Nouman Ali Khan: his official statement refuting the allegations

taken from his Facebook page

I want to first thank those persons who have seen through the falseness of these allegations. Some individuals, unfortunately, have taken it upon themselves to pull matters out of my personal life, take them out of context, manipulate the facts and present a narrative using these distortions to fulfill their own agenda. It left a lot to the imagination so let me first state that I testify without hesitation or doubt that I have never used my public platform as a means to take advantage of anyone.

They also use the generic words ‘inappropriate interactions’ leading the imagination of a reader down the worst possible path. This itself is a grievous sin. The word used for slander is (ramy) in the Qur’an. It literally means to cast a stone. The crime isn’t that you come outright explicitly and say against someone that they’ve committed inappropriate acts. The crime is that you cast something in that direction and let the ripples carry their effect. This is what these people have done.

I have been speaking about the Book of Allah for nearly 20 years for one single motivation; I love this book and I love sharing what I learn about it. I have interacted with hundreds of thousands of individuals, men and women, young and old, around the world in person and done so with dignity. I would hope and pray that the countless people I did interact with in person of either gender will testify to the way I conducted myself with them, hoping for nothing more but a chance to earn their prayers. That’s where I have the most meaningful exchanges with the community. That is when people share their concerns and questions with me and there isn’t anything inappropriate about it. I’m sure the countless people that have been part of these exchanges will testify to that fact. I’d like to add that I’ve had female students at my own campus for years and no student ever has or ever will claim that I’ve been inappropriate in the least bit.

We all have things we have to repent for. I’m not a counselor and I’ve never claimed to be. I’m not an Imam and I’ve never claimed to be. I’m an avid and passionate student, teacher and lecturer with a focus on Allah’s book. I find it demeaning to have to speak about my personal life. I feel at some level though I don’t have a choice. I have been divorced for nearly two years. The circumstances of my divorce are one of the most difficult and painful experiences of my life. Many rumors surrounded that event and I chose to remain silent to protect my children more than anyone else. After the passage of some time I did in fact pursue remarriage with the help of my family. Along that process I communicated with a few prospects with my family’s knowledge and consent and that has been used, distorted and manipulated way out of proportion and turned into something it isn’t. All such communications took place between consenting adults and there was nothing malicious or predatory about them. I fail to see how such interaction can render anyone a victim. These communications took place for a dignified purpose. Yet these are the communications that are being alleged as predatory.

But when some individuals try to make it sound like one has to repent before Allah in a way that satisfies their delusional sense of self-righteousness, there’s a problem. Your taubah, for anything you may have done is between you and your Maker. As many in the community have said, if my actions are in fact a threat to the community, show evidence of that.

Lies are best told with a grain of truth. The people who accused me are not interested in clarification nor in rectifying the matter. They came to me with their minds made up. Their allegations as they have now themselves outlined, I explicitly reject and deny. I have been blackmailed, threatened, harassed and warned that if I was to give a single sermon, talk about a single ayah, post a single new video about the Qur’an or Islam, that they will go on a campaign to ensure I am painted as some sort of threat to the Muslim community.

My mission and sacrifice for two decades has been to help spread a better understanding of the Qur’an. With these threats, I was terrified at first that those years of service will be brought to ruin even if later these claims are proven false. Everyone’s attention will be on this non-sense and not the work and contribution that actually matters.

I deliberately avoided any public engagement for months thought their demands were that it stay the case for years. But recently evidence was discovered, only and only by the grace of Allah, that this was all part of a scheme. My employees discovered loads of explicit illegal activity that some of these individuals were involved in knowingly and others were just along for the ride at the expense of myself and my company. I decided to get legal help and protect my family, my employees, myself, and my work from them. I found evidence of explicit lying and deliberate exaggerations.

Some of these individuals have used the word ‘verified’ to give credibility to their claims. Just because a number of people are ‘verifying’ something, doesn’t make it true. If that was the case, the accusation against our mother Aisha (RA) was circling the entire city of Madinah.

As for the ‘agreement’ that these individuals speak of that I’m no longer abiding by, perhaps I can offer some context. I tried to convince this group to allow for senior scholars and leaders from across the country to hear both sides and assist in civil fashion. They knew the presence of neutral parties would compromise their agenda so they threatened to not meet at all if anyone from the outside was allowed.

Deeply concerned that my whole life work will come to ruin, I was abiding by their demand to not speak in public or teach, I discovered that they continued to disparage me in the most vile of ways. While I was in Mecca for Umrah, they held public gatherings attempting to rip my character to shreds allowing me no opportunity to even defend myself. These people stand up for the rights of the community and want to protect the ummah? Where is Islam in the way they are conducting themselves in this case? I even met members of the community that attended and were disgusted by these gatherings.

