81 replies

  1. Its a pity that the drone was not loaded with pigs blood or something, and then it could have been dropped on the Qa’aba.


    • It’s also a pity that Christians are sometimes the least Christ like when it comes to loving their neighbours…but oh well… 😦


    • Jesus. Come on, don’t be shy, let the HS go. What you really want to say is nuke the bastards, yeehaw.


  2. What do you mean “Christ like” when there is no evidence that demonstrates he was loving or neighborly?


  3. A clear cut case of man made idolatry. Perfect picture.


    • In what sense? As no Muslim worships the Kaaba it cannot be by definition labelled idolatry.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sure, and they don’t drink alcohol either.

      “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.


    • “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”

      Sounds like a condemnation of the worship of Jesus.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dude the temple in Jerusalem contained statues of cherubim and Churches have used icons for the last two thousand years as an object to focus their worship. Muslims pray toward the Kaaba not because of the thing itself but because of what it represents.

      Your iconoclasm not withstanding you haven’t explained why praying in the direction of the Kaaba is idolatry.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Patrice, have you ever met someone who admits to current idolatry? You might not think what Muslims do is idolatry, but according to the former prophets it clearly is. Muhammad’s religion is not consistent with the former prophets.


    • “Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God.” (Leviticus 26:1).

      Patrice, we also know that many of the “practices” performed by Muslims at the Kaaba have their roots in pre-Islamic paganism. Muhammad simply incorporated them into his new religion.


    • Perhaps he wasn’t a fan of stone but he was certainly happy with golden statues:

      Then you shall make a mercy seat[c] of pure gold; two cubits and a half shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its width. 18 You shall make two cherubim of gold – Exodus 25:17-18

      We also know that when the Temple was constructed that there were palm trees and the cherubim were also there. This leaves us with one of two options either the authors of the Torah had a lousy editing process or your Puritanism causes a false understanding of what idolatry is. Idolatry is simply the worship of the creation rather than the creator (remember what Paul said in Romans?)


  4. “In what sense? As no Muslim worships the Kaaba it cannot be by definition labelled idolatry.”

    Mohammed killed for it. If it was nothing to be worshipped why kill people for it?


    • Madmanna and Paulus. Can you losers name one religious studies scholar who believes Muslims worship Kaabah?

      Liked by 2 people

    • Another idiotic comment from yet another dumb Christian apologist.

      Muhammad killed those who wanted to kill him and his followers. In contrast, the Biblical prophets like David killed thousands of innocent people! You guys really have no shame, do you?

      By the way, madmanna, I’m still waiting for you to answer my challenge to you on Biblical slavery. You can run, but you can’t hide! 😉


    • Well, that’s easy Kmak. My source is even a Muslim!!

      “In a statement out this week, the ISIS leader said it is a Muslim’s “religious duty” to destroy the monument of “idolatrous worship”, which is the central shrine object of Islam.”


    • I ask Paulus to name one religious studies scholar who believes Muslims worship the Kaabah. Paulus quotes ISIS. This takes trolling to a whole new level.


    • Well Bagdadi meets your criteria- a religious scholar. Not my problem if you dislike it. Surely it is worrying and embarrasing when a fellow Muslim scholar admits that is is “idolatrous worship”.


    • IS wanting to destroy the Kaabah was a scam you evil Christians!


    • Paulus: Well Bagdadi meets your criteria- a religious scholar. Not my problem if you dislike it. Surely it is worrying and embarrasing when a fellow Muslim scholar admits that is is “idolatrous worship”.

      I asked for a religious STUDIES scholar, as in the academic study of religion. Not my problem you are a deceptive ignoramus.

      I’ll engage you on Baghdadi anyway (even though Baghdadi didn’t make the statement you quoted, and his scholarly credentials are dubious). In the 1400 years of Islamic scholarship, you are only able to find Baghdadi as the only guy claiming Muslims worship the Kaabah? So at what point in time does Baghdadi think Muslims began worshiping the Kaabah considering that it has served as the direction for prayer beginning with Muhammad(saw)?

