Trinity, 14th Century


People of the Book, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to God but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of God, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, ‘Three.’ Refrain; better is it for you. God is only One God. Glory be to Him — That He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth; God suffices for a guardian.

Holy Quran 4:171 (translation by Arberry)



Categories: Art, Christianity, God

75 replies

  1. 👍🏻💯👍🏻💯

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “That He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth; God suffices for a guardian.”

    Except that the god of islam cannot enter the universe he created to act as a guardian – he always needs some other agent to do that work for him.

    Co-dependence is your god’s fundamental nature. Or is that an attribute?

    Also, the “son” is the incarnate god – a concept that the quran is ignorant of. Hardly convincing as an alleged divine word.


  3. Fail

    “Hey D, your god couldn’t inspire Matthew to know that the earth was spherical, not flat!”

    Where does matthew say that the earth was flat?


  4. D

    You said;
    “That He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth; God suffices for a guardian.”

    Except that the god of islam cannot enter the universe he created to act as a guardian – he always needs some other agent to do that work for him.

    Co-dependence is your god’s fundamental nature. Or is that an attribute?

    Also, the “son” is the incarnate god – a concept that the quran is ignorant of. Hardly convincing as an alleged divine word.

    I say;
    Can you find the Holy God in a latrine? human excreta? Can you find the Holy God in a womb of a woman the Bible said is unclean? Can you find God in the belly of Satan? Can God stays in Buddhist statue?

    In Islam, our God created the world for us and is above the world but His knowledge knows everything in the world. He actually do not come Himself to the world because He is too Holy and Clean and the dirty of the world cannot go near Him but He sees everything.

    Christians share this idea that God Almighty is Holy and Clean and nothing including humans can approach God Holiness until God grant His Mercy on us.

    Yes, God Himself will not come to this world right now because of the dirty here and the Bible said God cannot be approached. God is immortal and God cannot be seen.

    Jesus was seen and beaten to death. Jesus went to toilet and so Jesus is not God.

    Hindus, some idol worshipers, Greeko-Romans etc. believed their God entered into this world himself for the love he has for them to have sex with women and produce hybrid offspring to save them. That is against the teachings of the Torah and the Bible.

    Whatever son is whether incarnate God or God-man, God is not Son/son to anyone and it is blaspheme to say God is begotten. Begotten means begotten, to make or produce a Son or adopt a metaphorical son. All are not befit to God.

    Do not say 3, Son and begotten to refer to God. Christians who know begotten will either say “begotten not made” which is silly or use “Unique Son”.

    You do not know what son and begotten means but we know what it means and will never ever used it for God.



    • “Can you find the Holy God in a latrine? human excreta? Can you find the Holy God in a womb of a woman the Bible said is unclean? Can you find God in the belly of Satan? Can God stays in Buddhist statue?”

      LOL, I wonder if D will worship human excreta!


  5. Faiz

    You said;
    LOL, I wonder if D will worship human excreta!

    I say;
    The stench that will blow him up is if full of bacteria and disease. God is too Holy to be physically present anywhere.

    God’s knowledge sees everything. God is closer to us than our jugular veins. God hears, sees, listen to our cries and help us at His own time and will. God does not need to come in a latrine or any unholy place before He can love us. It is idol and pagan concept.

    God loves us and provide for us in His Greater Holy Place and not in a dirty place that human consider as dirty.



  6. Fail

    “LOL, are you suffering from amnesia? Did you already forget your embarrassing performance on the other thread? ”

    Not at all – I still don’t see where matthew says the earth is flat. You are still too dense to get the irony in that other thread. LOL!!


    “He actually do not come Himself to the world because He is too Holy and Clean and the dirty of the world cannot go near Him but He sees everything.”

    So your god created filth? Did he create it though, or did he need some intercessor to do it for him? How does a pure god create filth? How can he manipulate matter if it is too unclean for him to enter it?

    Maybe one of his 99 personalities/personas/fake identities made the universe and didn’t tell the other 98? Or maybe one of your god’s personalities enters creation but doesn’t tell the others about it?

    But I notice that you guys have avoided the question – how can your god claim to be a guardian of his creation when he can’t exist within it. I’ll try to make it easier for you…

    Your god boasts that he needs no other gods beside him since he alone is enough to be the “guardian”. Yet, he cannot exist or work within creation so he needs other beings and entities to do the job of guardian for him otherwise it cannot get done – in other words, he ALONE is not sufficient. Whoever wrote the quran did not logic very well since your god refutes himself on what he can and cannot do and no muslim has ever caught it! LOL!!

    With his 99 personalities your god is so confused that he makes claims about himself that he cannot fulfill because they go against his other attributes.

    And why didn’t your god understand the concept of the incarnation? And why didn’t he mention it? Why did your god only have a very childish and simplistic comprehension of this simple doctrine?


    • “Not at all – I still don’t see where matthew says the earth is flat. You are still too dense to get the irony in that other thread. LOL!!”

      LOL!! Still not giving a straight answer? You’ve been schooled on this matter already. It’s no wonder you ran away! LOL!!