They furthermore explicitly lied in writing to heads of organizations saying that I’ve been banned from speaking at major conventions. I spoke to the heads of those conventions asking them if that was the case and their lies were laid bare. One of this accusing group admitted to me multiple times and even in the presence of others that he was blackmailed to take part in this witch hunt. That if he didn’t they’d accuse him of colluding with me in some way.

The individual who posted these claims against me posed himself as a mediator and unfortunately he was anything but. He claims I’ve known him for twenty years. I’ve spoken to him in friendly ways no more than a couple of dozen times in that entire span. We don’t live in the same city. I’m cordial with him and until this disappointing turn of events, I know little to nothing about his family and he knows virtually nothing about mine. To claim he’s my friend of 20 years to insinuate that he knows my personal life is really far from the truth. A mediator isn’t supposed to be an instigator. Unfortunately in this post, I see nothing more than an attempt to seek the limelight through scandal. There have been sincere efforts by elders in the community and neutral parties to resolve these claims in a dignified fashion and his irresponsible and grossly inaccurate post did nothing more than to try and derail that process.

I appreciate the outpouring of support. You cannot imagine the pain and humiliation this has caused me and my family. I have sons and daughters, I have sisters and nieces. This public stunt could potentially traumatize them for the rest of their lives. Produce witnesses of explicit haram that one has committed and if not, then
فأولآءك عند الله هم الكاذبون
they, as far as Allah is concerned, are the liars.

Dignity is in the hands of Allah. I cannot control what anyone will think of me. The most noble people of the past had to face some of the worst humiliations imaginable. My mistakes, and Allah knows them just as He knows yours, I make taubah for as I have been.
To those that have chosen to try to tear my character to shreds before the eyes of millions, I suppose I’ll be thanking you on judgment day for taking the burden of my sins from me. What you have done is far worse in our religion than anything you could possibly have accused me of.
To my audience, I simply say this. I am a public figure and I have a personal life. I am imperfect. Like anyone, my personal life and its struggles are mine to bear. I don’t post daily updates of what I do with my kids or what dua my mom made for me or where I prayed fajr. I don’t need to prove that I’m a great dad or son or anything else. That is my personal life. I’ve never made it the stuff of social media except if I wanted to share some insight. My public life has to do with teaching Allah’s book. Sharing what inspires me, I will continue to do that. My solemn promise to you is that whether online or at some location that you might find me speaking, I will carry myself with the same dignity I always have and I will do my best to live these few breaths I have left on this earth trying to serve the book of Allah in a way that He may find pleasing.

I know why I do this and I know why Allah put a love in the hearts of people for my work. Its not because I’m a great speaker or scholar (I’m not a scholar and have never claimed to be), but its always been one thing; sincerity. If I’ve lost that I’ve lost everything. I’m going to continue to be who I am and will no longer entertain these claims and allegations because I have more important things to do with my life. I’m done being bullied and harassed.

Lastly to Allah, I declare that I am your imperfect slave who seeks forgiveness for sins known and unknown to myself and others. I know that You have honored me in this life in great part because of the du’as of my parents, those that I have sincerely tried to do good towards and benefit, my students and audience, and because I have tried to serve Your book. Your promise is that
ولن تجد من دونه ملتحدا

“You will not find a refuge besides It (the book).” So I turn to You as your beaten, humbled slave and beg You. Allow me to serve Your book and make that service a source of protection for me and any who come to it with genuine hearts. If I have Your protection YaRabb, I need nothing else.
I have not taken the sacred platform to teach the Qur’an and used it for lowly aims. Allah knows who I am and I am grateful to Him and to you for your du’as and support in this difficult time. I don’t wish this kind of onslaught on anyone, not even against those that are responsible for it against me.

I would rather not speak about this again as it is a distraction from Allah’s book that is much more worthy of being spoken about.

Thanks for reading.
Your fellow believer,
Nouman Ali Khan

Categories: News

56 replies

  1. Allah shows us how to deal with such a situation in Surah Nur

    When you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge and thought it was insignificant while it was, in the sight of Allah, tremendous.Ayah 15.

    We have to reserve judgement and restrain our thoughts until proof. And for Omar Suleiman, Yasir Qadhi and others to implicitly imply that the Deen is not affected by what schaolrs do,is a dirty underhanded tactic to verify the rumour.

    That is why, I hope western scholars ,all of them,including NAK, go back to their roots of giving dawah, within the parameters of sharia, hijaab is observed, informality erased, not to be a hardcore fundamentalist but to shut the door against fintah.


