Jews, Yemenite Jews etc. from the Arab and Persian lands? as citizens? without road blocking them? without segregating the Jews into prison like Gaza?

    Did the Jew walking in the 1800’s video in Palestine have any road block before him? or being arrested? If the Arab hate Jews, why did he walk freely without harassment?

    Everyone has his time. The Catholics had power to persecute the protestant Christian, the Protestant Christians had power to persecute the Catholics in the USA. Do not think you have the only power as Zionist to keep killing Palestinians and think God wants you to do that.



    • People in Israel — Jews, Arabs: Druze, Baha’i, Sunni, Shi’ite, Salafi, etc., Christians of many denominations, etc. live in peace until Arab terrorists kill Jews and decide they need to take Israel’s land for themselves, so that the Jews can’t have it. That is the main reason. The Arabs don’t want any other power in the Middle East other than Arab. It irks them that the Jews, described in Mohammad’s tome (known as the Koran) as descendants of apes and pigs, and who are set out for destruction by the Muslims, betrayed (according to the Koran) by the trees and stones who invite Muslims to kill the Jews, have still prevailed. We know the rules of what you consider Muslim lands, such things as determined in Hadith and rulings, which, frankly, if you didn’t know, are based on the organizational structures of Jewish practice and development. The cadis, beit din, etc., all are taken from Jewish religion, as are the stories made to fit into an Isamic outlook (instead of Isaac being the sacrificial son, it becomes Ishmael, etc.). Whatever beauty is in Islam comes from that aspect, not the stricture in Islam to kill Jews. Some of the rulings are: that the Muslim’s land must be pure for Islam — you are not considered pure if you’re not a Muslim. The choice is submission by conversion or death. A land once conquered by Islam is considered always as Islamic land. (Double-standard with your argument against Israel much?) The Muslim must physically have the higher head. This goes for buildings, as well. Therefore, the important buildings of another society and civilization are razed and destroyed or are modified for Islamic purposes and built on top of. This is a stance of domination versus subjugation or “submission” (also known as “Islam”). A dominant person has the higher head in Islam (physically) and the dhimmi must act in its lowly caste in lowly manners. A dhimmi must dismount from their horse if a Muslim is passing by on his. Clothing might mean that you had to wear different colored shoes on each foot. In buildings, the Islamic must be higher than all others. That is why buildings of others are built on top of. Spires and minarets, all these towers, inherently show the higher head (in addition to providing balconies to call the people to prayer). The Burj Khalifa, the newer large building in Dubai, just had to be built to be the tallest in the world. Granted that the Christians and Jews are People of the Book, and Islam clearly states its derivation from Judaism and acknowledges main characters of Christianity, this gives them the so-called protections of being able to live in the Land under second-class dhimmitude status nd pay a jizya tax. Dhimmitude confers lowlier status. Whatever you accuse Israel of, which is untrue or is provoked by the intent of Arabs trying to physically harm us, is enshrined in Arab rulings and is likely a projection of your imagination based on your familiarity with your own teachings. It’s Israel and it is Israel’s land. If you say that Arabs just want to live under one nation in peace, you can find that already in Israel, under Israeli rule. There is no need then for more Arabs trying to wrest away further land from us, then, is there? Your argument is debunked. The only place raging in war is in territories run by Arabs. Matter of fact, in Arab countries, around the entire world. Jews didn’t attack Paris. Jews aren’t attacking anyone, anywhere, except in your imagination and in order to stop murderous Arabs trying to kill us with weapons they hide and use from schools, and in generally densely-populated areas to prevent Israel from trying to take out the weapons. The Arabs use this strategy to cause collateral damage (usually inflated– I’ve seen the videos of supposed dead Arab children get up from their gurneys after they thought the cameras weren’t rolling) to use in the war of public opinion. If present day Arabs are unconnected to ancient Philistines, and I’ve proven how Rome renamed the land of the Jews a derivation of “Palestine” under Jewish kingship (well-known), and it was also the Jewish homeland of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 (British) and then which became the British Mandate of Palestine due to the Turkish Ottoman Empire having been defeated, why is it that the term “Palestinians” used to refer mainly to the Jews as a whole is now being usurped as a supposedly exclusive term by the Arabs? That’s stealing part of our identity. We even, for quite a while, continued to use the name in our own references to ourselves. If there was always this Jewish connection to that name, why was another never chosen for it under Turkish rule? Point debunked. I’ll tell you why. Because it was ruled from afar, with nary anyone to care for it, save some Arab fellaheen, Arab serfs tending land whose dues were paid to effendis (absentee “landowners”). Such land, if titled, has been purchased back through organizations such as the Jewish Agency and Jewish National Fund, etc. It has been paid for. It may have been squatted on by Arabs, but it is paid for. Just like the Cave of Machpelah was paid for by Abraham, and the threshing floor upon which David had his son, Solomon, build the temple was paid for. The Jew has always lived there. Yes, your 1880’s video would apparently prove that we didn’t just arrive in 1948, like the Arabs want to claim. Point debunked. And, no, your false accusation that I want to annihilate Muslims is a lie. If you mean that as a collective extension to include the general category of Jews, well, that’s patently false, as well. It’s citizens are thriving: sixth in the world in economy. The situation of it’s stateless people could end in a heartbeat if the eastern side of Palestine would reinstate the Jordanian citizenship which Palestinians held, until Jordan decided to keep them as a strategy to use as a political bargaining chip in the field of public emotion. That is why your arguments are only emotional opinion and not fact, because your arguments are lost, based on facts. Our Holy sites just given to the Muslims by the UN are ours, but the ones attacking those sites have been Arabs. The Arabs are the only people to lose their wars and to still gain even more land by it. They can thank the British for apportioning to them all the Arab states of today in the same apportionment time frame as Israel receiving theirs. Rather than becoming colonized outposts of Imperialism, the British let you continue to rule, as if nothing had happened, and Turkey had never lost by taking the losing side. But now, rather than the Caliphate, you had boundaries and “states”. For each state, you had a representative in the public body of the General Assembly of the United Nations, made up of so many Muslim nations (what — 52 or so?) to become a majority voice, and that makes up a good portion of the anti-Semitic representation we hear coming from the UN (though they hold their own anti-Semitic viewpoints). Muslims were world leaders in economic boycotts against Israel — no commerce Granted with foreigners who did business with Israel. The British handed you an accomplishment leading to you becoming the majority, and you begrudge the Jew’s little slice — not to mention looking the gift horse you’ve received in the mouth too long.