      I guess you are still too dense to understand that one doesn’t have to literally say “the earth is flat”. An uneducated Jew in the 1st century would have assumed that the earth was flat. It would have been a common belief among the uneducated. I showed the evidence in the other thread. I guess you decided to run away instead of providing an intelligent response! LOL!!


    • “But I notice that you guys have avoided the question – how can your god claim to be a guardian of his creation when he can’t exist within it. I’ll try to make it easier for you…”

      I can’t imagine the Trinitarian’s God “existing within creation”. In earlier times you probably would be burnt at the stake for this, naughty boy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. D

    You said;
    But I notice that you guys have avoided the question – how can your god claim to be a guardian of his creation when he can’t exist within it. I’ll try to make it easier for you…

    I say;
    We answered you by saying our God is too HOLY to exist anywhere including in human excreta and ask if you think God is everywhere why not worship human excreta but avoiding it? and flushing it? is God is there?

    Why not worship Haile Selaissie if God is everywhere and in him? why did God say we must not worship stone if He is in stone?

    Personality or personalities is not a Being/Person/person. Personalities is qualities or characteristics of God. One Being/person can have many personalities/qualities/characteristics etc. and I do not know how many Christians on this blog are not wasting our time on this simple knowledge but you alone.



    • LOL. Bro, D is not going to answer you because he knows he is in a tight corner. He will just keep repeating his nonsense. I don’t think he realizes that no one really takes him seriously.


    • D

      Some people worship idols, water, wind, trees, space, etc. and think God is everywhere but is idol worship according to the Bible.

      The Bible said NOTHING IN THIS EARTH IS GOD AND NOTHING IS COMPARABLE TO GOD. NOTHING MUST BE WORSHIPED. GOD IS UNSEEN. WORSHIP ONLY ONE UNSEEN GOD OF ABRAHAM. It is obvious that nothing can be said to be God on this earth, so worshiping Jesus Christ is idol worship.

      If you think God is on this earth to love us, then Angel, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed would not have been necessary. Don’t you believe in Angels? Abraham?



  8. Fail

    This thread is not abut matthew – why the deflection? Your god makes self-refuting statements about himself – he ALONE is sufficient, yet he cannot operate in his own creation so he must need other entities to work inside his creation for him. So, he alone CANNOT be sufficient. That is such an obvious contradiction.

    And why does your god display ignorance about christians saying that god literally had son as opposed to the concept of the son being god incarnate? It isn’t hard, surely one of your god’s 99 personalities should have comprehended this simple doctrine and told the others? Or does your god have 99 personalities but only one brain that gets overwhelmed by all the voices speaking in his head?

    Also, was matthew uneducated? Or as a tax collector would he have been educated and multi-lingual?


    • LOL, did you forget that you were the one who deflected from the topic? You brought a discussion from another thread into this thread, you dingbat! Why the deflection? Are you afraid to talk about your four-eyed god? LOL!!

      Christianity is not a monolith, you idiot. It never was. There were many diverse beliefs and they all called themselves Christians. It is not Islam’s fault that you are ignorant of the history of your own false religion.

      Nice try with the non-sequitur. Just because “Matthew” was a tax-collector doesn’t mean he would have been an expert on astronomy! LOL!! Fail!!


    • D

      You said;
      And why does your god display ignorance about christians saying that god literally had son as opposed to the concept of the son being god incarnate? It isn’t hard, surely one of your god’s 99 personalities should have comprehended this simple doctrine and told the others? Or does your god have 99 personalities but only one brain that gets overwhelmed by all the voices speaking in his head?

      I say;
      Brother Faiz has warned me about your repletion. I will try to repeat my response InshaAllah. A Being/person is not personality or personalities.

      You confuse Personality/personalities to be a Being or a Person. You are wrong Personality/personalities is not a person or being so the 99 personalities of God are each personality/characteristic/quality/attribute/name etc. of God but not God Himself. God is one being with different personalities/characteristics/attributes/names etc.

      I provided the dictionary definitions to you.

      Begotten and Son means what they mean and no change, so the Quran is talking about the meaning and not what you understand because Mormons and Rastafarians have more persons and sons added to God.


      Liked by 1 person

  9. D

    You said;
    This thread is not abut matthew – why the deflection? Your god makes self-refuting statements about himself – he ALONE is sufficient, yet he cannot operate in his own creation so he must need other entities to work inside his creation for him. So, he alone CANNOT be sufficient. That is such an obvious contradiction.

    I say;
    Where did God said in the Quran “He alone is deals with human beings on earth”?



    • Intellect

      “Where did God said in the Quran “He alone is deals with human beings on earth”?”

      That’s the point – he is not solely sufficient. We agree – your god needs other created beings to do his work within creation, so he ALONE is not sufficient. That means he is not all powerful because he needs others, which in turn means whatever you worship cannot be god.


  10. Intellect

    You haven’t explained why your god created filth, nor how he could create something so filthy that he could not enter into it. How does he create matter if he cannot enter it? You keep trying to change the subject – how can your god claim to be solely sufficient when he cannot enter his creation because he created something too filthy to enter?

    It’s like the obstacle atheists try to throw out there when they ask if god can create a rock that he cannot lift! You guys are arguing that very thing. LOL! Your god created something that he locked himself out of.