  2. Hmmm. No one is perfect. Allah knows the truth. In Islam, one has to be caught red handed to be accused of sexual harassment because the punishment is severe. If indeed someone feels he has inappropriately made any sexual advances towards her, she has to come public and explain to us.

    If one has no wife and is talking to a woman he wants to marry, expect some sexual talks there because but having that sex before marriage is haram. Talking about sex with the one you want to marry is not haram but having sex with the one you want to marry without the marriage taken place is haram.

    We do not know what happened between his potential wives. It is up to them to come public. If they can’t, he should not accept anyone’s ban on public preaching-that was a great mistake from Nouman. Why accept ban from people is you feel did not do anything wrong?

    Let them say what they want to say, if between you and Allah, you think you have done nothing wrong.

    He said, she said without any proof is not accepted in Islam.



    • Big further revelations now online. He is finished.


    • Waoo. Indeed no one is perfect. He is very good in explaining the Deen. Now look. Probably that’s why he accepted the ban on speaking public. They always make mistakes. If you accept to be public speaker, especially about religion, then you have to refrain from any sexual life apart with your wife. This because, sex outside marriage is one of the worse sins in Islam.

      You follow satan’s temptation to act on sex and caught?. You are finished.

      Satan tempted Adam, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed etc. and he is still tempting us.

      May Allah protect us from satan, the cursed one. Ameen.

      [Quran 2:208] O you who believe, you shall embrace total submission; do not follow the steps of Satan, for he is your most ardent enemy.

      [Quran 6:142] Some livestock supply you with transportation, as well as bedding materials. Eat from God’s provisions to you, and do not follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy.

      If it is true, he can repent and apologize, some of us will still listen to him but others will not.



  3. Unfortunately I have seen the evidence online. The whole thing has got very dirty. Some of his female friends are out to destroy him it seems.

    The allegations by Omer M. Mozaffar would seem to have some basis in fact.

    Whether Nouman Ali Khan survives this scandal remains to be seen.


    • I saw one woman share her conversation history. Looks like juvenile type drama, to the point where the “victim” in that scenario was practically encouraging some of his behavior. She shows one picture of him with his shirt off, but there’s no aura exposes… and certainly no dick picks or anything of that sort. I’d personally like to see all of these victims come together and make a huge public statement summarizing the situation. You can’t get much out of a message history.


    • the victims have come together and posted the documentary allegations on a specially created website.


    • Is there a link to the video you can provide?


    • Hi Paul, I will reserve judgement until I see for myself the evidence.

      However I would distinguish between those things that maybe a personal sin and those things that are sins but also crimes that effect other people.

      An obvious example would be if someone was outwardly devout but privately drank alcohol. Thats a personal sin that should be handled privately.

      If someone is stealing money from others, that’s a crime that need to be exposed to the give justice to victims.

      If the alleged wrong act is a crime, which needs police involvement I would say it is right to be exposed.

      If it’s just a personal moral failing, thats not done in public, then those who expose it would themselves be committing a sin.

      For example if a married man had an affair. The woman who is involved in the affair is not a victim. Unless the man used some form of coercion to force her.

      I will reserve judgement until I see its more than just a personal moral failing.


    • daniel Haqiqatjou
      Yesterday at 13:27 ·

      Muharram 3, 1439
      September 23, 2017

      Assalamu Alaykum,

      Dear fellow Muslims. I hope you receive this letter with the best of health, Iman, and appetite for truth.

      These smoking hot accusations need to be put to rest. People are speaking without all the facts, fanning the flames, and it’s time for that to stop. If people’s faith gets skewered in the process, whether in the US, Istanbul, Ankara, or anywhere else in the Muslim world, that’s just a risk we have to take to prevent any more misunderstanding, confusion, and unnecessary roasting.

      As someone with plenty of succulent inside information, I feel it is my duty to put it all out there on the fire. I don’t care about the consequences anymore, no matter how charred my reputation becomes.

      People will accuse me of being biased. They will accuse me of being partisan, that I have a history of taking certain positions like this. I don’t care.

      I investigated the extensive evidence. I even was fine with someone from the other side advocating for their view. But ultimately, even he admitted it to me, though the evidence will be there for all to see and to really taste…

      This brings us to where we are today. Threats against me are not going to work, even if they are legal threats sent through an attorney or alimentary specialist. Such threats are nothing less than attempts to stop me from getting the word out and those on the other side should be ashamed of themselves.

      To the connoisseurs of truth, we have an enormous responsibility to help community members realize what is happening here. We have an enormous responsibility to stand up for justice, even if we have to go against our own selves, our own friends, or our own countrymen. We must renew our intentions because this is not a matter of personal preference. This is a matter of objective reality, regardless of one’s palate.