  26. randyjw

    It is not about the Mosque but the lives of Palestinians with the brutal restrictions you the Zionist set against them. It is inhumane for anyone who believes in God to treat human beings like how you are treating the Palestinians.

    History shows with evidence from a video that Palestinians comprises of Jews, Muslims, Christians and even Atheists and it is the land of all of them because they lived there for centuries together peacefully.

    To create a state and call it Jewish state and start discriminating them is the most barbaric thing that was never done in the history of the world.

    You can destroy the Mosque and build your Temple and leave the life of the Palestinians alone. It is the Palestinians you have to let alone by not settling in their lands and bulldozing their lands. That is what everyone including US and the UN and EU are calling you to abide by the laws of the world.

    Destroy the Mosque and build your Temple is you can.


    Liked by 1 person

  27. randyjw

    I have never ever come across such and ignorant Zionist Jew who want to annihilate all the Palestinians like you who use Walid Shoebat and your own country Israel has proved him as liar.

    Proof: Walid Shoebat is a liar according to Israel.

    Remember: Do not think the Zionist has power now to brutalize the Palestinians, it is going to be forever. Do not have an illusion that the brutalization of the Palestinians is what God wants you to do.l

    This Jew tells you it is not going to be forever.

    How many years did you start terrorizing the Palestinians(Jews, Muslims and Christians)? and they are still there in their numbers in Palestine.

    If you feel it is wise to wait for God to build your temple for you, why not wait for God to do everything together for you?? so that you all live with UN guiding you with no rocket or bulldozers and helicopter gunships are everyone including the Palestinians are proposing.



  28. randyjw

    You said;
    For each state, you had a representative in the public body of the General Assembly of the United Nations, made up of so many Muslim nations (what — 52 or so?) to become a majority voice, and that makes up a good portion of the anti-Semitic representation we hear coming from the UN (though they hold their own anti-Semitic viewpoints). Muslims were world leaders in economic boycotts against Israel — no commerce Granted with foreigners who did business with Israel. The British handed you an accomplishment leading to you becoming the majority, and you begrudge the Jew’s little slice — not to mention looking the gift horse you’ve received in the mouth too long.

