Interesting portrait of a man who was the son of a Pope and a Muslim slave. He was apparently “emotionally unstable”!

This afternoon I visited The Art Institute of Chicago and I came across this interesting portrait. The Institute encourages people to take pictures of the art so I snapped these two..




Categories: Art, Catholicism, Islam

3 replies

  1. It seems the Pope himself did not have any theological problems with the issue of slavery, and apparently no reservations about taking full advantage of his own power over a poor helpless female Muslim slave. Sad.

    So much for the Pope and his Christian “higher moral standards.”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Dope son of pope

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Interesting portrait of a man who was the son of a Pope and a Muslim slave. He was apparently “emotionally unstable”! | kokicat

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