      It doesn’t matter how much meaty power the other side has to sway the narrative. The truth is the truth and the truth will set you free. People have been speaking out of turn, cooking up rumors, exaggerating claims, and now they will have to face the consequences. Everyone is hungry, absolutely starving for the juicy truth.

      This goes way beyond “he said, she said.” People need to be grilled on this. Lives are at steak here. You could even say that the smoky flavor of retribution will make it all worth it in the end.

      Silent no more. Dont judge me but… Persian kabobs are way more tasty than Turkish. Don’t get me wrong. I like Turkish kabobs but Persian kabobs are just a cut above.

      There. I said it.

      Daniel Haqiqatjou
      Dallas, TX

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I urge my brothers & sisters to not immerse their tongues in this matter for it’s a big sin. I’m not sure if br. Paul understands this in Islam because what you’re doing is forbidden in Islam, and you may ask about this matter furthermore.

    This issue, if it’s true which is NOT, has a specific track of treatment in Islam. What those people have done has definitely nothing to do with Islam rather it’s more to do with the western culture. ِEven in the matter who the victim is, we have nothing to do with the western terminology. Islam is a satisfied and a complete religion.

    But for now, muslims must elevate their tongues for it’s a big sin to immerse them just for rumors and conjectures.
    You know that Hassan bin Thabet (ra) got lashed 80 lashes for just a saying.
    QT 24;12&14
    “Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think good of one another and say, “This is an obvious falsehood”?
    Then it continues
    “When you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge and thought it was insignificant while it was, in the sight of Allah, tremendous.”

    It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “It is enough sin for a man to speak of everything that he hears.”

    Al-Nawawi said: Usually a person hears truth and lies, so if he speaks of everything that he hears, he is lying by telling of things that did not happen, and lying by speaking of something other than the way it happened; and he does not have to do that deliberately (in order to be regarded as telling lies)

    Narrated that Abu Qalaabah said: Abu Mas’ood said to Abu ‘Abd-Allaah, or Abu ‘Abd-Allaah said to Abu Mas’ood: What did you hear the Messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) say about saying “they say”?
    He said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) say: “How bad it is for a man to keep saying, ‘They say ” Sahih.

    Liked by 3 people

    • JazakAllah khayr for that, restrain our tongues , there’s a huge difference between a victim and someone with a case of sour grapes because a marriage proposal fell through, which is what it seems like from the ‘evidince’.


    • Hmm. I kinda agree.
      But I just read this “”. Is it legit?


    • Atlas, what you did is not legit by spreading these links

      QT 24:19
      “Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread [or publicized] among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know.”

      Ibn Rajab(ra) commenting on this verse
      ” What is meant is spreading news of shameful deeds on the part of a believer who had been concealing his error, or who had been accused of that when in the fact she/he was innocent of it, as in the story of al-ifk (the slander against ‘Aa’ishah (ra).

      One of the righteous ministers said to one of those who were striving to enjoin what is right and proper: strive hard to conceal the faults of sinners, for broadcasting their sins brings shame to the Muslims, and the matters which are most deserving of being concealed are faults. If someone like this comes expressing repentance and regret, and admitting to a sin that is deserving of a hadd(i.e Islamic punishment ) punishment, but he does not explain what it is, he should not be asked to explain what it is; rather he should be instructed to go back and conceal his sin, as the Prophet (ﷺ) instructed Maa‘iz and al-Ghaamidiyyah [two believers who each eventually admitted having committed zina] to do; and as the one who came and said, “I have committed a sin that is deserving of a hadd punishment, so carry it out on me” was not asked for details. If such a person is caught for committing an offence, but it has not been reported to the authorities, intercession should be made for him so that news of it will not reach the authorities.

      Concerning a similar case it says in a hadith narrated from the Prophet (ﷺ): “Overlook mistakes committed by people of good character”. This was narrated by Abu Dawood and an-Nasaa’i from the hadith of ‘Aa’ishah. ”

      Jami al-Ulum wal-Hikam pp292.


    • You’re right brother. I shouldn’t have given the link. Too bad editing is not an option.

      Liked by 1 person

    • everyone can just find the info using a search engine.

      abdullah1423 in effect is trying to cover up serious wrongdoing by a public figure. But the victims have spoken out publicly because he suggested to the world it was all a pack of falsehoods. He paid a very large sum of money to buy their silence. The actual transaction is now available to scrutinise on line.


    • Paul,
      We are muslims. We have to follow the instructions of Quran and Sunnah in light the understanding of the great scholars of this ummah. If your background tells you something different, then this would be another issue.