    And still no answers on why your god was so ignorant about the incarnation and why he had a cognitive impairment in his comprehension of it – christians don’t say god had a concubine with whom he had offspring. LOL!! The “son” is god incarnate not offspring – why didn’t your god get this?

    Plus, you need to show me where I said god is in inanimate objects.


    • D

      You said;
      You haven’t explained why your god created filth, nor how he could create something so filthy that he could not enter into it. How does he create matter if he cannot enter it? You keep trying to change the subject – how can your god claim to be solely sufficient when he cannot enter his creation because he created something too filthy to enter?

      I say;
      Ask the Bible not me. The Bible said God is unapproachable, not me. Ask the Bible why God is unapproachable if He is everywhere?

      You said;
      And still no answers on why your god was so ignorant about the incarnation and why he had a cognitive impairment in his comprehension of it – christians don’t say god had a concubine with whom he had offspring. LOL!! The “son” is god incarnate not offspring – why didn’t your god get this?

      Plus, you need to show me where I said god is in inanimate objects.

      I say;
      The Quran says begotten and Son/son no matter how you understand it is not to be used for God. Your comprehension about begotten and Son/son does not matter but do not use such words for God and period and full stop.



  11. D,

    Since you want us to stay on topic, why don’t you talk about your 4-eyed god? LOL!! Are you going to avoid this topic?


    • The 4-eyed Christian god depicted in thh above picture is kind of similar to 4-armed Hindu gods:

      Liked by 1 person

    • Fail

      “Since you want us to stay on topic, why don’t you talk about your 4-eyed god? LOL!! Are you going to avoid this topic?”

      Where does god say he has four eyes? Is it the same place where he says the earth is flat?

      Plus, the topic is your god’s claim to be solely sufficient even though he needs his created beings to run around after him in the universe he created because he locked himself out.

      And what about your god’s inability to comprehend the incarnation? Why won’t you address that?


  12. Fail

    Still refusing to engage on the topic of the thread? Your god claims to be solely sufficient as the guardian, yet he cannot enter his creation meaning that he needs other beings, so he actually is not solely sufficient. LOL!! No wonder you have to rely on insults, your god is too confused to make coherent statements about himself.


    “You confuse Personality/personalities to be a Being or a Person. You are wrong Personality/personalities is not a person or being so the 99 personalities of God are each personality/characteristic/quality/attribute/name etc. of God but not God Himself. God is one being with different personalities/characteristics/attributes/names etc.”

    Anyone who reads that would be confused. God is his attributes but, actually no he isn’t!! God’s attributes are his character, but it is not who he is. I think that when people talk about someone’s character, they mean the qualities that make a person who they are – so if I have a genuinely kindly character, then I am a kind person or, I am kind.

    You are saying that your god’s revealed “character” is not who he is – he deceives like a common criminal or conman. Conmen show you character traits that may be charming and nice in order to hide their real character, or who they are. This is how you conceive of your god – a being that displays qualities and characteristics that may or may not reveal who he is, nor what he wants. So when you say your god is merciful, it merely means that he has chosen to act mercifully on occasion in history not that he acts out of a merciful essence.


    • “Still refusing to engage on the topic of the thread? Your god claims to be solely sufficient as the guardian, yet he cannot enter his creation meaning that he needs other beings, so he actually is not solely sufficient. LOL!! No wonder you have to rely on insults, your god is too confused to make coherent statements about himself. ”

      Oh dear, oh dear. D seems to be confused. What is the title of this thread? Oh yes, it’s: “Trinity, 14th Century”. Hmmm…has D stayed on topic? NOPE! Fail!! LOL!!

      So D, will you talk about your 4-eyed god? Is he related to one of the Hindu deities? 😉


  13. Fail

    “Oh dear, oh dear. D seems to be confused. What is the title of this thread? Oh yes, it’s: “Trinity, 14th Century”. Hmmm…has D stayed on topic? NOPE! Fail!! LOL!!

    So D, will you talk about your 4-eyed god? Is he related to one of the Hindu deities?”


    Where on the post does it say anything about the trinity? The title mentions the 14th century trinity, the topic of the post is your god’s boast about being solely sufficient. I’m not confused at all- I see no point being made about the trinity. Even your god had no idea what the trinity was – he doesn’t mention it by name or composition one time despite being all knowing.

    Or could it be that your revelations are all man made?

    So let’s get back to talking about the content of the opening post – Islam’s self-refuting statements about your god’s nature.


  14. “Where does god say he has four eyes? Is it the same place where he says the earth is flat?”

    Don’t ask me. Ask the person who made the above drawing! LOL!!

    But your god clearly has a human form, as described in the Book of Revelation:

    “The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance” (Revelation 1:14-16).

    Maybe he had four “blazing” eyes? 😉

    So now you want to talk about the flat earth again? Before you said it wasn’t the topic. Why don’t you make up your mind? LOL!!

    “And what about your god’s inability to comprehend the incarnation? Why won’t you address that?”

    LOL, apparently you can’t read. There have been many diverse beliefs among Christians, you idiot. The Quran condemns all of them. You Christians were so confused about your beliefs that you literally separated into dozens of competing sects. Yikes!