    I say;
    Do you call these people anti-Semitic? Watch a Holocaust survival against the brutal and cruel Israel.



    You are an ignorant cruel Zionist Jew randyjw who hate Arabs and the Arabs have Jews in them i.e. Morroca Jews, Yemenite Jews, Algerian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Lebanese Jews, Iranian Jews etc.

    You are more of a terrorist than anyone else.



  29. randyjw

    Your fellow Jews say you are the terrorists not the Palestinians.



  30. The truth about the history of our land you find cruel? Well, that speaks about just who you are and what your motivations are. There will always be naysayers on both sides of the divide. The ones who are cruel are those who deny our thousands of years in and to the land. You can find Jews who are clueless or who believe the propaganda and don’t know their own history to agree with your side. We don’t kill ours. But those called “collaborators” for the slightest sympathies toward Israel are often killed in Arab circles. We live in peace in our own land. That is a fact you just keep seeming to ignore. Now, where did you say you have ever lived or visited in Israel? You haven’t got a grasp on reality there, so I don’t believe you have ever been.


  31. Syrian and Iraqi Jews are almost, if not completely, gone. They are Jews, not Arabs. They may look somewhat like where they have been living, and that is to be expected. G-d or countries may have continually dispersed us, but we are gathered back to Him, as He promised. Amidst all the hatred and bias and armies attacking Jews, it is indeed G-d’s miracle that they have all been defeated. We have our own state. We can live there, or in any free country that no longer bans Jews from living there. It is Jews who have fought for civil rights for ourselves and blacks, here in the US. Our successes have paved the way for Muslims to live freely, if you choose it. Our ADL formed in 1913 then becomes your ADC formed in 1980. I give facts, and you don’t like that. You call me cruel for telling you this, but you offer no evidence of anything except the opinions of people who are sympathetic to suffering. I am sympathetic to suffering. The Arabs are perpetrating the cause of the suffering, and they are not compassionate. They won’t stop killing Jews. First the Saturday people — then the Sunday people. To know that everything I’ve said here is the truth, deep down in your heart as you know, and to continue to perpetrate the hostile takeover by Jihad, whether by pen, or by opinion, or by sword, is the cruelty.


  32. randyjw

    Some historians do not believed Moses ever existed. Most historians never believed Abraham existed. Most people, including historians of religious persuasions never believed Moses parted the red sea. Lastly people do not believe Palestine belongs to Zionists all over the world.

    You are the one who believed in your stories of thousands of years and we do not believe that and it is not evidence. It is primitive to use thousand of years stories as bases to eject people from their homes and kill them.

    Will you be happy if I come with my own peace of story of thousands of years to claim your house is mine because my family lived there for thousand of years, then destroy what you have and shoot and kill you?

    Palestine is a land for Palestinians and they lived there centuries upon centuries and they are still living there despite Israeli attempt to annihilate them for the past 50 or more years, they are still there. May God bless the Palestinians(Jews, Muslims and Christians) for standing the satanic cruelty from Israel supported by wicked Zionists.

    Palestine is for the Palestinians and not for Zionists. If Palestine is your land why do you have to destroy Palestinians homes before you establish your Zionist settlements?





    …….more evidence.



    • Christians and Muslims do believe in, and derive the basis of their religions from, the stories found in the Old Testament, which forms the Jewish religion, Judaism. The Biblical stories include place names tied to events, which are borne out by archaeological evidence. The entire Old Testament is the first book of Christianity, and then they have their own book. Islam, as I said, has some of the elements of the Old Testament stories in it, but with variations to make it Islamic. And then you make a non-sequitur. Our homes have been destroyed. What you state Jews do to Arabs is not true, but is what the Arabs have done to Jews. They’re right about Moses — he didn’t part Yam HaSuf/Yam HaSof… G-d did! Arabs have built without permits or have squatted in structures not theirs; so sometimes those are destroyed. The homes, with fair warning to possible other occupants, of terrorists are occasionally destroyed. Small price in exchange for Jewish lives that Arabs have killed. I asked you before to tell me where you have lived or visited in Israel. Name it!


