The Future of Blogging Theology

Dear Blogging Theology Readers,

Several days ago, we learned from our Br. Paul Williams that Blogging Theology was to undergo closure. Today we seek to let this community know what’s in store for our future. Blogging Theology has developed a community rich with diverse discussion on a multiplicity of faith traditions and ideologies. This diversity in harmony is reflected in the beliefs of Blogging Theology’s growing ensemble of authors. Blogging Theology is a home for a very unique online community, and so, when the opportunity arose to preserve and continue the good work that this blog has birthed, several authors came together to keep Blogging Theology online.

Br. Yahya Snow and Br. Ijaz Ahmad, both authors on this blog took up this very opportunity. The management of Blogging Theology seeks to assure our thriving community that there will be no major changes to the platform as we know it. The blog, its publications, its free dialogue and diverse ensemble of authors will continue in the same path they have followed since this blog’s inception. In moving forward, the authors and community will be consulted on changes, should they have a need to occur. Over time, we’ll be seeking to add more authors from a greater variety of backgrounds, all with the goal of blogging about theology.

Yours Respectfully,
Blogging Theology Management.

Categories: Blogging Theology, Islam

10 replies

  1. Good to hear that everything is fine keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Is br Paul ok? Do we have a reason given? He will be sorely missed. Can we not help to change his mind? (Many questions. Sorry)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. May Allah bless your work all. I hope that br. Paul is doing well.
    I just have one thing! Don’t change the general look and features of the blog. Keep it as it is.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Yeah I hope Paul returns too. Already missing his posts. Maybe he just needs a break as blogging is very energy consuming. Main thing is he’s happy and healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. alhamdulillah I hope br paul writing books on theology.


  6. I for one welcome free discourse and discussion.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Its just not the same with out Paul 😦


  8. #missing_blogging_theology 😢


  9. I’m back!

    Paul Williams



  1. The Future of Blogging Theology | kokicat

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