      Don’t run away like you always do.


    • Circling the kaaba 7 times is idolatry – the quran doesn’t command it, and muslims only do it in reverence of mohammed (who did it) which meets the criteria for one of the definitions of idolatry below….

      idolatry definition….
      1. the religious worship of idols.
      2. excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc.

      It is blind adoration of mohammed’s actions and excessive reverence toward a gaudy fabric tent.


  5. So why didn’t Mohammed just leave Mecca alone and build his own Kaaba somewhere else? It would have saved a lot of bloodshed would it not? Being the merciful prophet that he was.

    Was there a shortage of bricks or black paint in Medina or something?


  6. As far as I know because Abraham and Ishamel built it.

    Although you might not worship it as such you obviously believe Allah channels his blessing through it.

    It is just a another form of idolatry according to the bible.

    I don’t have to worship using a wall that Abraham, or any other biblical figure, has probably peed against but Muslims do.

    That’s what we call superstition.


    • Nobody worships the Kaaba and Allah does not ‘channel’ anything through it as if it were some kind of magic talisman. The effort and sincerity is rewarded as is with every other form of worship:

      Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous. – Surah 2:177

      I’m happy for you that you don’t have to worship using a wall neither do Muslims since worship is not merely praying but is rather living your life in service to God therefore everything you do is ‘worship’ as they are not seperate entities.

      Just some food for thought take care Madmanna

      Liked by 1 person

    • Madmanna, you silly Christian nutjob….

      You worship a man, you dolt! That’s idolatry!

      The Kaaba is not worshiped by Muslims. We only pray in its direction because it was the first mosque.

      How many people have been killed for the sake of the temple in Jerusalem? Why couldn’t the Jews simply rebuild it on a different spot? Use your head for once! Lol!!


  7. It’s also a form of man-worship because you are worshipping the man who built it.

    Identifying yourself with him to get to paradise on his coattails. Like every time you say the shahada.

    Fine by me if it works but I think it’s stupid myself. Each to their own.


    • Muslims have one Lord they worship, and that’s not the Kaaba nor Muhammad. How many Lords do you worship?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Madmanna,

      I suppose you are a Christian and are trying to inventively engineer a way for Muslims to accept the worship of a man (Jesus) ie your religion.

      Please stop, it’s not honest. As Muslims we can only worship God. To do otherwise would make us leave the fold of Islam.

      Look into Islam with an open heart

      Liked by 1 person

    • No, no, what’s stupid is to worship a man who ate, slept and went to the bathroom as if he was God. Its also classic idolatry. How long will you remain so stupid? 😉


  8. Patrice.
    Muslims are not my neighbors.
    Thank You though.
    Point taken, I should be more polite.

    If Islam gets control of your country, perhaps your attitude may be different.?



    • Just what this blog needs, another dumb troll!


    • thank you for trolling me.


    • Muslims are indeed your neighbours have you not read the parable of the good samaritan?

      …and for the record ‘Islam’ cannot get control of any country as it does not have hands but on that note are you aware of all the good Muslims have done throughout history including the sciences and philosophy who were indespensable to the European Renaissance.

      What is the root of your antagonism?


    • They maybe n eighbors then, but NOT my Brother / SIster.
      The Cut of Islam, and Christianity, are diametrically opposed.
      The Quran denies the deity of Jesus Christ, and the Death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

      2 John 9-11.


    • There used to be a time when Muslims and Christians could live together. This time is over. Modern day Christians are evil liberals.


    • I give up…Y’all crazy Yeehaw!

      Liked by 1 person

    • 😀
      Yee haw.
      Your an American then ??


    • Nope but i am half Arab and whose country was taken over by Islam. It wasn’t so bad for a while in fact the Muslims stopped the Byzantines from murdering their fellow Christians!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Were the Byzantine’s actually Christian ??


