Homosexuality in Islam: Is There A Place For Gay Muslims?

Dr Sherman Jackson responds to an audience question regarding Gay Muslims and homosexuality in Islam. Clip from Cultivating an Indigenous Muslim Culture part of the Shuruq 2009 Islam Awareness series held at New York University in April 2009.

Categories: Homosexuality, Islam

4 replies

  1. Assalamu alaykum,

    Of course there is no thought crime in Islam but there are wrong thoughts.

    Also if we have sinned in the past we are suppose to keep them hidden as Allah has kept them secret from everyone else.

    Also when we talk about a sin we are talking about the action and not the sinner.

    Hence considering the above 3, is it wise and appropriate to utlise the name of the sin to be recognised by, as it only leeds to misunderstanding that the person recognising themselves by the sin name, may be revealing their past kept secret by Allah, may be revealing their thoughts kept secret by Allah and being misunderstood to be by the use of the sin name e.g. luster Muslim.

    Something to ponder over.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I generally agree with Fahads comment above.

      But I also think that in this day and age, when Homosexuality and the gay movement has become popular and accepted in mainstream secular society, we Muslims need to be able to address the issue head on.

      So although normally it would be best to keep the sin hidden (as Fahad is rightly saying) in such circumstances as we find ourselves in today, it may become necessary for a few to be more open about the Homosexual tendency or same sex attraction with which they are coping with, in order to help educate others (both Muslim and non-Muslim) and to hopefully demonstrate that such tendencies can be willfully contained and controlled so that the person can maintain a state of submission to the will of God through Islam. I think that this is what Paul Williams is engaged in doing.

      This may help to give Muslims, the ability to discuss and address the issue, from a realistic point of view. It also allows Muslims to more clearly differentiate between someone who is an absolutely unrepentant sinner and rebellious against the will of God, vs. a believing Muslim Muslim who has engaged in a sinful act, OR one who has a “tendency” (as Sherman Jackson says) to engage in the sinful act, but who resists and refrains while maintaining his state of Islam as a Muslim..

      It also allows Muslims to be clear about how to accommodate the one who has sinned, vs. NOT accommodating the one who wishes to redefine the parameters of Islamic morality.

      Importantly, ALL Muslims should make “Tawbah” or repent and ask forgiveness of Allah for any misdeeds and sins, and also we should all be striving towards “Ihsan” or perfection of our own implementation of the deen and improvement of their own character based in a conviction of their own belief in the truth of Islam. This should help to lead us further away from the sin, and closer to the standards set for us by Allah.

      II ask Allah’s forgiveness if I wrote anything that is incorrect…..And Allah knows best.


    • I would say one doesn’t need to reveal one sin, which Allah kept hidden, to give examples as one can always advise by saying someone they know who did this or have tendencies but they cope with it etc.



  1. Homosexuality in Islam: Is There A Place For Gay Muslims? | kokicat

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