    • Fail

      “LOL, apparently you can’t read. There have been many diverse beliefs among Christians, you idiot. The Quran condemns all of them. You Christians were so confused about your beliefs that you literally separated into dozens of competing sects. Yikes!”

      But your god should not have been confused – why was he? He condemns heretical christian views, but never the orthodox one – have you never noticed that? In fact, he doesn’t seem to know what the orthodox trinitarian view was. Every single one of his 99 personalities failed to understand the trinity incarnation. They need to work more harmoniously together if they are going to get this king of the universe thing right! LOL!!

      It really is irrelevant what your god thought of these heretical christian views – he should have known which doctrine was going to become uppermost (was uppermost at the time, in fact) and addressed it. He didn’t.

      And, apparently, he was wrong about being solely sufficient – not one of his 99 characters can interact directly with the filth that Intellect says he created. He needs us – his filthy created beings – to do his work for him..

      That happens to be one of the most destructive concepts in islam – it’s why islam has an extremism problem. Your god cannot operate in his own creation to do his will- so his human followers have to administer brutal punishments on his behalf.


  15. D

    You said;

    May 8, 2016 • 7:50 pm


    “Where did God said in the Quran “He alone is deals with human beings on earth”?”

    That’s the point – he is not solely sufficient. We agree – your god needs other created beings to do his work within creation, so he ALONE is not sufficient. That means he is not all powerful because he needs others, which in turn means whatever you worship cannot be god

    I say;
    It is on the other way around. You have reversed engineered the power of God. The power of God is very strong for us now and no one can see Him. Ken Temple, the Bible and most Christians and Jews believed no one can see God. So He has to send Angels, prophets etc. to send his message to us.

    It is not that He needs their help but He is helping us because of His powerfulness. After we resurrected and He judged us and with His mercy we can see Him then.

    But not now because we are here in our own world He created temporally for us.

    You cannot even see a Ghost(I do not believe in ghost) but evil beings without shitting in your pants and die how much more God?



  16. Intellect

    “Ask the Bible not me. The Bible said God is unapproachable, not me. Ask the Bible why God is unapproachable if He is everywhere?”

    the bible does not say that god created filth, nor that he cannot enter his own creation. In fact, he does enter creation many time in the bible. Nowhere does the bible say that god has 99 personalities though, nor that we cannot draw near him, nor that he is unknowable.


    “Nice try with the non-sequitur. Just because “Matthew” was a tax-collector doesn’t mean he would have been an expert on astronomy! LOL!! Fail!!”

    Naughty – and silly. You moved the goalposts you sneaky little devil! You claimed that uneducated 1st century jews would have thought the world was flat – I pointed out that matthew was not uneducated because he was a tax collector who was probably multi-lingual. You are the one implying that an educated jew would not have thought the world was flat. LOL!! You’ve lost the plot.


    • LOL!! Did you not read what I said? Just because “Matthew” (notice the quotes) was a “tax-collector” (the author doesn’t identify himself as a tax-collector) does not mean he was an expert on astronomy! Did you get that you idiotic demon?

      And if you remember from your last schooling in the other thread, I pointed out that even educated Jews (the rabbis) still believed that the earth was flat and they criticized the Greek scientists for believing it was spherical! They were fully aware of Greek science yet they still believed that the earth was flat! LOL!! Epic fail once again, D! Is that “D” for “dingbat” or for “demon”? 😉


  17. Intellect

    “It is on the other way around. You have reversed engineered the power of God. The power of God is very strong for us now and no one can see Him.”

    I think that most christians would say that he can make himself seen in a way that doesn’t destroy us if he wanted.


  18. So D, did your god have bronze feet and eyes like blazing fire? 😉


  19. D

    You said;

    “It is on the other way around. You have reversed engineered the power of God. The power of God is very strong for us now and no one can see Him.”

    I think that most christians would say that he can make himself seen in a way that doesn’t destroy us if he wanted.

    I say;

    You do not believe your own Bible

    Exodus 33:20
    But He said, “You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!”

    Parallel Verses

    New International Version
    Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen

    I have more verses for you.



  20. D

    You said;

    May 8, 2016 • 8:44 pm


    “Ask the Bible not me. The Bible said God is unapproachable, not me. Ask the Bible why God is unapproachable if He is everywhere?”

    the bible does not say that god created filth, nor that he cannot enter his own creation. In fact, he does enter creation many time in the bible. Nowhere does the bible say that god has 99 personalities though, nor that we cannot draw near him, nor that he is unknowable.

    I say;

    Timothy 6:16

    New International Version
    who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

    New Living Translation
    He alone can never die, and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him. No human eye has ever seen him, nor ever will. All honor and power to him forever! Amen.

    English Standard Version
    who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.

    D a very stupid and useless Christian who does not read his Bible and does not know his Bible. I as a Muslim believe in some parts of the Bible and read them to teach this D.

    D does not know near is approach. Read the languages. We are approaching the city means we are near the city.

    Being/Person does not mean personality.

    see Me and live!”

    Job 37:23
    “The Almighty– we cannot find Him; He is exalted in power And He will not do violence to justice and abundant righteousness

    God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

    James 1:17
    Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow.



