A primer on the how the Bible’s violent verses have been used to justify terrorism and genocide

This is a compelling read! This book by the historian professor Philip Jenkins will shock you into seeing how the Bible’s violent passages have been used by evangelical Christians and Catholics to support the violent ethnic cleansing of Native Americans and most recently, Christian involvement in terrorism and genocide on an industrial scale. The evidence is well known but tends to be ignored by Christians and others in the West.

I will be interested to see in the comments if Christians have any idea what Jenkins is referring to.



Categories: Bible, Biblical scholarship, Books, Christian extremism, Christianity, History, Islam, Recommended Reading, Scholarship, Terrorism

2 replies

  1. It would be nice if Christians would “Lay down the sword” but I think that many fundamentalists have been “carrying their sword” for so long that they cannot imagine a Christianity without some heathen, savage, pagan, disbelieving foe, who in their own twisted interpretive understanding, must be conquered or killed for Christ, whom they name, “The Prince of Peace.”



  1. A primer on the how the Bible’s violent verses have been used to justify terrorism and genocide | kokicat

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