      What you’re doing is a sin. You immerse your tongue for something you have no knowledge about. Moreover, I’m not sure who are the ” victims” in your sight, and why they are considered victims?

      If you kept doing sins in private, I’d not be allowed to expose you in Islam whether you’re a public figure or not. I can advise you. Many steps could be taken for this matter. There are details for some cases and circumstances of course, but in a general term to expose your brothers and sisters in Islam by following their faults or following rumors, this indeed has nothing to do with Islam. A man came to the prophet, yet the prophet did not try to ask him . This is called ( Sitr)
      We have nothing to do with the western culture and how they deal with this kind of faults.

      You said
      ” trying to cover up serious wrongdoing by a public figure”

      First, there’s not been any proof for what you’ve stated as a fact.
      “They said” is not an evidence , man! Thay may lie!

      Second, who said that the covering your brother’s fault is something bad?
      “Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. So he should not oppress him nor should he hand him over to (his satan or to his self which is inclined to evil). Whoever fulfills the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever removes the troubles of his brother, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection; and whoever covers up the fault of a Muslim, Allah will cover up his fault on the Day of Resurrection”. Sahih Bukhari.
      No idea why spreading and exposing others is supposed to be the ideal or the beneficial treatment for the islamic community?
      Read Ibn Rajab above.

      May Allah guide us all to the straight path.


    • Dude you are just wrong. We don’t cover up sins like this. Your failure to show any concern or compassion for the victims suggests you care more for religion than humanity.


    • “Your failure to show any concern or compassion for the victims suggests you care more for religion than humanity.”
      Wow??? Are putting Islam second (this is a question, not an accusation)? It is through Islam and its teachings that we should judge humanity in the first place.
      Besides Abdullah or anyone else here never said anything about not having concern for the ‘victims’. The problem is that there is no 100% certainty whether they are victims in to begin with.
      Of course we don’t want ANYTHING bad to happen to our sisters in faith! But if NAK did do all those wrong things then he should be given a chance to repent, apologize to them and have inner purification IN PRIVATE. The world doesn’t need to know all the bad stuff he did. Let Allah the Almighty be the Judge.


    • Abdullah1423

      I and most Muslims including Paul Williams believed all that you said. It is good to spare your brother from public scrutiny if he admits he has made a mistake and repent, because we all make mistakes. This case of Nouman Ali Khan is different.

      He has written a rejoinder and made it public in his own defense, so it is not Islamically wrong for us to search the other stories and read them and make our own judgement.

      We have to see the other side because he(NAK) has made his side public. It would have been different if he had not made it public himself. You are accusing us of making it public but we are not. He(NAK) himself made it public by writing a rejoinder and Paul Williams initially as Muslim posted his(NAK) defense here only. He did not provide the other side but just Nouman’s defense.

      If Nouman does not want it public, why post it on the internet? Paul is rather presenting his side until the situation got out of hand.

      We sympathized with Nouman. Scroll to our post and you will see I and Paul have sympathy for him. I am very sad as his explanation of our Deen is very excellent but the world has changed because of Information Technology. It is a lesson to public figures to stick with their wive(s) alone or be careful when dealing with their fiancees because it can lead to problem like this.

      I sympathize with him because his job of teaching and meeting people including ladies is very difficult because women are attractive to men. Dealing in an institution with women is very difficult and one has to pray hard in order not to fall in to this attractiveness the wrong way.


      Liked by 1 person

    • “Your failure to show any concern or compassion for the victims suggests you care more for religion than humanity”
      I didn’t except that, especially the last part.
      Believe me, I know what kind of “humanity” westerners keep preaching about for us.

      A very wise paragraph by dr Ysir Qadhi with what it seems a neglecting from your side of the teaching of Quran and Sunnah on this matter.
      Dr Yasir said:
      “There is little benefit in the average person reading up on the scandals that I or any other person might have been involved with. If for some reason you do have a legitimize need to know, find out only enough that will suffice your need, then move on to more productive matters.
      My sins, and the sins of others, will not harm you on Judgment Day. But your sensationalizing those sins, and spreading gossip about them, and making them the subject of your meeting places and gatherings may very well cause you distress on Judgment Day, so beware.”
      Notice,this is only if those rumors got proved according to Islamic method which has not been the case so far.

      May Allah protect our hearts all from this.

      Liked by 1 person

    • “We sympathized”
      The whole point of my writing is not about “sympathy”, for God sake!
      Put your sympathy and emotion aside, and stop chewing these rumors till there’s a ( Bayyenah) .