    • I do have respect for Suleiman the Great.
      Wondering if he was ‘ Shia ‘ though ?


    • yes they were as they affirmed the beliefs of the Nicean, Constantinople, and Calcedonian creeds the latter being the reason why they persecuted other churches such as the Coptic Church.

      Although I suppose it depends on how one defines the term Christian in the first place. Suleiman i think was Sunni but that wouldn’t matter as both Sunni and Shia are Muslims. Can’t say i know too much about the man however tbh.

      As far as Christians go i am a becoming a real fan of Kahlil Gibran who was a Maronite Catholic and a very interesting poet who wrote extensively on the need for equality between men and women as well as respect between different religions. Especially between Muslims and Christians. What is it about Suleiman you admire about?


    • If I remember correctly, he helped the dutch in some way..The Dutch Protestants.
      I will have to go and check to remind myself tomorrow.
      Anyway, shia Islam hates Suni Islam,both see each other as apostate.


    • That is certainly something to admire but one wonders considering the extensive religious education he would have had and indeed needed while Sultan (especially considering his reforms of the legal system). If Islam is clear in its evil why would he have helped them?


    • He is the only exception really.
      Perhaps, at that time, he had friends who were Christian.?

      Islam as you should know, teaches false doctrine ?


    • As an Ottoman Sulayman the Great was a Sunni. Actually Shiites were his enemies. He fought against the Persian Shiites and Ottoman Alawis. Killed many of them. Great guy indeed!


    • Oh well, I though he was decent fella for helping out the Dutch.
      I shall have to lok into it deeper.

      Going by what you said, there are obviously other divisions within Islam, Shia ,Sunni & Al;awis, and Wahabism, are there any others ?


    • There are some smaller Shiah sects like Ismailis, Zaydis, Druze. Alawis are part of the Shiah too. The biggest group of Shiites is the Imamiyyah branch which is that of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon. Only Zaydis and some Imami Shiites and their lay people are accepted as Muslims.

      The major division between (Sunni) Muslims today is regarding the question of secularism and modernism. We traditional Sunni Muslims are against secularism and modernism and agree with Salafis/Wahhabis on that point. We disagree with Salafis on theological issues.


    • Nadir, Salafis ARE Sunni Muslims. They mostly follow the Hanbali school whose aqeeda is in fact the original Sunni creed know as the Traditional or ahl al-hadith theology.


    • I thought the differences between Shia and Sunni, was which person they followed after muhammeds’ death ?


    • Nadir stop pretending you speak for all Sunnis you have yourself admitted you are not a religious scholar in any respect so your pronouncements about who is or who is not a Muslim are frankly irrelevant.

      The reality however is that many Sunni and Shia get along just fine in the same way that Christians of different sects do. If you want actual proof of that i would heartily recommend actually speaking with Muslims in real life rather than in the relative safety (and detachment) of the internet.

      I would recommend also to check out Pauls latest blog article with regards to Umar the second successor of Prophet Muhammad as leader of the early Islamic empire and his statements towards Christians in Jerusalem. I would also recommend you seek out real sources of information on the Prophets communications with other religious groups such as in the charter of Medina as well as his treaties with the Christians of the Najran and Sinai. Umar also was the one i was referring to with regards to expelling of the Byzantines who were persecuting the Syriac Orthodox at the time. The people happily received him and his army.


    • There are many Salafi beliefs and especially many individual beliefs. Some might fall under the classical Hanbali creed which is accepted. But the official Salafi creed as described by Ibn Taymiyyah is not Sunni.



  9. Lol, sentient Christian. How exactly is Islam “evil”?

    I should think that a religion which worships the One God would be the opposite of evil, don’t you?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Faiz

      Mohammed thought he had been visited by a demon in the cave. No biblical prophet mistook god’s angels for demons. None.

