64 replies

  1. Women have died as a consequence of being forced to go through with pregnancies. That too is pretty evil.


    • Babies died as a result of feminist ideology.


    • But women’s lives were saved. The deeply religious notions of Ireland have killed women. Is religion therefore evil, to apply your own parlance?


    • In extreme circumstances where it is either the life of the baby or the life of the mother then a tragic decision must be made.

      But these barbaric feminists want to kill babies for any and every reason as the video makes clear. Such extremism is inexcusable.

      Liked by 1 person

    • In Ireland getting an abortion even when the mother’s life is in danger can prove impossible. To say nothing of elsewhere in the world.


    • You are more than welcome to read this article, which includes links to further articles (including one on this subject by a woman, which makes for pertinent reading). You are also invited to take part in the discussion.



    • “In Ireland getting an abortion even when the mother’s life is in danger can prove impossible.”

      What kind of life threatening dangers? Where do you get your information on fatalities that could otherwise have been prevented by abortion?


    • Women have died in childbirth throughout history. They have died from septic miscarriages (where the foetus is technically alive but not viable, yet poisoning the mother). This is information which is readily available online. Google the name Savita Halappanavar. Her life was forfeit, because of pro-life. Ironic no?


    • Do you support the right to kill unborn babies a week before they are born like these evil feminists do?


    • I haven’t watched the video you shared yet, so the only context I have for your proclamation of evil is your own words. I would have to watch the video before issuing statements about it.

      But, in the wider context (and I refer back to a discussion we had here on this site a few weeks ago), I support the right of the would-be mother to choose. Have you looked at the link I shared yet?


    • No I haven’t looked. If you want to have a discussion please watch the video first. Your comments so far have been largely off topic.


    • Have they? In what way? I’ve seen a sweeping generalisation about feminism, and simplistic statements on abortion. I will watch the video when I have the opportunity, but in the meantime, I would urge you to look at the link I shared.


    • No thanks. Why should I when you have not even not bothered to watch the video? You are playing games. And my comments about their evil ideology are totally justified. How so? Watch the video.


    • It’s not a case of ‘not bothering’ Paul. I have not had the opportunity to do so yet. When I get that opportunity, I will watch it. It would be considerate on your part to extend the same courtesy and broaden your scope. The disengenous approach to paint feminism as evil (your post called feminism an evil ideology did it not?) stems from ignorance.

      If you want to know what I honestly think, I would find it unpalatable to consider aborting a baby that’s a few weeks from birth. That is however, not the norm for abortions – not even close. Nor should the attitude of the women in your video (if it pans out that they have not been misrepresented) be taken as the chief representation of feminism. That sort of approach would be no different to someone taking IS as the chief representation of Islam.


    • Until you bother to watch the brief video (which you could easily have done by now) there is no point in discussing anything further. You are just waffling and stonewalling.


    • Paul, you presume to know my circumstances and whether it would be easy or not for me to watch a video – that is not reasonable and seems like an excuse to derail discussion, not promote it. This is unfortunately rather typical of you – you block off conversations once they become awkward or stray outside your comfort zone.

      I have now watched the video, and it is clearly quite biased – there are thousands of women at that march, and only a handful spoken to. The nature of the questioning is very much that of leading questions (you would be familiar with those, since you employ frequently), designed to support a specific, anti-choice narrative.

      What I am urging you to do, is not to misrepresent the pro-choice movement, or feminism, via such a snapshot – I am instead urging you to broaden your horizon – you are trying to paint a picture of pro-choicers that makes it sound like abortion is an easy decision, a casual one. You are using that as an excuse to condemn feminism. I do not believe you understand feminism at all.


    • So perhaps you can now answer my earlier question: do women have the right to kill babies 1 week before they are born? This question was asked in the video and the women said yes. Do you agree with them?


    • I already answered that Paul – I would that unpalatable. However, I am not a woman, I will never be a woman, and I cannot answer for the individual circumstances of every woman. Therefore, how can I dictate to them what they can or cannot do?

      Perhaps you will now address my points, and maybe do me the courtesy of checking out the link I provided?


    • What does “I would that unpalatable” actually mean?

      And you have still NOT answered my question:

      Do women have the right to kill babies 1 week before they are born?

      You have three options: yes, no, don’t know.


    • I’m not aware of all the details . . . but I agree that in the case where the foetus is ravaged by infection and the miscarriage is inevitable in a matter of days, then it makes sense to remove it quickly rather than leave the woman exposed to a greater risk.

      And of course, you haven’t answered my question.
      Where do you get your information about all these deaths by fatal complications that could be prevented through abortion?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My answer was clear Paul. I cannot dictate to women as to what they can or can’t do. That isn’t right. Read into that what you will. Now, I have done you the courtesy of watching your video, kindly do me the courtesy of reading what I have had to say, and educate yourself on feminism, instead of making your generalisations.


  3. Paul: “I asked you if you believed *women* have the right to kill their children 1 week before birth?”

    darthtimon: “If no one should be able to dictate to a woman what they can do to their body, then it stands to reason that the woman has that right.”