      I remind you of what our mother Zainab(ra) said when the prophet ﷺ asked her about Aisha(ra)

      “Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) also asked Zainab bint Jahsh (i.e. the Prophet’s wife about me saying, ‘What do you know and what did you see?’ She replied, ‘O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! I protect my hearing and my sight (by refraining from telling lies). By Allah, I know nothing except goodness about Aisha.” Aisha further added “Zainab was competing with me (in her beauty and the Prophet’s love), yet Allah protected her (from being malicious), for she had piety.” Bukhari.

      “I protect my hearing and my sight”…how profound !

      As a muslim when a rumor reaches you, it should stop at you.

      Maybe my English doesn’t help, put you may ask about this matter further.



    • dude it is not a ‘rumor’. The evidence is for all to see.


    • abdullah1423
      September 24, 2017 • 1:22 pm
      “We sympathized”
      The whole point of my writing is not about “sympathy”, for God sake!
      Put your sympathy and emotion aside, and stop chewing these rumors till there’s a ( Bayyenah)

      I say;
      May be you do not watch his videos and his propagation of Islam, I do and I sympathized with him on this problem and pray that he remain steadfast in this difficult times.

      Your English is as good as the Queen but you only lack one thing in English. You don’t know what rumors mean as the rejoinder by Nouman, his accusers stories are there on the internet for anyone to see and read. Yasir Qadhi said it is not haram to read what his(accusers) must have said about him( no one accused YQ on sexual misconduct) and make some good out of it.

      In reading, we keep praying for Nouman to pass through this difficult times and also learn to be careful in dealing with our female friends. To pretend as if nothing happens, when everything is posted online-public is haram.



    • Well there’s the possibility that they’re fake. Just wait until the truth comes out if it ever does.

      And remember what Yasir Qadhi said:


    • Anonymous

      Information are available publicly by all parties. It is not Islamically wrong for us to read them and make our own judgement.

      “There is little benefit in the average person reading up on the scandals that I or any other person might have been involved with. If for some reason you do have a legitimize need to know, find out only enough that will suffice your need, then move on to more productive matters.
      My sins, and the sins of others, will not harm you on Judgment Day. But your sensationalizing those sins, and spreading gossip about them, and making them the subject of your meeting places and gatherings may very well cause you distress on Judgment Day, so beware.” – Yasir Qadhi

      It would be wrong if we made it public but it is not wrong when we read what is there in public. We have the legitimize need to know and it is not haram according to Yasir Qadhi. NAK is a public figure.


      Liked by 1 person

    • Of course I agree with that, and that’s not what I was saying. I was merely pointing out that we shouldn’t trust those leaks at face value since there’s the chance that they may have been tampered with or faked altogether.

      It’s better to wait until the dust settles and then see through the conclusion that everybody accepts.


  5. This is saddening news. For me the evidence seems true.

    People have problems and stresses in their life, and Satan can easily to use that stress to stray us from the path. I haven’t reached even NAK’s level in knowledge and I’m not defending him, but personally, I can understand empathize with NAK as I did a similar mistake like this, and Allah SWT has kept my secret (for now).

    أستغفر الله

    Allah swt allowed exposure of this particular happening as a lesson for all of us, because the way courtship happening today is a huge problem in today’s world. There’s dating, and the numerous Tinder-like apps, which isn’t the way Muslims of all ages should go about.

    In my country of Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world, most Muslims talk about dating like it’s normal. But the good thing is that there have been efforts and seminars and events by the preachers to the unmarried Muslims to rectify this. With decent audience turn up rate, might I add.

    (Islamic courtship is basically: “Hey, I like this guy/girl, here’s my complete resume, please contact her wali for me.”)

    I hope there are more lessons of it and I hope the method of courtship that Allah swt teaches us will start being the norm in our communities. Well, that’s my take on the silver lining on this current problem.


  6. Very disappointing.

    However, I question the efforts the efforts to have blackmailed him into silencing his ability to give any talks on the Qur’an. He is not claiming to be a Sufi master or an Imam or so on.

    He should not have been allowed to talk on marriage, gender issues, and should have had adequate restrictions in his ability to communicate with any females.

    However he is certainly not someone to be an example at all on gender issues. Although there was no sexual assault, he has sinned in that regard.


  7. Very disappointing.

    However, I question the efforts the efforts to have blackmailed him into silencing his ability to give any talks on the Qur’an. He is not claiming to be a Sufi master or an Imam or so on.

    He should not have been allowed to talk on marriage, gender issues, and should have had adequate restrictions in his ability to communicate with any females.

    However he is certainly not someone to be an example at all on gender issues. Although there was no sexual assault, he has definitely sinned in that regard in a serious way. And no sin in the category of gender relations should be ever taken lightly.