  21. Fail

    “Did you not read what I said? Just because “Matthew” (notice the quotes) was a “tax-collector” (the author doesn’t identify himself as a tax-collector) does not mean he was an expert on astronomy! Did you get that you idiotic demon?

    And if you remember from your last schooling in the other thread, I pointed out that even educated Jews (the rabbis) still believed that the earth was flat and they criticized the Greek scientists for believing it was spherical! ”


    The irony in my comment about the amazing scientific revelation in that matthew verse is still flying over your head like a seagull shitting on unsuspecting sidewalk diners. LOL!!

    What I remember from our last thread is that you desperately tried to claim that the bible says the earth is flat – and that is nowhere to be found. Fail indeed.

    I guess that there are no muslims on this blog who are able to explain why an all powerful god is co-dependent with his created beings, and why he condemned heretical christian doctrines but not the actual trinity. Clearly, your god not even close to being solely sufficient and he needs extremists to carry out his divine judgements – like killing mischievous apostates and adulterers.

    So the quran 4:171 is wrong – he ALONE is not sufficient because he is absolutely reliant on his creation.


    “who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.”

    That’s a little bit sad. That doesn’t disprove the trinity at all – according to christians, god the father is all those things. But nowhere does it say that he can’t incarnate if he so wills. You have to establish that your view of god is more reasonable, yet you can’T because your god makes self-refuting statements about himself – he alone is sufficient, but he is not solely sufficient because he is absolutely reliant on his creation. And he is not all-knowing since he is clueless about the meaning of the incarnation.

    In other words, the being described in the quran cannot possibly be god.


    • LOL, still not giving straight answers? LOL!!

      It’s okay, D. There, there…I know you are embarrassed. I would be embarrassed too, if I were you. After all, you have found out the hard way that your so-called “inspired” scripture was simply the work of humans who had human limitations. You have had to find out the hard way that your “inspired” scripture didn’t know that the earth is spherical.

      Your willful amnesia reflects your embarrassment. There, there…it will be okay, dear. I know that’s why you cannot give a straight answer. Every time you have tried, you have been schooled. Matthew 4:8 suggests that the earth is flat, because “Matthew” the “tax-collector” really believed that it was flat. I know, it’s hard to accept. There, there, dear. It’s not that surprising. It was a common belief in those days. In fact, here are some more verses implying a flat earth:

      “Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved” (1 Chronicles, 16:30).

      “Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns.” The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity” (Psalm 96:10).

      As one honest Bible believer has stated:

      “The Biblical view of the universe is relatively clear and consistent. Biblical statements bearing on cosmology are (with one possible exception yet to be discussed) consistent with the well-known flat-earth cosmologies of the ancient Near East, but they are often flatly contradicted by modern science” (

      Ouch, that’s gotta hurt! There, there… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Looks like human cloning gone wrong


    • Burhanuddin1

      hey burhan, so are you going to shed light on how your god can be sufficient alone, yet be absolutely reliant on his creation?

      While your at it, explain why your god condemns beliefs about the trinity that christians themselves consider heresies but he never gets around to condmening the actual predominant trintiarian doctrine? Did he not know about it? Or did only some of his 99 personalities know but didn’t tell the rest?


  23. D

    You said;

    “who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.”

    That’s a little bit sad. That doesn’t disprove the trinity at all – according to christians, god the father is all those things. But nowhere does it say that he can’t incarnate if he so wills. You have to establish that your view of god is more reasonable, yet you can’T because your god makes self-refuting statements about himself – he alone is sufficient, but he is not solely sufficient because he is absolutely reliant on his creation. And he is not all-knowing since he is clueless about the meaning of the incarnation.

    In other words, the being described in the quran cannot possibly be god.

    I say;
    You idiot Christian. If God is One, Only and Alone as the Bible said and ACCORDING TO CHRISTIANS LIKE YOU BUT NOT ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE THE FATHER IS ALL THOSE THINGS, it means the Son/son is not God and can never be God. It makes you silly and stupid to continue repeating your self as brother Faiz warned.

    The Being described in the Quran corresponds to the God of the Bible in that HE IS UNAPPROACHABLE-God of the Bible is unapproachable and so He has to send Angels, prophets to convey His message to us, other wise He himself will knock our doors like Jehovah Witness people and say “folks I am God Almighty worship me and I love you see me and I revealed my self to you now”.

    No one has ever seen God knocking his door except idol worshipers like you who thinks God is every where and start to worship man, snakes, stones, water, wind, fires etc. You will be burned in fire for that.

    Yes, our Muslim God is self sufficient and powerful. He is so powerful that, according to the Bible anything on earth will be destroyed when it gets near or approach God, so He is doing us favor to send Angels and prophets to us. It is Mercy and power of God but not weakness.

    How about Christian God who cannot forgive sins unless people help him to beat him up and kill him and help him to commit suicide?



  24. Trinity, 14th Century?
    Where’s God’s human nature in the picture? Or all three of them got one?
    They can’t get it right. What a bummer.


  25. D

    You said;

    hey burhan, so are you going to shed light on how your god can be sufficient alone, yet be absolutely reliant on his creation?

    While your at it, explain why your god condemns beliefs about the trinity that christians themselves consider heresies but he never gets around to condmening the actual predominant trintiarian doctrine? Did he not know about it? Or did only some of his 99 personalities know but didn’t tell the rest?