      That is evidence enough that whomever Muslims worship – and none of you know what you worship because your god is unknowable – it is not the god of the bible.


    • D, apart from Jacob no biblical prophets wrestled with angels. That is enough evidence that Jacob mistook an angel for something else, most likely a malevolent entity, since he was willing to get physical with it.


    • kmak

      “D, apart from Jacob no biblical prophets wrestled with angels. That is enough evidence that Jacob mistook an angel for something else, most likely a malevolent entity, since he was willing to get physical with it.”


      That is such a reach – and you keep boasting about how analytical you are and you come up with this bizarre overreach of logic.

      Where in the text does it say that jacob wrestled a demon? The muslim sources are clear, mohammed thought he had encountered a demon – I believe him.


    • D: Where in the text does it say that jacob wrestled a demon?

      Where did I say the text says Jacob wrestled a demon? In fact, I said: apart from Jacob no biblical prophets wrestled with angels. That is enough evidence that Jacob mistook an angel for something else, most likely a malevolent entity, since he was willing to get physical with it.

      Since you are too stupid, let me ask a simple question. Why would Jacob get physical with an entity unless he sensed something malevolent about it?


    • Kmak

      “Where did I say the text says Jacob wrestled a demon? In fact, I said: apart from Jacob no biblical prophets wrestled with angels. That is enough evidence that Jacob mistook an angel for something else, most likely a malevolent entity, since he was willing to get physical with it.

      Since you are too stupid, let me ask a simple question. Why would Jacob get physical with an entity unless he sensed something malevolent about it?”

      Yes, but that doesn’t follow at all, does it mr analytical? What you are telling me is that the text says nothing about jacob wrestling a demon, and nowhere does he show fear of it while wrestling.

      On the other hand, mohammed dropped a load when he was molested by his demon in the cave and he had to be told by someone who had not even been present that it was not a demon – which using your logic, we could wonder if khadija was herself a demonic entity in cahoots with mohammed’s cave monster.

      Analysis fail on your part.


    • D:Yes, but that doesn’t follow at all, does it mr analytical? What you are telling me is that the text says nothing about jacob wrestling a demon, and nowhere does he show fear of it while wrestling.

      If we go by your narrative, Jacob randomly and unemotionally engaged an entity in wrestling, and that too for an entire night. Makes sense!

      D: On the other hand, mohammed dropped a load when he was molested by his demon in the cave and he had to be told by someone who had not even been present that it was not a demon – which using your logic, we could wonder if khadija was herself a demonic entity in cahoots with mohammed’s cave monster.

      Khadijah was a demonic entity? You really are an imbecile D.


    • kmak

      the problem is that you are trying to think but it isn’t working out too good for you.

      But since you are too brainwashed and gullible to form any logical thoughts of your own that aren’t informed by whatever overbearing cleric you bow down to, consider this: there is no logical reason to think that jacob was wrestling with an evil entity – he asked the entity for blessings. Maybe your cleric hasn’t told you what “blessings” mean, but it doesn’t necessarily imply evil, and rather, has a benevolent connotation.

      That aside, people struggle against people and ideas that aren’t malevolent and which are extremely good – for example, people resist change and are sometimes hostile to benevolent people who want to bring change to their societies – like bringing humaneness to the treatment of apostates in some cultures.

      For these reasons, your reasoning that led you the conclusion that jacob must have been wrestling an evil entity is simply too dumb not to laugh at.

      Either way, it doesn’t change the fact your prophet did not know good entities from bad ones – which makes him too dissimilar to all of the preceding prophets for him to be legit, and which should make any true theist with an analytical mind that you claim to have at the very least question it.


    • D: there is no logical reason to think that jacob was wrestling with an evil entity – he asked the entity for blessings. Maybe your cleric hasn’t told you what “blessings” mean, but it doesn’t necessarily imply evil, and rather, has a benevolent connotation.