  33. Shema, Intellect. I’m open to debate and if anyone can ever prove that Philistines are Palestinians. Because they can’t. Otherwise, if the history of the Arabs calling themselves the Palestinians doesn’t go back to Canaanite days, which it doesn’t, then the only days it would go back to are days of attacking Jews in our land. And which wave of invasion were you in on? All have been repelled. Some might’ve taken awhile to happen, but happen it did. What, the Turks? Saladin the Kurd? The recent wave of Aliyah, when the land was mostly malarial, desolate and fallow and the Jews began to bring it back to life? Yeah, the influx of Jews and the employment options sure brought the Arabs running to find a better life that we could offer them. Why would you care if there’s a checkpoint out of the so-called autonomous areas? You want to get into your hated Israel so much, and make the money that only we can generate? Make your own jobs then. Run a successful country in these modern times, Arab people; I’d love to see that happen for you. Right now they are a mess. Leave us be in peace and stop blaming us for all your ills. Stop killing us. Tell me where you have lived or visited in Israel. Otherwise, your opinions are repetitive and offer nothing new, other than complaints about Jews and falsely assigned blame. Name of your town, please. Laila Tov.


  34. randyjw

    Muslims or Christians believed Moses existed? and so you have the right to bring a story of thousand of years to destroy people homes and kill them? Not every one is a Muslim or Christian and not every Christian or Muslim or even Jews believed you have right to use your own stories of thousand of years to cruelly, barbarically, savagely, heartlessly and inhumanely destroy peoples home and kill them and left their children crying and not knowing what to do.

    We are talking about now. We were not there thousand of years ago and do not know what happened and what we know and everybody knows and it is evident is that Palestinians lived in where there are living right now for centuries and that is their land.

    Not anyone is a Muslim, Jew or Christian and Muslims, Jews and Christians believed it is inhumane to destroy people’s houses and kill them and build a settlement for people coming from other parts of the world. It is Palestinians that are there in Palestine but not Zionists.

    I cannot walk in your home with a piece of story because Muslims believed Moses or Abraham existed, to start using brute force to destroy your house and kill you and your children are left crying and sometimes kill the children. No religion believed this. Muslims, Christians, Jews do not believe this cruelty and it is not in their scripture.

    Thousand of Jews, Muslims and Christians have clearly rejected this cruelty by Zionists. It is not going to continue for Israel to be cruelly killing people said a Jewish Rabbi in my post above.



    • The concept of there being a people who have lived there for a long time is correct. That other people shouldn’t be killing to get the lands and homes of others is correct. Those concepts apply to the real victims: the Jews. This doesn’t minimize any compassion for Arabs who suffer. Israel has a right to be there, to live in its land as has been done by millennia (not “centuries”). Just like fake “Palestinian” leader, Yassir Arafat, born in Cairo, Egypt, has no right to lead Tanzim 17, PLO, as a fake cause to wrest Israel from the Jews. Historical and factual claims back our rights to this land. If an Arab is attacking a Jew, yeah, we do have the right to defend ourselves. That’s right! Obviously the commandment not to covet thy neighbors’ property never reached Muslim ears. Nor did Thou shalt not murder.


  35. randyjw

    Jews, Christians, Muslims and all religions have different interpretations of the stories found in their books. You cannot use your own story of thousands of years to savagely destroy Palestinian homes and build your Zionist settlements there.

    You may not be even a religious Jew. Rabbis upon Rabbis who are highly religious Jews have rejected the idea of inhumanely treating other human beings and they said it is against the Torah and their Jewish religion. I posted the evidence for you above where thousand upon thousand of Jewish Rabbis reject your believe of Israel’s cruelty of destroying homes and creating settlements .

    Some Christian’s may support Israel cruelty not because they like Israel but believed Israel will be beaten and Jews converted to Christianity.

    The Christians did kill Jews in Europe and elsewhere but it was the Arabs and Muslims that you hate who saved the Jews from annihilation and extinction by the Christians and it is a fact. Zionist Jews acknowledge this facts. And the Arabs and the Jews lived peacefully until the state of Israel was created.

    Once again, your stories of thousand of years is your story and not my story and we do not believe in it that human beings will come and kill people and eject them from their homes and bring other people to settle in the land they cruelly stole.

    That is your story. I cannot do that to you with thousand of years stories and you cannot do that to anyone else and you have warnings from all international communities and your time is running out as most countries have realized your brutalities and are sympathetic to Palestinians and start to recognise them with a former Jewish Zionist British member of Parliament who met all the Israel prime ministers.

    He has a souvenir of being a Zionist but now resigned with thousands of other Zionist and are supporting the Palestinians. Your time will come.