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Next question: now the baby is safely delivered and still attached to his mother by the umbilical cord. Do you believe she has the right to kill it?

    Answer: Well, you see it’s still her body, so yes she has that right.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Semantic games – and I can see a worrying trend to bury heads in sand when it comes to discussing this issue in a wider context, and maturely.

      The whole premise of this thread is painfully flawed. It is a tactic that has been employed by Paul before – be it via his comparison of same-sex couples seeking equal rights to the KKK, or in the dismissal of women as anything other than vehicles for childbirth and child-raising. The video he shared is one of the most shamelessly biased videoes on this subject I have ever seen, and I have to wonder if his trolling questions got trolling answers in response (since it was pretty obvious he was employing leading questions, in much the same way that quite a few posters do here).

      What this thread is attempting to do is to dramatically over-simplify the subject to a plain ‘abortion evil, feminism evil’ mindset. I once again wonder if any of you have actually spoken at any length to women (you know, the ones relegated to cattle status in all this) about abortion, or are you reinforcing your opinions through discussion with one another, afraid to move beyond your comfort zones? The vast majority of abortions occur in the earliest stages of pregnancy, for various, complicated reasons, yet the aim here is to lump everything into the same boat, as per the trolling video.


      The maternal death rates around the world have been falling for many years but continue to happen. Women continue to die and this is more or less ignored. This issue intersects the wider issue of women’s rights, access to contraception (itself poor, and usually as a result of the same social and cultural stigmas that lead men to try and ban abortion), and treating women as human beings.

      Case in point, the discussion I’ve been having on one of my sites, which I once again urge you to read. On the one hand is a deeply religious man, who argues that women need to ‘get over’ being raped and accept the pregnancy they never wanted and had forced upon them (shall we apply Paul’s logic once again, and regard religion as ‘evil’?). On the other, the views of a woman. Get some courage, step outside your comfort zones and LOOK: https://coalitionofthebrave.wordpress.com/2017/03/11/two-contrasting-takes-on-abortion/


    • Serious question: do you condemn the killing of innocent that human beings?


    • Do you? Do you condemn or condone cultural and societal imperatives that permit women to die because of latent misogyny?


    • Of course I condemn that. Now stop being a politician and answer my question.


    • I’m merely mirroring you Paul. If you see a politician’s style of answer in me, it’s because that’s the dance you play.

      Of course I condemn innocent loss of life. What an absurd question to even ask. Now for your spin doctor games…


    • So you condemn the killing of babies. Welcome back to the human race.


    • I am pro-choice. I don’t relegate women to mere vessels and I don’t regard their lives as having no value. Why do you?


    • You have just contradicted yourself.


    • Not really, but given your refusal to consider women as anything other than vessels, I can’t understand why you think that.


    • Because you are inconsistent. The fact you do not see that is interesting.


    • Oh the irony. You admitted earlier that in some circumstances you would permit abortion. That makes you pro-choice. Your inability to address any of the other points raised is revealing as to the lack of confidence you have in your position.


    • I am not willing to address the the other Points because they are off topic. The subject for discussion on this post is the Irish feminists and their appalling lack of humanity, a fault you share.


    • The topic is far wider than you prepare to acknowledge. Your efforts to use one horribly biased video and the obviously trolling nature of the questions to create a wider narrative are obvious, betray a lack of understanding of the wider issues, and it appears you care nothing for the wider impact on women. You are the archetype example of ‘pro-life’. Pro-life in certain circumstances, and very much anti-women.


    • This post is about some feminists advocacy of killing babies. This is a mainstream position within western culture. Your unwillingness to condemn this blatant evil suggests you have been brainwashed like millions of other westerners.


    • Your willingness to swallow one clearly biased source where a presenter asks obviously leading questions and the respondents troll him shows your determination to warp reality. Women are frequently told by society what they can and can’t do with their own bodies. They can be RAPED (an act of vile violation), end up pregnant through no choice of their own, be FORCED to keep the baby (a decision usually imposed by other men), and have their lives forever ruined. This isn’t an issue to you – by avoiding this wider issue you are effectively showing the moral bankruptcy you accused me of earlier – you don’t see women as people – their lives don’t matter. So much for ‘pro-life’.


    • Like I said you have a very disturbed view of the value of human life and countenance the killing of innocent beings. It is the great mental sickness of our age. I fear you are beyond reason.


    • Again with the irony. You have no problems with the deaths of women, or their psychological anguish.


    • I am against the death of women and their children. Like many feminist fanatics you don’t care about children who are killed in cold blood in the name of “rights”.


    • But you’re NOT against the deaths of women, not if you are truly anti-abortion. If you are prepared to compromise, even a little, then you’re pro-choice. If you’re not, you’re anti-life, of the woman.


    • That’s enough Darth Timon. You have your views I have mine.



  1. Ladies, it’s not your Body…  – Coalition of the Brave

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