      He asked the entity for blessings AFTER it broke his hip with a single touch. So what reasons do we have for believing Jacob thought he was wrestling with an angle all along as opposed to only after getting his hip broken?

      D: Either way, it doesn’t change the fact your prophet did not know good entities from bad ones – which makes him too dissimilar to all of the preceding prophets for him to be legit, and which should make any true theist with an analytical mind that you claim to have at the very least question it.

      Yeah, a demon inspired Muhammad to preach against polytheism/idolatry-a demonic practice according to the bible. What did Jesus say again about the Kingdom of Satan when demons turn on each other?


    • kamak

      “He asked the entity for blessings AFTER it broke his hip with a single touch. So what reasons do we have for believing Jacob thought he was wrestling with an angle all along as opposed to only after getting his hip broken?”

      What stupid reasons do you have for believing that jacob did not know he was wrestling with divinity other than your need to make mohammed seem more similar to the biblical prophets?

      And why can’t you use your analytical skills to understand that wrestling against something does not mean that something is evil? you’re being dumb here, but that’s what islamic brainwashing does to people. Again, where does the text say that jacob had any notion that he was wrestling a demon? It doesn’t.

      Mohammed on the other hand explicitly says that he believed he had been roughed up by a demon – you can’t get away from that no matter how hard you squirm. Not one true prophet ever thought demons were angels.

      “Yeah, a demon inspired Muhammad to preach against polytheism/idolatry-a demonic practice according to the bible. ”

      Sure it would. Satan wants to be the one – the only one – he wants to usurp god’s throne and have people bow down to him and perform mindless rituals in his honor.

      This is a poor objection.


  10. Lol Fido!! I already embarrassed you on this issue many times before. Jacob wrestled with some being who not only did not know his name nor could overpower the poor shepherd. And to top it off, this being left Jacob with a permanent disability! Wow!!!


    • Poor fail

      JAcob asked for a blessing from the person he wrestled with – he knew who he was wrestling with.

      Mohammed cowered in terror because he could not tell a demon from an angel. Either your god sent an incompetent angel who could make his origins and nature clear, or your profit actually did encounter a demonic being – perhaps even the prince of demons itself.


  11. D

    Your said;
    Poor fail

    JAcob asked for a blessing from the person he wrestled with – he knew who he was wrestling with.

    Mohammed cowered in terror because he could not tell a demon from an angel. Either your god sent an incompetent angel who could make his origins and nature clear, or your profit actually did encounter a demonic being – perhaps even the prince of demons itself.

    I say;
    Jesus is your God and you worship Jesus. The devil took your God Jesus to the holy city. The devil taking your God to the holy city? You “dandyhead” D. You are not concerned when your God was taken by the devil but to be concerned about prophet Mohammed who is not God but a man to be taken by an angel. Sam Shamoun will not be concerned about his big stomach full of filth but to insult Muslims who wash their hands and other parts of their bodies several times a day as filth. Probably Sam Shamoun does not know the meaning of filth. You behave like Sam Shamoun. Dr. James White said, Do not attack Islam on issue that is worse in the Bible. Follow his advise.

    Your God Jesus Christ is incompetent himself by allowing the devil to take him to the holy city. What kind of God is that? to be taken away by the devil. Except your incompetent God Jesus Christ. Your Jesus Christ is the prince of devil who allows the devil to carry him.

    The devil dare and cannot carry my only one God of Abraham who is 1, alone and not 3 persons to be carried by the devil.

    Mathew 4:1-11

    Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

    4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’[b]”

    5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

    “‘He will command his angels concerning you,
    and they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[c]”

    7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’[d]”



  12. Fido barked:

    “JAcob asked for a blessing from the person he wrestled with – he knew who he was wrestling with.

    Mohammed cowered in terror because he could not tell a demon from an angel. Either your god sent an incompetent angel who could make his origins and nature clear, or your profit actually did encounter a demonic being – perhaps even the prince of demons itself.”