    As one Rabbi said, Israel is not helping the Jews. Jews were sympathized because of their past history of being persecuted and now Israel is brutally persecuting Palestinians in their(Jews) name and it reversed what Jews use to have sympathetic to anti-Semitism(courtesy of Israel brutal occupation) . Palestinians will be free and they are still in Palestine in their numbers despite this brutal occupation by Israel the Palestinians will prevail.



    • We have our facts, and it was written thousands of years ago. Since then, we have continued writings, from our own society and from others, attesting to these facts. Hardly any Arabs were there during Turkish Ottoman times, ruled from Istanbul, Turkey. Since the Turkish empire lost the war, they no longer have Israel (or Palestine, as it was still called, then). That was the last invasion, other than that of Arabs from outside of Israel/Palestine, who came illegally under British Mandate to work for Jews. Does that mean that Turks now are going to rule Israel? What do Arabs have to do with the Turks being the ones who ruled the land? Any Arab who wants to live in peace can do so, as long as they’re not attacking us. In fact, you’re correct: Jews, Christians and Muslims live harmoniously under Israeli rule in Israel, along with Armenians, Ethiopian Copts, Syriacs, etc. Tourists come from all over to visit their churches and do so because Israel protects these places of worship, so that others can worship. That refutes your point and exaggerations. Arabs destroy others’ Holy sites, like the constant burnings at Joseph’s tomb. We all remember the hostages being held in the Church in Bethlehem by the Arabs, and the result of deaths because of it. Israel has a very diverse religious population and people from varied countries. We get along and live in peace, and there are plenty of Arabs who love it this way. Maybe they’d prefer to live in the places of their, or their not too distant ancestors’ birth, but can’t because everyone disagrees and wars are raging everywhere. The Baathists hate the Kurds. The Alawites hate the locals. The Shia and Sunni are at each other’s throats. Whatever. You can keep your problems and let the Jews have peace in our homeland of 4,000 plus years.


  36. randyjw

    It is God’s miracle Israel defeated Arab Army? Nothing is more miraculous than Palestinians, despite the hash and brutal occupation by Zionist like you still remain in millions in Palestine. You the Zionist could not annihilate and exterminate the Palestinians like how the Christian annihilated the Jews and the Muslims from Spain.

    Spain did not do a fraction of what the cruel Zionist are doing to Palestinians but was able to exterminate and annihilate all Jews and Muslims form Spain but the Palestinians still remain in millions in Palestine and are not going anywhere with Israel using any method to annihilate and exterminate them.

    It is God’s living miracle for the Palestinians to still be in Palestine in millions despite blockade, road blocks, white phosphorous poisoning, destruction of farmlands, homes, Churches, Mosques etc. and beaten and killing of Jews by the Israel government.

    According to some Jew, Israel torture and kill Jews who do not believe their thousand of years story.

    Walid Shoebat is a liar according to Israel and you are using him just like your thousand of years stories to destroy Palestinians homes and kill them and create you cruel Zionist settlements.

    Arabs army were ill prepared and were not ready to fight but trying to defend the Palestinians according to Miko Pelet, the son of the founder of Israel. Any ill prepared army with inferior equipment will obviously be defeated by an Zionist army who planned because they want to attack. It is not a miracle. The Arabs were divided and are still divided for their interest, and that contributes to Palestinian suffering from their Arab counterparts from the Gulf who are busy for their interests rather than Palestinians.



    • Arabs have been waging war for millennia. I think you’ve prepared long enough for the wars you keep waging and losing. The ones who are done are those same. But, I see you must’ve received your talking points from the Bethlehem school of propaganda, because you recite nothing but that same thing, whose lies are refuted. Just like your speech. The Arabs aren’t being killed, other than in self-defense of our own right to live (as free people in our own land. Quick…cue “HaTikvah”). Your statement that there are millions (maybe just 1 million — you DO exaggerate) there proves your own illogical mind. I think I’ll take Solomon’s advice, and quit arguing with fools. Shalom Aleha.


  37. randyjw

    Your piece of story is satan motivated. We are not there thousands of years to believe your piece of story except to say it is satan who motivates people to use story no one believe except them to destroy peoples lands and subject them to inhumane treatments.

    I kept posting Jews who reject your satanic stories to annihilate and exterminate the Palestinians who own their Palestinian land from millennia to centuries till today. You can only bulldoze their homes with satanic power to establish your evil Zionist settlement.

