Ask the People of the Book?

Calling Christians


Many missionaries often quote Qur’an 10:94 as proof that they have true knowledge about God, and this verse proves that Muslims must depend on Christians and Jews to understand the Qur’an, Islam and God. How do we respond to this?


It is important to first begin by understanding this passage. Qur’an 10:94 reads as follows:

“So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters.”

The passage does not state that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was in doubt, nor does it state that the Muslims should be in doubt. The passage then concludes by commanding that we should never doubt the Qur’an, “so never be among the doubters”. This passage therefore, does not…

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Categories: Islam

15 replies

  1. Ibn Al Qayyim (RA) wrote a very good refutation about this argument that christians and jews present based on this verse. Unfortunately, I’m not very good in translation, but basically this kind of (if) style shown in that verse is very common in Quran.
    Moreover, there’s a context for this verse which is about the (story of Moses).


  2. So the Quran saying “If you are in doubt” doesn’t really mean that Mohamed was in doubt. So then why did allah say, or more to the point why did Mohamed say to his audience “If you are in doubt”. if they (his audience) wasn’t IN DOUBT in the first place? Seems kind of pointless to say “If you are in doubt” if who ever the audience is was never in doubt.

    Secondly why tell the audience to ask the people of the book IF they are in doubt, if they weren’t in doubt in the frist place? Again another pointless statement from allah if the audience or part of the audience was not in doubt.

    So by denying that the Quran actually says what it says it says, you turn allahs words in to meaningless, pointless statements.

    Good job Muslims good Job


    • “So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad],”
      “The passage does not state that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was in doubt”

      I stopped reading after that. Apparently Ijaz knows better than Allah.

      And Allah knows best. (Except for Ijaz)


    • “I stopped reading after that.”

      Yep. That sums you up to a T Paulus. Arrogant and ignorant.


    • “I occasionally hear these logical fallacies and I confess to being tempted to indulge in them from time to time”- Paul Williams on his post regarding fallacious reasoning.

      Paul, you are not only tempted, but guilty on almost every occasion you comment. Go back and read the ad hominem my friend.

      Or maybe according to Ijaz’s reasoning applied by you, an ad hominem actually means to write hateful comments against those you disagree and it be perfectly acceptable


  3. maybe erik kissam can help with the following

    1. do not sell my signs for a small price

    question : if the price is right then can one sell the signs?

    2. and slew the prophets wrongfully

    question: can the prophets be slain rightfully?

    3. do not sell your slave girls into prostitution if they desire chastity

    question: what if they don’t ?

    i am sure the quran does not have in mind the questions i have asked.

    “if you are in doubt….”

    if the prophet has received revelation, then he must be short of any doubt. it seems to me that the verse is saying that even the disbelievers from the people of the book cannot deny what God has done to believers and disbelievers in the past. even they will accept what took place in noah and moses’ time.

    Eric K, what is your thought on this?

    in surah 23:117

    Sahih International: And whoever invokes besides Allah another deity for which he has no proof – then his account is only with his Lord. Indeed, the disbelievers will not succeed.

    clearly the verse is not saying that if one has proof for another god , he can call upon it . the verse is emphasising that people have no proof for calling upon another god. only God exists.

    i am wondering if this is the same implication in 10:94 since the prophet will be short of any doubt .


    • Eric ,K , still need to know about what you think about balagha and whether it is used in the “if you are in doubt…”

      a good friend wrote :

      Wa salaam… Yep, your premise is exactly correct, this isn’t referring to the Prophet. For one to understand the Quran, one must understand the addressee as well as concepts such as ‘iltifat’. These things would be determined by context as well as linguistics..

      In surah Baqarah for instance, it is basically addressed to the followers of the ‘Bani Israelite’ leadership to make them read the Book for themselves. The leaders were raising all sorts of baseless objections to the Quran and this ‘rhetorical device’ addresses them directly , while the ‘followers are ‘looking’.

      When the leaders are being addressed directly and they know they cannot match the eloquence of the Quran, which it affirms with absolutely no doubt :AND YOU CANNOT” they will have nothing to say before the onlookers.. so then these onlookers will start reading it for themselves, particularly considering the authority in which the statement is made

      Remember the Quran first and foremost is a LIVING dialogue and not a ‘formal book’. So it may constantly shift between addressees


    • A people asked such [questions] before you; then they became thereby disbelievers. 5:102


  4. Would a false Prophet writing a false scripture really be so inclined to pass on to posterity his doubts (7:2; 32:23, 10:94-95; 16:43; 21:7) to which God responds with consolatory verses and words of solace? I would often find myself asking, what kind of ancient document / scripture is this and what is in the mind of this man?

    As noted by a Western Islamic scholar:

    “There are several passages in which the Prophet receives words of solace. These include 52.29; 68.2-7 and 48-50; 70.5-7; 79.42-46; 88:21-26; 93.3-8; 94.1-6; and 108.1 and 3.

    They comprise reassurances that hurtful statement made by opponents are untrue (52.29; 68:2 and 4; 93.3, 108.3), promises (68.3; 93.4-5; 94.5-6), reminders of God’s favours (93.6-8; 94.1-4; 108.1), assurances that his sole responsibility is to deliver the message (79.42-46; 88.21-26), and exhortations to be patient (68.48-50; 70.5-7) and watch how God deals with unbelievers (68.5-7; 96.’8′).” [1]

    It is a difficult proposition to accept that such dialogues as these would be captured by a false Prophet writing a false scripture intent on convincing a hostile crowd of his Prophethood.

    The following verse still to this day, many moons later brings shivers to my spine and resonates deeply. I could finally relate.

    010.094 (part) and 95
    “… So do not be among the DOUBTERS and do not be of those who reject the signs / verses of God, THEN YOU WILL BE AMONG THE LOSERS”

    This was said to Prophet Muhammad.

    I ask today, is this really the kind of narrative a false Prophet inventing scripture would eagerly want to preserve for posterity or is this a dialogue by a higher authority who in His wisdom knew that such arguments would appeal to ardent critics and sinful souls such as me?

    As I have said before, I do not care much if I found this Book at the bottom of the sea. It is in the multifaceted arguments and oceans of multi-layered wisdom that one becomes convinced of its Divine origins, not its ‘acclaimed’ preservation by the faithful.

    I know of no better deed or purpose to life than to implement the Quran’s guidance and in some small way, pass on its message of truth. May God help me if it is His will.


    [1] ROBINSON, N, Discovering the Quran, A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text, Second Edition, SCM Press, Part Three: Morphology, Structure and Coherence, 6: The Formal Elements of the ‘Early Meccan’ Surahs, 6.10 Messenger sections, Page 121

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  5. “They comprise reassurances that hurtful statement made by opponents are untrue”

    We know Muhmmad doubted- he considered killing himself. We also know that Muhammad had his “opponents” assassinated on several occasions.

    Let’s stop pretending he was some Emo western teenager needing psychological comfort.


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