    LOL!!! Who cares if he asked for a “blessing”? What if it was a demon? Don’t you think that it would have been all to happy to “bless” Jacob? The problem is that it wrestled with Jacob, wounded him, and in the end did not even know his name! What kind of “angel” is that? Better yet, if you are one of those people who believes that this “angel” was actually “God”, then what kind of “God” are you worshiping? Either your god was too incompetent to send an actual angel OR it was too incompetent to know its own creation! LOL!!

    But it get worse for you, my canine friend. Your Bible has other stories which show how absurd your religion is. Your false apostle Paul was blinded by a being who claimed to be Jesus! How many prophets had ever been blinded by God?

    But wait, there’s more! Your Bible says that after God’s word came to Hosea, he was commanded to marry a “promiscuous woman”! WOW!! Your god encouraged a prophet to marry a whore! Would God really do that?

    But wait, there’s more! Your Bible says that Gabriel came to Daniel, leaving him fearful and exhausted. Not only that, but it seems Gabriel was a late-comer into the Bible. The Book of Daniel is the first place he is mentioned by name. Where was he all this time?

    So you see, you mangy Labrador retriever, your Bible refutes your nonsense complaints against the beloved Prophet of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Ouch, that’s got to hurt!

    Of course, I don’t reject the Biblical prophets because they are prophets and Muslims believe in all the prophets and we do not prefer one over the other. But your Bible is full of nonsense and stupidity. Your Bible makes a mockery of the illustrious prophets.


    • Poor Satan worshiper Fail

      “The problem is that it wrestled with Jacob, wounded him, and in the end did not even know his name! What kind of “angel” is that? Better yet, if you are one of those people who believes that this “angel” was actually “God”, then what kind of “God” are you worshiping?”

      The text says that jacob had encountered god you silly little hairy mini-man. But nowhere does it say that he encountered a demon – your profit encountered a demon, but was convinced by his possibly demonic wife that this demon was actually an “angel”.

      Maybe your god went to wrong person and should have gone to your profit’s wife?

      And don’t be stupid by trying to act as though mistaking an angel for a demon is somehow on a par with being blinded by the presence of god. WHat kind of dark being do you worship that humans would not be blinded by his presence? Satan comes to mind.

      Your silly “holy book” does not even mention most of the prophets, which means that whatever man/demon wrote it had not heard of them.

      Mohammed is not like the other true prophets – none of them thought that god’s angels were demons. God’s prophets know god and his messengers.


  13. Fido barked:

    “The text says that jacob had encountered god you silly little hairy mini-man. But nowhere does it say that he encountered a demon – your profit encountered a demon, but was convinced by his possibly demonic wife that this demon was actually an “angel”.

    Maybe your god went to wrong person and should have gone to your profit’s wife?

    And don’t be stupid by trying to act as though mistaking an angel for a demon is somehow on a par with being blinded by the presence of god. WHat kind of dark being do you worship that humans would not be blinded by his presence? Satan comes to mind.

    Your silly “holy book” does not even mention most of the prophets, which means that whatever man/demon wrote it had not heard of them.

    Mohammed is not like the other true prophets – none of them thought that god’s angels were demons. God’s prophets know god and his messengers.”

    LOL!! Who cares what the text says, you dolt? The point is what kind of god are you worshiping when he can’t even wrestle with a man nor even his name? Your god doesn’t seem very divine! LOL!! He must really be the god of mangy Labrador retrievers such as yourself.

    Paul was the only one who was blinded by your god. Which other prophets were blinded? Tell me, Fido…

    Your god commanded a prophet to marry a prostitute. Sounds like the devil to me! LOL!!!

    By the way, since you seem to take what the text says into account, then by your own standards, you should follow what the text of the ahadith actually say. They identify the being the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) encountered as an angel! See? Your idiotic and contradictory views come back to bite you in your tail!

    Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah: That he heard Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) saying. “Then there was a pause in the revelation of the Divine Inspiration to me. Then while I was walking all of a sudden I heard a voice from the sky, and I raised my sight towards the sky and saw the same angel who had visited me in the cave of Hira,’ sitting on a chair between the sky and the earth.”

    It is certainly understandable that he was frightened from his experience. It’s not everyday that one encounters a supernatural being. At least this being didn’t leave Muhammad (pbuh) with a permanent disability or command him to commit a sin like marrying a prostitute! LOL!!!


    • Fail

      “Who cares what the text says, you dolt?”

      That says it all LOL!!!!

      Just make stuff up that suits an agenda – just like islam and its barbaric sharia laws.

      “By the way, since you seem to take what the text says into account, then by your own standards, you should follow what the text of the ahadith actually say.”

      Dumb and dumber. The hadith were written by men, hundreds of years after the fact – your beliefs about your demon god are derived from man-made scriptures that most likely reflect the agenda of the political classes of 10th century caliphate rather than actual historical events. But yeah, your sources also recount how your profit could not tell that he had preached the words of satan – the final nail in the coffin of his claim to prophethood.

      No true prophet believes that god’s angels are demons, and no true prophet preaches satanic revelations. LOL!!!


  14. Lol!!! Fido barks yet has no bite!

    What prophets were blinded by God? Why don’t you answer the question? Why was your false apostle Paul the only one?

    What kind of god could not wrestle with Jacob or know his name? Or was it fake wrestling like you see on TV? Was your god the president of the WWF at one time? Lol!!

    What kind of god would command a prophet to marry a prostitute?

    It seems like your Bible was mistaking the devil for God. Or it just made up some silly stories that only idiots like you would fall for. Either way, you’ve dug yourself a huge hole. But thats what dogs do, right? 😉

    The only man made books here are your contradictory books in the Bible. Every rational person knows that the Bible is just a compilation of books written by ignorant and anonymous writers from different time periods.


    • Poor Fail

      “What prophets were blinded by God?

      What kind of god would command a prophet to marry a prostitute?”

      LOL!!! You utter fool!

      Being blinded by god’s glory is consistent with the christian concept of god. Being told to marry a prostitute is consistent with the christian/jewish notion of apostasy being equated and compared to harlotry you angry little mini-man.

      Nowhere are god’s true prophets fooled into thinking that they had encountered demons and not angels. Your god makes poor choices about who he sends to do his work, or his angels are incompetent, or just don’t have the qualifications of presence required for the job.

      There are absolutely no instances in the bible – god’s true book – where angels are mistaken for demons. That should be a huge red flag for anybody with an ounce of brain tissue.

      “The only man made books here are your contradictory books in the Bible. Every rational person knows that the Bible is just a compilation of books written by ignorant and anonymous writers from different time periods.”

      Who wrote the quran? What are the names of the scribes who wrote your holy book on dead animal carcass skins, and stones because they were too dumb to make paper? Your quran is man-made over decades, were authored by anonymous human beings who probably made stuff up – your own sources speak of your profit telling scribes to make stuff up – and we don’t even have a complete quran from any time near the life of momo.

      The oldest qurans are incomplete, and your sources speak of differences in length, and content between competing qurans.

      And you profit received revelation from entities that could have been demons.

      Something to think about.


    • Notice how Faiz just condemned and dishonoured the Apostle Paul and God’s former books, both of which are affirmed in Islamic sources. Not a very good Muslim it appears…


    • Paulus

      Islam is about dishonouring other people’s beliefs, Fail can’t help it.


  15. D

    Apostle Paul claim he saw Jesus. In fact it is a demon because the apostle Paul has no proof except himself. How did he see a demon? Apostle Paul teaching does not conform to Jesus teaching and so it is from a demon.

    It is being discussed here every day that prophet Mohammeds teaching is in line with Jesus and all the prophets i.e. worship one God of Abraham who is one, only and alone. I have been providing verses from the Bible that says God is One, Only and Alone. I can give you more if you want.