    • Lateef
      September 24, 2017 • 3:20 am
      Very disappointing.

      However, I question the efforts the efforts to have blackmailed him into silencing his ability to give any talks on the Qur’an. He is not claiming to be a Sufi master or an Imam or so on.

      I say;
      This is not a blackmail. Why accept restrictions from performing your Islamic duties from others based on what you claimed is false? This issue is public and by himself as well, so it is not haram if we read public news to make our own judgement.


      Liked by 1 person

    • NAK is not the one who initiated the ‘publications’. Of course he is gonna go public after this accusers went public. If he doesn’t that makes him seem even more guilty! Besides in his post he mentions how the whole thing has been thrown out of proportion and how it might destroy his work and so on. He is concerned about the public outcry! So going public was not much of a choice.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Brother Nouman’s youtubes on the Qur’an are brilliant. I ask all to continue to watch it again and again and again regardless of what transpires. Please watch them through out your life and memorize them.

      However, all people connected to him must persuade him that he needs to make a public apology and he should admit that he has been a bad and unislamic example when it comes to gender relations. If he does not make admit this, then he will lead many Muslims, especially the youth, to think lightly on matters of inappropriate gender relations. And such matters are not light…they are very sinful…they can be serious.

      Again, his youtubes on the subtle beauty of the Qur’an can lead many to be good students of the Qur’an but brother Nouman is not understanding it…he is not getting it… when he indicated that tauba is between a person and Allah.
      Yes, Nouman, you are true about that. But you are a public figure. You know that a vast number of people, especially the youth look UP to you…please don’t deny that… And that carries it’s own responsibilities…you can’t just enjoy the benefits of that…you have to be brave enough, honest enough, and caring enough to not deny that responsibility and duty he has to fulfill or else he will continuing to sin a serious way before Allah, subhana wa ta ‘ala. If someone is not famous like brother Nouman but just a teacher at a small Islamic school did something wrong and their students who are in their youth found out it, then it is one’s responsibility and duty to tell their students (that you were a bad example and that you repent and that they must not see you as an example in that area of life.

      So, what Nouman had done (Allah knows but it seems he has done some bad things because he did not deny these texts, selfies), then he must tell the millions of people (whether old or young) and especially the youth of the present and those in the future (who will inshallah see his brilliant youtubes), that he has repented and he must say that he has been a bad and unIslamic example in the area of gender relations.

      If he does not say he repented from those specific actions but minimizes it and acts inaccurately as if no one looks up to him, then he will be misleading many youth.


  8. Help your brother be he the oppressor or the oppressed. NAK is corrupted and we need to help him step offstage and get psychological help. His own ex-wife is saying this in some of the text messages so they can reconcile. His fb post seems to suggest he is still in Bayyinah CEO mode, bayyinah mission must be achieved mode. I personally have issues with the structure of Bayyinah, it is basically a one man management, does not seem to have a board with elders from the community overseeing him as other institutes and this in itself is risky. He is trapped. Shaytan has made him believe he is indispensable. its sad!


    • subscriba…excellent point…I am sensing the same in the mindset of NAK…I hope he continues to give us brilliant youtubes regarding the Qur’an but he must never speak on gender relations unless it is to explain how very bad and very unIslamic of an example he has been. People who are connected to him must convince him that if he wants bayinnah’s mission to suceed, then he must admit the above about his very bad and very un-Islamic and very anti-Islamic behavior and apologize to the community since a very large number in the community look up to him.


  9. “Part of the perfection of one’s Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him.”


    It’s a field day for Shaytaan. Let’s all be smarter and not fall into the gossip traps.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. both sides are macho, Omar mozaffar or others must prove that when they are involved with opposite sex they are observing all Islamic laws concerning in this matters and their activities at different institutes shows a different picture… They found the weakness of that young man who was hidden this long but time is coming soon both sides will be exposed and their mastering in language never helped the Islamic cause as both sides are running for their own images, in this present case and a case before are the examples of ending of their Era even if it was Mozaffar or khan


    • Sorry for repeating but I meant for this post to be new…Brother Nouman’s youtubes on the Qur’an are brilliant. I ask all to continue to watch it again and again and again regardless of what transpires. Please watch them through out your life and memorize them.

      However, all people connected to him must persuade him that he needs to make a public apology and he should admit that he has been a bad and unislamic example when it comes to gender relations. If he does not make admit this, then he will lead many Muslims, especially the youth, to think lightly on matters of inappropriate gender relations. And such matters are not light…they are very sinful…they can be serious.