    I say;
    God condemned all Trinitarians. You are not the only Trinitarians. Rastafarians have Emperor Haile Selaissie as a person in Trinitarian and other Christians venerate Mary and So the Quran say “do not say 3” because you say God is 3 in 1 and Rastafarians and others say God is 3 in 1 but you have different persons in Trinity.

    The Quran condemns all of you who said God is 3 persons in 1 including Rastafarian Trinitarians who have Emperor Haile Selaissie and you do not have.

    God is self sufficient but so powerful and has to protect us for now by sending His Angels and Prophets to lead us to Him. You can reach God through His Mercy. That is why He sends His prophets and Angels to guide us to the right part where He will reveal Himself to us in Heaven.

    You agree with me God will not reveal Himself in an idol snake or man and so we have to follow His instructions and law from His Angels and prophets to guide us to the right path to Him and He will reveal Himself only at the right path not the wrong path.



  26. D “… he is clueless about the meaning of the incarnation.”

    Welcome to the club. Why is your God “Jesus” lying when he says “God is one”?

    The incarnated God is two, one divine nature plus one human nature.


  27. Burhanuddin1

    “Welcome to the club. ”

    It doesn’t bother you that your god can’t comprehend what you might claim is a man-made doctrine? And you worship this being! LOL!!


  28. Intellect

    “God condemned all Trinitarians.”

    LOL!! Your god did no such thing. He had no idea what the trinity was -how can a god be so ignorant and still have people like yourself worship it?


    • Oh brother. How can self-professed Christians be so ignorant of the history of their own religion?

      There were many “trinities” you idiot! Get over it! Also, the moron Christians had to hold numerous “councils” to clarify their contradictory and incoherent theology. Look up the 6th Ecumenical Council of Constantinople, which was held in 680.

      Your “god” couldn’t inspire the author of Matthew to know that the earth is a sphere, and not flat as was commonly believed in that time. Your god couldn’t inspire the author of Acts to correctly quote “scripture” (see the “testimony of Stephen” and look up the burial site of Jacob 😉 ). How can you idiots continue to worship this thing you call a “trinity”, which it took Christians CENTURIES to explain to each other and couldn’t even get basic facts right? LOL!!


  29. Hey D,

    You still haven’t answered my question. Does your god have feet like bronze and eyes like blazing fire? Does he have 4 eyes?


    • Fail

      Don’t go bloody stupid on me. We’re talking about why your god makes self-refuting statements about himself and has embarrassing gaps in his knowledge.

      You are happy to worship such nonsense.


  30. Fail

    “There were many “trinities” you idiot! Get over it! Also, the moron Christians had to hold numerous “councils” to clarify their contradictory and incoherent theology. Look up the 6th Ecumenical Council of Constantinople, which was held in 680.”


    Your confused god only condemns views of jesus that are heretical – he never condemns the trinity of the Father, son and holy spirit. He hadn’t heard of it!! LOL!! And he thinks that the “son” comes from god’s baby-mama. You worship an ignorant and cognitively impaired being.


    • LOL!!! More ignorance from D the “dingbat”!

      The Quran condemns ALL heresies, be they trinities or other forms of shirk. For example, it categorically condemns the deification of Jesus, whom last time I checked is a major component of your pagan trinity:

      “O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not “Trinity”: desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs” (4:171).

      Your idiocy and ignorance of the history of your own false religion is embarrassing! I bet you never even heard of the numerous “councils” that your idiot predecessors had to hold to “clarify” their pagan doctrine! LOL!!!


  31. “Don’t go bloody stupid on me. We’re talking about why your god makes self-refuting statements about himself and has embarrassing gaps in his knowledge.

    You are happy to worship such nonsense.”

    Oh, no, no, no. Don’t you run away silly demon. Does your god have 4 eyes? Does he have feet like bronze? Does he have eyes like blazing fire? Yes or no? Come on, now…be a dear and answer. 🙂


  32. No answer from D the dingbat?

    Your “god” couldn’t inspire the author of Matthew to know that the earth is a sphere, and not flat as was commonly believed in that time. Your god couldn’t inspire the author of Acts to correctly quote “scripture” (see the “testimony of Stephen” and look up the burial site of Jacob😉 ). How can you idiots continue to worship this thing you call a “trinity”, which it took Christians CENTURIES to explain to each other and couldn’t even get basic facts right? LOL!!


  33. Fail

    “Say not “Trinity”: desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. ”

    The quran never uses the word trinity – muslims (and you LOL!!) have changed the words of your god despite the fact that he claims that no one can alter his words.

    The more you try, the more you expose your false god.



    • LOL!! The Arabic word used means “three”. Yusuf Ali translated it as “trinity”, because that is what it is implying. It’s not that difficult to understand, unless of course you are D the dingbat! LOL!!!

      Does your god have 4 eyes? Does he have feet like bronze? Does he have eyes like blazing fire? Yes or no? Come on, now…be a dear and answer.:)

      Your “god” couldn’t inspire the author of Matthew to know that the earth is a sphere, and not flat as was commonly believed in that time. Your god couldn’t inspire the author of Acts to correctly quote “scripture” (see the “testimony of Stephen” and look up the burial site of Jacob😉 ). How can you idiots continue to worship this thing you call a “trinity”, which it took Christians CENTURIES to explain to each other and couldn’t even get basic facts right? LOL!!