    Now give me only one verse from the Bible that said God became God Man, God died for our sins, God is 3 persons in 1 God, the messiah is God or Jesus saying clearly “I am God”

    If you fail to provide a correct answer, then apostle Paul saw a demon and not God or Jesus.

    The Quran did not say Prophet Mohammed saw a demon at all. You might want to go back to school. According to the Bible people fell when they saw Jesus. Why did they fall down, because he is a demon.



  16. D are you stupid or deceitful


  17. Both I think …stupid and deceitful.
    By the way, I can’t help but feel the atheists on this blog argue more consistently and respectfully than some of the christians here.
    look at Darthimon’ s discussion on alcohol!


  18. Wow this posting has generated a lot of comments.


  19. Sentient Christian

    You said;

    July 20, 2016 • 9:19 pm

    Wow this posting has generated a lot of comments

    I say;
    77 comments? You may be a new comer to this blog. This blog has generated more than 1000 yes more than one thousand comments a single post and continue to go past 1000s, 100s etc. It helps us to completely brainstorm and dissect any thing we can find to find the truth. Some Christians agreed with me that if God is one and has His all attributes, then no other person can have all his attributes. Another Christian agreed with me that Jesus who is the Son does not have the generation of the Son attribute which only the Father has.

    It implied Jesus does not have all the attributes of the Father(God) so Jesus is not God. I do not understand why these Christians still remain Christians.

    Mr. D

    You said;

    July 20, 2016 • 4:12 am

    Poor Satan worshiper Fail

    I say;

    Quran: Verse (2:168)

    Sahih International:

    O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy

    You “dandyhead” D. Keep learning from Sam Shamoun and you will have big stomach that prevents you from learning.

    16:51 – ALLAH has proclaimed: “Do not worship two gods; there is only one god. You shall reverence Me alone.”

    21:25 – We did not send any messenger before you except with inspiration: “There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone.”

    47:19 – You shall know that: “There is no other god beside ALLAH”, and ask forgiveness of your sins and the sins of all believing men and women. ALLAH is fully aware of your decisions and your ultimate destiny

    “O Lord, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You” 1 Chronicles 17:20

    “You alone are Yahweh.” Nehemiah 9:6

    “I am Yahweh, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God.” Isaiah 45:5

    “Surely, God is with you, and there is none else, No other God.” Isaiah 45:14

    “I am Yahweh, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:18

    Mr. D, D, D the Bible and the Quran says clearly God is one, only and alone and he is the only one and alone to be worshiped.

    Who is worshiping Satan/Demon?

    Apostle Paul who saw something that tells him Jesus death will save Christians. No God-Man, 3 persons 1 God, dead God, dead God Man etc. in the Bible.

    Prophet Mohammed preached worshiping the only one and alone God of Abraham and preached seeking refuge with the God of Abraham who is one, only and alone. What is the problem about this?



  20. LOL Fido! You are really desperate, aren’t you? Which other prophets were blinded by your god? Which other prophets were told to commit a sin by their god (i.e. marrying a whore)? Why don’t you answer these questions?

    The Christian concept of God is the problem, you idiot! It is completely contradictory to the Jewish concept. No Jewish prophets were blinded by God. According to the Bible, Moses even spoke to God and along with some of his people even saw God! He wasn’t blinded.

    Face it your mangy little mutt. Your god is a god of contradictions, absurdities and incompetence.

    Your god was too incompetent to send an angel with wrestling skills or basic knowledge about who he was wrestling. Or, if he was the one wrestling, he was too weak to beat a poor shepherd. Some god, eh? 😉


  21. LOL, Fido complains about “dishonoring other people’s beliefs”, yet the canine troll has spent all his time on this blog demonizing Muslims and Islam! Christianity and Hypocrisy…they go together like a horse and a carriage.


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