      Again, his youtubes on the subtle beauty of the Qur’an can lead many to be good students of the Qur’an but brother Nouman is not understanding it…he is not getting it… when he indicated that tauba is between a person and Allah.
      Yes, Nouman, you are true about that. But you are a public figure. You know that a vast number of people, especially the youth look UP to you…please don’t deny that… And that carries it’s own responsibilities…you can’t just enjoy the benefits of that…you have to be brave enough, honest enough, and caring enough to not deny that responsibility and duty he has to fulfill or else he will continuing to sin a serious way before Allah, subhana wa ta ‘ala. If someone is not famous like brother Nouman but just a teacher at a small Islamic school did something wrong and their students who are in their youth found out it, then it is one’s responsibility and duty to tell their students (that you were a bad example and that you repent and that they must not see you as an example in that area of life.

      So, what Nouman had done (Allah knows but it seems he has done some bad things because he did not deny these texts, selfies), then he must tell the millions of people (whether old or young) and especially the youth of the present and those in the future (who will inshallah see his brilliant youtubes), that he has repented and he must say that he has been a bad and unIslamic example in the area of gender relations.

      If he does not say he repented from those specific actions but minimizes it and acts inaccurately as if no one looks up to him, then he will be misleading many youth.


  11. He’s only following the example set by his prophet 1400 years ago, so what’s the problem?

    Al-Tabari Vol 9, Page 139

    The [above] is reported on the authority of al-Kalbi-Abu ali -Ibn ‘Abbas. With the same chain of authority [it is reported] that Layla bt. al-Khaplm b. ‘Adl b. ‘Amr b. Sawad b. Zafar b. al-Harith b. al-Khazraj approached the Prophet while his back was to the sun, and clapped him on his shoulder . He asked who it was, and she replied, “I am the daughter of one who competes with the wind. I am Layla bt. al-Khatim. I have come to offer myself [in marriage] to you, so marry me.” He replied, “I accept.” She went back to her people and said that the Messenger of God had married her. They said, “What a bad thing you have done! You are a self-respecting woman, but the Prophet is a womanizer. Seek an annulment from him.” She went back to the Prophet and asked him to revoke the marriage and he complied with [her request].


    • It’s really the fault of the one who has posted this topic for people giving himself an “excuse” that it’s already spread by news paper while indeed it’s a sin from the slamic perspective whether he likes that or not.


    • Samaritan

      Layla clapped Mohammed’s shoulder from behind and asked him to marry her. Mohammed accepted. Layla’s people said she did a bad thing, so Layla returned to Mohammed and asked him to revoke [annul] the marriage and Mohammed complied. al-Tabari vol.9 p.139

      A marriage is not womanizing and divorce is not womanizing as well. If you think you can use this to lie against Islam, then you have to ask why your God Jesus allowed his prophet Abraham to womanize with his slave and gave birth to a child. Jesus as God became angry at the child and refused him(child) his covenant. David, Solomon, Moses etc. have many wives. If that is womanizing, then blame your God Jesus Christ for allowing his prophets to womanize.

      To my brother abdullah1423
      This story is on the internet and pretending as if it is not there is haram. Nouman is a man like us. Why do you think he is perfect? It is not haram to post what is on the internet regarding a public figure for people to read and make their own judgement.



  12. NAK made sin. We made sin too. So what?


    • yes ken, a lot of christian women at work walk around half naked. i try to avoid looking at them, but they come close to me. christian women love me too much. can you give me some advice on how to tell christian women to have shame and cover up?


    • Ken
      October 22, 2017 • 12:43 pm
      NAK made sin. We made sin too. So what?

      I say;
      NAK is responsible for his own sin. His repentance is much understandable than Christians who have got Jesus paid for their sins. How can I pay(repent) for my sins, if Jesus had already died and paid for my sins?
      It means Christians feel in their heart that the sin they commit daily cannot be paid by Jesus Christ, except repentance.


      Liked by 1 person

  13. you have to determine what some call it flirt is a generic form of expression for any man to show interest to any woman what makes it inappropriate is that how he got those numbers or did he force himself on her not necessarily sexually and as far as the text wording is concerned – was it just text or SEXT so then we have track down his record based on quality of his religious teaching which includes practicing what he preached and here is the ULTIMATE and that would be did he get this status to eventually become a PREDATOR and finally should all this be mere smoke that was it through a jealous competition who could not compete hith Nouman and plotted or at least hoped for his downfall, though I am not a Nouman’s fan and not very impressed with him before this scandal but lets be fair it has to be properly weighted and put in perspective that is even if he was SEXTING and these women did not complain is because they are probably share the same train of thought – so we have to check and see if these ladies filed a complaint and also must show the content of those as such.



  1. Nouman Ali Khan: his official statement refuting the allegations | kokicat

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