  34. (EPIC) Fail

    “The Arabic word used means “three”. Yusuf Ali translated it as “trinity”, because that is what it is implying.”

    LOL!! Don’t make me laugh. Your god “implies” or his followers corrupt the translations? I go for the latter. There is a huge gulf in meaning between “three” and “trinity” you sorry excuse for a dawah man.

    Please explain why your “all knowing” god didn’t know this? He thinks “three” and “trinity” is the same and he only “implies” this? LOL!!!

    So much for the word of your “god” being clear – if he meant trinity he should have said it and not relied on his followers hundreds of years later to put words into his mouth that he never said and corrupt the text for unsuspecting foreigners.

    The awkward fact is that your god only condemns things about the trinity that christians themselves have established as heresies – the trinity of father son and holy spirit is noticeably absent from your god’s vocabulary and scope of knowledge.

    Your god is the most inept and clueless supernatural being in history. LOL!! Please tell us why he couldn’t wrap his mind around the concept of the incarnation – and kept insisting that chrsitians think god was getting it on with a human woman? The 99 voices and personalities in his head must have overwhelmed him.



    • “LOL!! Don’t make me laugh. Your god “implies” or his followers corrupt the translations? I go for the latter. There is a huge gulf in meaning between “three” and “trinity” you sorry excuse for a dawah man.

      Please explain why your “all knowing” god didn’t know this? He thinks “three” and “trinity” is the same and he only “implies” this? LOL!!!”

      LOL!! Oh D, what an idiot you are! The trinity is composed on “THREE” persons, is it not? I know you Christians are mathematically challenged (1+1+1 = 1 😉 ), but try to pay attention. LOL!!

      Still ignoring my questions? You can run, but you can’t hide!

      Does your god have 4 eyes? Does he have feet like bronze? Does he have eyes like blazing fire? Yes or no? Come on, now…be a dear and answer.:)

      Your “god” couldn’t inspire the author of Matthew to know that the earth is a sphere, and not flat as was commonly believed in that time. Your god couldn’t inspire the author of Acts to correctly quote “scripture” (see the “testimony of Stephen” and look up the burial site of Jacob😉 ). How can you idiots continue to worship this thing you call a “trinity”, which it took Christians CENTURIES to explain to each other and couldn’t even get basic facts right? LOL!!


  35. Ken Temple “That God became a man does not make sense to the human mind.”

    Yep, doesn’t make sense, I agree.

    How do you follow the greatest commandment “love the Lord your God with all your … mind”? (Mark 12)

    Your God says humans can follow the greatest commandment. Ken Temple says humans can’t. Who’s right?


    • Burhanuddin1

      I don’t know the context of Ken’s statement so I won’t comment on it.

      BUt I do think that if god is loving – as christians contend – that he loves his creation, he wants man to atone, and be in fellowship with him, and he knows that human efforts can never fulfill the requirement of atonement, then it makes perfect sense that he would enter his creation as a man to satisfy the atonement as set out by his own commands.

      The “How” of the incarnation is certainly beyond human comprehension, but god is by nature beyond human comprehension. I don’t think god would expect us to fully comprehend him because christians would say that he knows we cannot. I don’t think christians ever claimed to know how god does what he does – islam, though seems to claim that muslims know all about your god, even though none of you seem capable explaining simple facts about him.

      What isn’t comprehensible is the bizarre “god is one” simpletons declaration that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever, but seems to give muslims the false sense that it makes sense.

      That’s why we should never trust the clerics – they claim to know things that they don’t by citing hadiths which have absolutely no historical reliability whatsoever to explain a holy book that is repetitive, often nonsensical, and plagiarizes other faith traditions and fables.


    • Burhanuddin1

      “And in his teaching he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the marketplaces 39 and have the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, 40 who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.””

      This is what the christians teach about self-righteous holy men and tradition purveyors – sounds a lot like some of the muslim clerics who take great pleasure and pride in their own godliness but whose teachings are empty.


    • D
      What makes sense for Jesus as the most important commandment makes sense for me.
      Keep on waffling.


  36. Burhanuddin1

    “What makes sense for Jesus as the most important commandment makes sense for me.
    Keep on waffling.”


    That’s what I thought – no idea who or what you worship.


  37. D “… to satisfy the atonement as set out by his own commands.”

    Man you are lost in delusion.

    “Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent– the LORD detests them both.”

    Proverbs 17:15


  38. Burhanuddin1

    “Keep on running but you cannot hide”

    LOL!! Who’s running? I’m right here.


  39. D

    You said;
    BUt I do think that if god is loving – as christians contend – that he loves his creation, he wants man to atone, and be in fellowship with him, and he knows that human efforts can never fulfill the requirement of atonement, then it makes perfect sense that he would enter his creation as a man to satisfy the atonement as set out by his own commands.

    I say;
    That is pure idolatry and idol worship to think God has entered into his creation and taken a form of His creation. May God forbid such thinking, let alone believing in it.

