6 replies

  1. Paul, I want to make a video on the Oneness of God, allowing God to be very near to us (because we just ask Him and call out to Him alone), do you think I should use this video to refute the claims that christians make about God being near to them because apparently he came down as a man (even though this was apparently 2000 years ago so it makes no difference in the first place and God is already All-Knowing so He knows exactly what you feel),

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I should have worded that as ‘on the Oneness of God which allows God to be very near to us’.


  3. Its astonishing when some feel the need to brandish the ‘insult’ of being Medieval when Mr Hasan was quite happy to walk with those who were/are more than happy to send many back there through bombs.


  4. So it surely can’t be THAT bad right???

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  5. Patrice, good point. Mr Hasan seems reluctant to speak about foreign policy


  6. With very good reason Mr Snow, doing so would lead Europe out of its imperialism, to reflect that is!


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