    Holocaust survivors, their families, Rabbis and international communities has all condemned the Israel brutal occupation as nothing but evil and influenced by satan. Satan can only cause one to be arrogant carrying an act of evil of ejecting people from their homes and shooting them and destroying their homes to settlement from stories of thousands of years which no one is there to witness.

    We are talking about now and not thousands of years and now we see Palestinians in their lands being subjected to inhumane treatment.

    I agree with the holocaust survivors and their families because they have been in the shoes of Palestinians and knew how pain they suffered in the hands of others who feel they are special and God gave them stories to exterminate the Jews. Israel and its supporters like you are doing exactly the same and feel superior and consider others inferior because of thousands of years old stories that you feel makes you superior than others.

    We do not believe in your thousands of years stories, except you and all evil people who will kill babies marked by the UN and blockade all millions of people with your stupid fithy meat and feel you have done a great job for them.



  38. randyjw

    I swear you will not continue to use a power influenced by satan to keep killing people. It will come to an end and before your realize your mistake it will be too late. Take the advice to the Jewish Rabbi I posted above.



  39. correction

    Take the advice of the Jewish Rabbi above who said Israel cruel actions against humanity will be answered sooner or later. Their(Israel) supporters will answer as well.



  40. A nation that has won three defensive wars with the Arabs, surrounded by hostile Arab nations, has the right to exist and defend itself in my view. I don’t think we need to guess God’s will when he gives the same answer three times in a row. The first law of a nation is to defend it’s own existence and the life of it’s citizens. No multi-culti, I despise myself in dust and ashes, nonsense. Or please take me over so I can atone for the sins of my colonial past nonsense. Israel had no colonial past or they would have tried to self-destruct.

    It was God’s will to give the give the Arabs, or Muslims, a good ass-whipping three time in a row. Looks like the God of Israel is greater than the god of Mohammed, at least for now. Maybe Iran will weigh in for Allah when they get the bomb and tip the balance the other way. Mahdi could be on his way. Times are getting exciting. Place your bets, whoops Muslims are not allowed to gamble.


  41. madmanna

    According to the Bible, Romans and Greeks who are pagans always defeat the Jews who follow the God of Abraham. They pagan Romans and Greeks always defeat the Jews and persecute them. So according to your logic the pagan God of the Romans and Greeks ass-whipping of the Jews for 3 or more times in a row looks like God of Israel is lower than the god of the Romans and Greeks.

    In addition, the God of the Romans and Greeks who is a pagan god got your Christian god(Jesus Christ) beaten, tortured, crucified and kill him. It is clear, the god of the pagan Greeks and Romans is greater, powerful and holy than your Christian god(Jesus).

    I posted an Israel general son who’s father also a resigned Zionist all preached that the Arabs where ill-prepared and with others like Jordan and Egypt having their own interest with the west and that is why they keep loosing.

    You can even see it now, Egypt is getting money from the US and that is only second to Israel, Jordan getting money from the US. Saudis have their interest with the US. All these started long before and after Israeli wars.

    Israel know it with their nuclear they cannot defeat even only the Arab population not the Arab armies because they are corrupt(Arab army) hence getting money from Israel and the US to be killing their citizens for Israel.

    Israel and the US just want to keep giving money to Egypt to start war with Israel because they know it will be catastrophic to Israel. Why not US and Israel say to Jordan and Egypt we are not going to give you money anymore? That would have been the end of Israel and Israel knows that.

    Do not let the wars of 3 times deceive you as God’s miracle. It is not but corrupt and ill-prepared Arab army and or course with Israel long and highly prepared readiness to attack.



  42. madmanna

    People of all faith loose or win wars. It is stupid to think your God is better than someone’s God when you win war against him. Muslims suffer, Jews suffer, Christians suffer, Hindus suffer, Buddhist suffer etc. and all of us can feel good sometimes.

    In Islamic theology, God with His wisdom knows how He controls the affairs of the world and Muslims are asked to accept any defeat, calamities, sickness, misfortune etc. and not to take it as weakness but continue to strive to do good or righteousness.

    Didn’t God like Jews when they were being persecuted like the Zionist are doing to them now? No. It is a test to them(Jews) and most of them passed and will not want others to feel how they did except few Zionist who are doing the same to Palestinians.