    When Prophet Moses went to receive God’s revelation, by the time he came back, his people has this silly thinking of Trinitarians that God loves them and came down and took the form of creation and they start to worship that creation.

    Moses told them that the most important commandment is “Hear or Israel the Lord our God is One God” He did not say “The Lord our God is Trinity, Jesus Christ, 3 Persons 1 God, Trinitas Unitas, Triune” etc.

    Do the Church Fathers who decided the Trinity knows God than Moses? NO. The God of the Quran is bringing you back to the God of Moses and insists God is Only One and Alone God. Any one who is begotten or a Son/son is not God, no matter how you understand it.

    All idol worshipers like voodoos in Haiti, Benin and other places believes like Trinitarians that God loves them so much and He has to come down in a creature like man, snake, monkey, elephant etc. to be with them and love them. All these thinking historically started long time ago with Greeks and Romans who believed God is LOVE itself and has to come down as ‘God of love or Goddess of Love to have sex and create hybrid creatures like Jesus Christ to love them.

    You said;
    The “How” of the incarnation is certainly beyond human comprehension, but god is by nature beyond human comprehension. I don’t think god would expect us to fully comprehend him because christians would say that he knows we cannot. I don’t think christians ever claimed to knoBaw how god does what he does – islam, though seems to claim that muslims know all about your god, even though none of you seem capable explaining simple facts about him.

    I say;
    Knowing God is different from seeing God. You breath air every day into you lungs. Have you seen air? No. You cannot see air. Muslims know God according to scripture but not what the council of Nicea, Trent etc. said God is. But no one can see God as the Bible said God cannot be seen and He is immortal. We will see God and He will reveal Himself finally when we Go to heaven.

    God will not reveal Himself in the snake, monkey, Jesus, Haile Selaissie, Sai Baba etc. God does not put Himself into his creature and call it revealing Himself, No.

    If God reveals Himself in heaven, it is Pure God without any human nature or elephant, monkey, stone, Jesus, Haile Selaissie, Sai Baba etc.

    Prophet Moses commandments is to know God as One God and full stop, period, (.) and nothing else said the Bible and that is what Muslims knows as God and that is it.

    No one has seen God or can see God. Jesus was seen and beaten to death, so he is not God. The Almighty God cannot be beaten to death.

    Prophet Moses other most important command is to follow the commandment and that is what Muslims are doing and it will lead them to the right path of all prophets to heaven where God will finally reveal Himself but not here on earth to see a man, monkey, snake etc. and say God has reveal Himself in that person. It is idolatry.



  40. D

    You said;
    The “How” of the incarnation is certainly beyond human comprehension, but god is by nature beyond human comprehension. I don’t think god would expect us to fully comprehend him because christians would say that he knows we cannot

    I say;
    All your arguments with us here is that God has revealed Himself to you. How can you not comprehend God if you think He has come down to reveal Himself to you?

    What is the point of your God entering into His creation to reveal Himself to you? and you do not comprehend Him.

    If you do not comprehend God, why decide who He is at the councils of Nicea, Trend etc.? It will be stupid to define what you do not comprehend.

    You said;
    What isn’t comprehensible is the bizarre “god is one” simpletons declaration that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever, but seems to give muslims the false sense that it makes sense.

    I say;
    An idol worshiper will not believe the Bible saying God is One Only and Alone. An idol worshiper will add other creation in addition to God.

    1.”Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one [echad]!” Deuteronomy 6:4
    2.”You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth.” 2 Kings 19:15
    3.”You alone is Yahweh.” Nehemiah 9:6
    4.”The foremost is, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; ” Mark 12:29
    1.”This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God” John 17:3

    D. Help me, I can clearly see God is One, Only and Alone above but never seen “3 Person/persons 1 God”, “God is begotten”, “Trinity”, “Triune”, “God is Son” etc. anywhere in the entire Bible.

    Are you wiser than God? When He clearly said He is One, Only and Alone and you say no God is “3 Persons/persons 1 God” that cannot be found in the Quran.



    • D

      You said;


      Why do you quote from a different god’s holy book? The hebrew god does not have 99 personalities.

      I say;
      You ignoramus. Is God not Merciful, Eternal, Compassionate, Creator etc. in the Bible? That is what the 99 “personalities” mean. God did not say “I am 99 Personalities” in the Quran but used Merciful, Compassionate etc. to call Himself just like for example.

      In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful. Scholars counted the names God used for Himself in the Quran and it is 99 and so we use the names as His names. We do call Him other names the befit Him.

      We never call Him Son/son, begotten/ unique son, dead God, beaten God by the Romans, God-Man, Crucified God, 3 persons 1 God etc. All the names and description by Trinitarians to God is blaspheme and idolatry.

      We Muslims, Jews and some Unitarian Christians call God how we find Him calling Himself in scripture not calling Him by some decisions made at council upon councils of Nacea, Trent etc.


      Liked by 1 person

  41. “Why do you quote from a different god’s holy book? The hebrew god does not have 99 personalities.”

    No, but he has feet like bronze, (four?) eyes like blazing fire? 😉


    • I also like how you said “the hebrew god”…So, he’s the national god of the Israelites? What about the rest of the world? Biblical exceptionalism strikes again!


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