    You may think they won series of wars so God likes them. No God likes anyone except you are an oppressor as the Zionist are. I am happy most Jews do not support the Zionist brutalities.



  43. madmanna

    I don’t respect the idea that the West Bank was handed to Jews by God and the Palestinians should be bombed or bullied into surrendering it.


  44. madmanna

    That is the miracle madmanna and Zionist evangelical Christians will not know, how the Palestinians were bombed with white phosphorous poison confirmed by Kaufman, a British Jewish Parliamentarian and other God fearing Jews and that it was banned by world community.

    More than 50 years of bombardment, destruction of farmlands, homes, schools, Palestinian children nursery playgrounds, destruction of Palestinian waters, livestock, humiliating them at checkpoints etc. and the Palestinians has worn miraculously.

    What type of God is this? To order all these heinous crimes against humanity. I am happy most Jews and highly respected Rabbis said clearly it is against heir religion and scripture for what the Zionist are doing in Israel.

    Why did the Palestinians won?
    There are still millions Palestinians in their land of Palestine with their flag and aren’t going anywhere said Reza Aslan the author of zealous. Now the evil Zionist is constructing walls in West Bank to separate where they like and they are forgot not to know Berlin wall and racial segregated areas in apartheid South Africa and the USA are now history. Their segregated walls will be history.

    They went to Gaza and destroyed everything including babies, electricity plant, universities, homes etc. and the Palestinians resisted and won. Why did the Palestinian win when they were beaten? The Palestinians resisted and are still there like nothing has touched them. That is a miracle.

    The Palestinians might have been beaten hard by the evil Zionist but the Palestinians won without moving an inch from their God-Given Palestinian lands. That is why they are celebrating but people do not know. Now their land remains to them and Israel cannot do anything again because the world will not stand for them to go back and “mow the lawn” again.

    A Zionist on this blog has the gut to say Israel sends its filthy meat to Palestinians. Who tells you they like your meat? Lift the blockade and you will do it in the near future because it will not remain to humiliate them as prisoners in their land.




  45. it is good to understand the true nature of our difference, and then work out a modality on how to co-exist.it is very interesting that it is coming from main stream church like catholic ,showing maturity that telling lies against islam will not promote christianity,. it will rather destroy it .professional liars like sam shamoun and co are not helping matters.sam shamoun has no proper understanding about islamic concepts.islam has a long history of intellectualism.you have to devote your time to learn it.before you can form any opinion from its primary sources, you must be learned on subject areas like nahw(arabic grammar),balagha(rhetorics),arabic literature,islamic.history, sciences of quarn and hadith,standard tafsirs(commentaries on the quran ‘) , fiqh and usulul fiqh.sam shamoun is ignorant on all these subject areas,yet he claims to be an expert on islam thinking that he can do damage to islam.his comments on islam are always laughable coming from an ignorant person.sometimes he could not even know that he was telling lies against islam.when his attention is drawn to such errors,he resorts to his madness of insults.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. it is good to understand the true nature of our difference, and then work out a modality on how to co-exist.it is very interesting that it is coming from main stream church like catholic ,showing maturity that telling lies against islam will not promote christianity,. it will rather destroy it .professional liars like sam shamoun and co are not helping matters.sam shamoun has no proper understanding about islamic concepts.islam has a long history of intellectualism.you have to devote your time to learn it.before you can form any opinion from its primary sources, you must be learned on subject areas like nahw(arabic grammar),balagha(rhetorics),arabic literature,islamic.history, sciences of quarn and hadith,standard tafsirs(commentaries on the quran ‘) , fiqh and usulul fiqh.sam shamoun is ignorant on all these subject areas,yet he claims to be an expert on islam thinking that he can do damage to islam.his comments on islam are always laughable coming from an ignorant person.sometimes he could not even know that he was telling lies against islam.when his attention is drawn to such errors,he resorts to his madness of insults.i, therefore, urge world church leaders to engage islamic scholars to teach them the truth about islam and their followers to do for sake of peace.they should excommunicate mischief makers like donald trump


  47. ibrahim you should check out ‘A Common Word’ which is an organisation of both Christian and Muslim scholars who engage with interfaith dialogue. They do have a website as well:


    There is also a very interesting series of recommended reading lists that have been provided by these scholars for outsiders to better understand each others traditions. Thank goodness not everyone has the same kind of anger and extreme intolerance that a St Sam Shamoun has.

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